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  • Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation Method Will Change You

Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation Method Will Change You

Nikola Tesla 369 manifestation method will change your financial status for the better. I was absolutely shocked when I found out that Nikola Tesla's 369 Divine Codes are actually hidden Bible teachings as well. So I'm going to go over how Nikola Tesla's Divine Code 369 appears in hidden teachings in the Bible and how you can use it in your life to make your prayers come true. Tesla is one of the most famous inventors ever, but he didn't just invent a bunch of stuff; he also had a lot of interesting theories. He had a lot of interest in numbers, especially sacred numbers.

He believed, for example, that 369 were divine codes for the universe, and he went so far as to say that if you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you'd have a key to the entire universe. So basically, Tesla believed that these were sacred numbers that connected you directly to God. I made a video of all of it, but I also saved some crazy hidden Bible teachings that show the 369 sequence throughout the Bible as well as how to use them to materialize your prayers. Try the Nikola Tesla 369 manifestation method and watch what happens! This is interesting and you can find out more here Energy Frequency: The Truth Nikola Tesla Discovered.

Trinities Are The Basis Of Teachings

Now, if you want to see the whole history of quantum physics, molecular biology, and human history, I'll link my viral video on the subject. I was asked to make this specifically about hidden Bible teaching, so let's dive into why Tesla believed these 369 were so important and how they're hidden throughout the teachings of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. So the first thing is that trinities are the basis of teachings: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

"For there are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one," says 1 John 5:7. Jesus even said that baptism should be done in the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Matthew 28:19, it says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Now in chapter two of the Bible, there were three wise men who traveled for 12 days until they found baby Jesus. They kneeled and offered him the gifts.

Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation Method -The Holy Trinity Was Complete

Try the Nikola Tesla 369 manifestation method and watch what happens! So notice the three wise men: it took them 12 days; one plus two equals three. Again, not to mention that this is all broken down in Matthew 2:1 in the Bible; two plus one equals three again. According to the three gospels, nearly the three wise men came bearing three gifts to witness Jesus' birth, and King Herod actually plotted the Messiah's murder and an assassination plot that would take 30 years to come to fruition when one of the king's Three Sons silenced Jesus during his three-year-long ministry.

In his short time as a leader, he was able to bring three people back from the dead, and he told his disciple Peter that he would deny him three times in the days before his death on the cross. It was only right that there were three crosses present during the crucifixion. One was for Jesus, and two were for the others. The Roman soldiers nailed the sign above Jesus' head in three languages: Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. Once Jesus gave up the ghost, just three days later, he rose from the grave. In doing so, the three grand feats of crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension signified that the Holy Trinity was complete.

These Divine Codes Are Hidden Throughout The Teachings

Jesus Christ was born, lived, and died all in the same time frame of 33 years. That's the craziest part: Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified, not to mention the three letters that sum up the teachings of the Bible best: G-O-D. So we could go on and on, and it's actually really interesting when you look into it. It goes forever, but I just wanted to give you a taste of it. Try the Nikola Tesla 369 manifestation method and watch what happens!

So you can see that these divine codes are hidden throughout the teachings, and let's start with the technique first. You're going to pick three things that you intend to manifest, three prayers that you want God to materialize in your life, and then you're going to review them six times a day. I recommend you do it with my success hypnosis so you can get into the energy, frequency, and vibration of it because Tesla stated that if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Check my other blog to find out more Energy Frequency: The Truth Nikola Tesla Discovered.

Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation Method -You Are Entering Into The Spirit Of It

When you do this, you are entering into the spirit of it. You're not asking God, "Please help me with this." You're thanking God that it has materialized in your life. So now that you know the three prayers, you're going to review them six times per day. Let's move on to number nine. So the final step in the 369 method is to review each of the three prayers for nine seconds, for a total of 27 seconds. If you aren't willing to invest 27 seconds, you probably don't want it bad enough.

So instead of thinking that you have to pray for 30 minutes or fast for 40 days and go into the desert, this makes it very simple. Just take the first step towards aligning with it in just nine seconds for each of these prayers. This aligns you with the energy frequency and vibration and keeps you connected to higher consciousness. Remember, more is given to those who have more. Try the Nikola Tesla 369 manifestation method and watch what happens! One of the things that I wanted to manifest was that I wanted my YouTube channel to go super viral.

Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation Method - I Felt God Speak To Me

I Felt God Speak To Me

I was bored, the channel was performing poorly for the first time in years, and I was driving from Utah to California. I felt God speak to me, and it said the reason your YouTube channel is not doing well is because you're focused on the digits, you're focused on the numbers, you're focused on the material realm, and you are not connected to the non-physical phenomena, as Tesla called them, or as I like to call them, God and the universe.

So I made my affirmations and my prayers: "Thank you God that you're blessing my channel with viral videos that inspire millions of people," and I had a few variations of this. I would tap into that, I'd write it on an index card, and I would constantly go into prayer thanking God for it, not asking God for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, God, that my channel is going viral and that you are blessing it. With viral videos, you're making me an instrument of inspiration and inspiring millions of people. Try the Nikola Tesla 369 manifestation method and watch what happens! 

Think In Terms Of Energy Frequency And Vibration

Think In Terms Of Energy Frequency And Vibration

That's what I would do repeatedly, and in the last 60 days, I had one video get one million views in just 28 days. The original Tesla 369 video, which goes through the entire history and quantum physics, received 500,000 views in seven days. It ended up being the best 60 days I've ever had in the history of my channel, after six months of the worst it's ever done in the history of my channel.

Now I'll leave it up to you to decide if that's just pure coincidence or pure luck. I don't believe in that, and if you go back and look at all those parts of the Bible where all the threes and all the sixes manifest, you will see Tesla was right. If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration. If you want to understand the keys to the universe, look into the magnificence of the three, six, and nine.


energy frequency, nikola tesla 369 manifestation method

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