Signs you will become rich will show you some improvements in your finances. One of my mentors used to always say that when riches come, they come so quickly and in such vast quantities that one wonders where they were hiding all those lean years. I know that sounds like a huge concept, almost unbelievable, and the question is: how do you get those riches to come into your life? We're going to be talking about five of the common signs that you will attract a lot of money into your life. So let's get started.
Number one is "surplus consciousness," which manifests itself in two ways in our financial lives. One of them is more metaphysical, and the other is very pragmatic and practical. We'll start with the more everyday one instead of going right into the money metaphysics, and that's this idea that how you treat one dollar determines how many more dollars come into your life. So if you love this blog, find out more by reading my previous blog, You Will Get Rich Fast With These Unexpected Signs.
Signs You Will Become Rich - You Can Only Attract The Energy That You Have
I remember when my mentor said that, and I said, "That's the silliest concept." It's easy to say when you have a bunch of money, but if you don't have a lot of money, you don't treat money well, which only necessitates the problem. You can only attract the energy that you have. Expect lots of signs you will become rich and be observant. Money only makes you more of who you already are, so whether you have one dollar, ten dollars, or a hundred dollars coming in, you begin to build your surplus consciousness financially. It doesn't matter how much money you make.
We see people all the time making tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, and they lose it all because, even though they have a lot of money, they are in scarcity consciousness. So, Jesus says in the Bible, "To those who have, more will be given," and I knew; I told you I was going straight for the metaphysical. So more will be given to those who have more. We often think, "That means that Jesus and God like rich people, and if you're poor, God hates you." That's not what it's saying; it's talking about metaphysics and consciousness. Expect lots of signs you will become rich and be observant.
Signs You Will Become Rich - Consciousness Affects Reality
In order to change your financial reality, you have to disassociate with your outer circumstances, and what that means is that when your bank account is telling you that you don't have any money in it, are you going to allow that to control your thinking? Will you say, "I'm broke; I don't have any money?" We know for certain that the subatomic particles that make up every single thing, including money, are affected by consciousness.
It's quantum physics; it's called the observer effect, and the observer effect is how consciousness affects reality. "Those that have more will be given." What this is saying is that you have to know you're going to be rich before you get rich, and you hear this from every rapper, every basketball player, every actor, and every successful business person. They just had this thing and were like, "Yeah, I know I'm going to be rich one day."
Signs You Will Become Rich - Your Thoughts Create Your Bank Account
Be aware of lots of signs you will become rich and be ready. That's what happens when you disconnect from the outside world. First, you have wealth and consciousness. You see yourself with the money, driving your dream car, living in your beautiful multi-million dollar home, shaking hands with your dream clients, purchasing a brand new car for your sister-in-law, and retiring your mother. You see these things.
You feel these things, you know they've already happened in a higher dimension, and, as Will Smith said, "I just gotta wait for y'all to see it." But the other side of that equation is for those who don't have even that which they have taken away. You could sit there and say, "I don't have the right digits in my bank account." This is us reacting to the outside world; this is giving up your creative power as a human being, giving it up to the outside circumstances, and always staying broke, realizing that your thoughts create your bank account.
Signs You Will Become Rich - Set An Effort Goal
The second sign is that you have set an effort goal. Now, for obvious reasons, I can't say the full thing because YouTube is going to demonetize me or give me a community guidelines strike if I say it. This is a goal that you don't even really know how to achieve. Now, really simply, let's break this all down. Be alert for some signs you will become rich and prepare for it. My mentor talks about this. There are three types of goals.
There's an A-type goal—that's a goal you already know how to achieve. There's zero growth in it; that's the goal of a broke person. Next is a B-type goal, a goal you think you know how to do. It's just like a five- or ten-percent increase. You'll probably achieve that goal without growing at all as a human being. So then the third type of goal is a C-type goal, and that's a goal that you don't know how to achieve. This is an effort goal.
Signs You Will Become Rich - Building An Entirely New Mind
This is a goal that I literally don't know how to achieve, and I need to put on diapers because I don't really even know how to begin. I'm afraid I'm going to have analysis paralysis. You know how Albert Einstein used to say that "you can't solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it," and you also can't solve your financial problems with the same level of thinking that created them. So a C-type goal, an effort goal, is a goal about literally building an entirely new mind.
That's what it means; it says to not be conformed by the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You build a new mind; that's what a C-type goal means; that's what an effort goal means. This is a goal that will require new beliefs, first about yourself and then about money, as well as new habits and ways to make money. Maybe you go from being an employee to a business owner. This is a C-type goal; this is an effort goal, and all of the most successful people in the world have it. If you haven't yet, pull out a pen and paper and make your effort your goal. Be alert for some signs you will become rich and prepare for it.
Money Is One Of The Most Unconditional Things
Number three is value, and this is one of the most misunderstood concepts about money because everyone says, "I want money, but I didn't get it, therefore it's not possible." Here's the thing: Money is one of the most unconditional things in the entire world. It's just an energy system. You could get it by robbing or cheating people; it happens, but for the most part, the best way to make a fortune in life is to provide value.
It could be anything; it could be that you make YouTube videos on how to fix cars and you're the best in the damn world at it. It might be that you are an incredible screenwriter; it might be that you are really someone who pioneered the credit union's banking system in the United States; it might be that you're an actor; it might be that you're a musician; it might be that you have a great shoe cleaning company or haircut company; it might be that you make great videos on YouTube or write books. Be alert for some signs you will become rich and brace yourself for your life's changes.
Check Your Financial Thermostat
It doesn't matter. The question is, "Is there a need for what you do?" That's the first question, and the answer is almost always yes in some way, shape, or form. The question is: "How good are you at distancing yourself from yourself and getting away from your personal concerns?" Number four is to check your financial thermostat. T. Harv Eker wrote a book, and it's about the secrets of a millionaire's mind, and it sounds like a great info product that you hear in the middle of the night.
He talks about the interesting idea of the "financial thermostat" and says that, just like a thermostat, everyone is programmed. So regardless of the outside influences, the set point activates. It's the same thing with your money. Ask yourself: Why is it that most people make the same amount of money year after year? Why do most people earn roughly the same amount of money and belong to the same social class or wealth class as their parents or grandparents? It's because we're programmed that way. So prepare yourself if you see signs you will become rich.
They Program The Subconscious
It's a financial thermostat, and the cool thing is that you can walk right over to it and turn it on. To change it, you could actually look inside the thermostat too, and you could say, "What are the beliefs that govern this thermostat?" Do I believe money is the root of all evil? Do I believe I didn't have the right education or the right resources? What are your beliefs about money?
These all go into the financial thermostat; they program the subconscious, and then the subconscious controls how much money we make. So the first thing you should say is how much money you've made in the last few years. Find the average over the last five years, and when you find the average over the last five years, you know your financial thermostat. Then, just like on a computer, you can drag that file into the trash bin, hit the Empty the Trash button, and set a new financial thermostat.
Turn It Into A Money Mantra
TSo prepare yourself if you see signs you will become rich. his goes back to your effort goal. Last but not least, you need a money mantra. My mentor said, "Why don't you turn your annual income into your monthly income?" and I said, "You want me to turn my annual income into my monthly income?" And he said, "Why do you think that's so hard?" just evoke the law of relativity." He said everything's relative, including the amount of money you do or do not earn, and I thought about it for a little bit and said, "All right, well, what would be my money mantra?"
So I took my effort goal and turned it into a money mantra. Yours could look something like this: "I am so happy and grateful now that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily as I earn ten thousand a month or a year." This becomes your money mantra. Here are a few things you can do with it: Number one, you put it on the index card, you carry it around with you in your pocket, and every time you touch it, even when you're not thinking about it, you're activating cells in your brain. It's called Hebb's law; it's a term in neuroscience that says that nerve cells that fire together wire together.
Recondition It Through Repetition
So what happens is that your financial thermostat gets set in the cells in your brain, and you have to recondition it through repetition of a new idea. So, every time you put your hand in your pocket and say your money mantra while driving, you wake up a new group of cells and slowly but surely retrain your brain to a new financial reality. You can also simply say your money mantra every morning and every night.
Now the last thing you should do with your money mantra is download my free success hypnosis at Always pray for signs you will become rich. This is my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. When I learned all of this, I realized all I needed to do was use repetition to reprogram my subconscious beliefs that I had about money, which would actually change my entire life, and now a million people from all over the world have quite literally downloaded this success hypnosis.