Money chakra is an ancient chakra technique to clear money blocks to upgrade your energy and attract abundance, and it's easy to do. Money will come into your life once you clear your third chakra. Now, before we dive into this, I just want to welcome you, my friend. If you haven't yet, be sure to get my Free Success Hypnosis at It's my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can start to attract success into your life quicker, faster, and easier. So I'm going to be showing you how to unlock any blocks that are in your third chakra that are preventing the flow of money and different forms of abundance into your life. If you want to understand more, visit my other blog Manifest $50,000 Quickly with Shamanic Tapping.
So the third money chakra is directly related to your sense of self-worth, power, and ability to attract money and abundance into your life. But here's the thing: most of our chakras are blocked, and when your third chakra is blocked, you actually shut off your ability to attract money and what you're worth into your life. It's kind of like when a home is in escrow between owners and nobody has it. It's like all of this money in abundance is waiting for you, but your energy center is blocked. So it's in limbo. It's an escrow waiting for you to call it into your life. And you might be wondering how this even gets blocked; it can happen through trauma, negative emotions, or childhood programming, and all of this builds up into the third chakra. It creates an energy block that stops you from experiencing abundance.
I'm Ready For Financial Abundance By Money Chakra

So basically, this is super cool and super awesome, and we're going to clear any energies that are stuck in your solar plexus. We're going to release old, toxic energy that makes you feel like you're not good enough or that the money just hasn't come into your life. So if you're ready for that, then repeat this affirmation: "I'm ready for financial abundance." So before I give you the exercise in Sanskrit, the third chakra is the manipura chakra, and it's located in the solar plexus. It's associated with the color yellow and the element of fire, but here's where it gets really cool and has to do with you and your money.
So money means gem in Sanskrit, and "pura" means city. So literally, this money chakra, this energy portal, is the city of jewels, which shows you that when you open it and release it, money will flow to you like crazy. So while sitting or lying down, you're going to place your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your solar plexus. So you're going to take three deep breaths in and out, and each time you breathe in and out, just imagine that you're getting huge flows of energy. With each inhale and exhale, any and all tension is washed away. Three deep breaths later, you feel these lower emotions starting to wash themselves away. Now, with your left hand, you're going to gently tap your two fingers about two inches above your belly button, which is about right at the center of your "city of jewels," and as you tap there, you're going to feel the energy starting to move a little bit as you tap, and with each breath, guide your focus directly into your solar plexus.
You're Worthy Of Everything That You Desire
As you're bringing in rich, fresh energy, imagine a yellow sphere of light or yellow energy, just like the sun. It's pulsing; it's growing right from your stomach as you repeat the mantra, "I can, I can, I can." As you continue to tap right above your belly button, feel the power in those words. "I can, you can." You are now attracting abundance; you were made in the image of God; you're a divine being; you're worthy of everything that you desire. Money is just energy, and now your energy is aligning with abundance. Repeat it, "I can, I can, I can," and now you can start to build upon this mantra using sentences like "I can attract infinite sums of money; it feels amazing." I can attract financial abundance. Money is flowing into my life every day in every way. I'm getting richer and richer.
Each time you repeat a couple words, stop and feel the new energy it's cultivating. I can attract financial abundance. New businesses, new ideas, new clients, and new customers are coming to me. My bank account is growing. I am financially free. Large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. Make sure that you feel the energy, and when you start to feel it, maybe it makes you smile a little bit. That's a good thing because this is starting to shift the mood. as the feeling shifts, the energy shifts. As the energy shifts, this higher energy moves at a quicker speed.
Feel What It Feels Like In Your Body Through Money Chakra

At a quicker speed, it starts to flush out the lower energy, the old energy blocks that were stopping you from experiencing abundance. So as you continue to breathe deeply and repeat those positive financial affirmations, feel what it feels like in your body. If you had to feel it, what does it feel like to know that your desire for money is coming or that you own your house? Can you smell your dream house? That beautiful incense; you got those nice candles; you got those brand new flowers. Can you feel how good it feels to look out from your balcony and see that gorgeous view? Can you feel what it feels like to jump up and down with your friend and your family while they're congratulating you? You just made more money than you've ever made in your entire life.
Now, before you finish this exercise, just cycle through those pictures in your head. Now, this exercise can be done in three minutes or in a half hour. The time frame isn't that important. What's important is that you feel the new energy and emotion. What happens is that each time you tick up to a new level of energy in your third money chakra, you start to clear the old energy of feeling unworthy; you start to clear the old energy patterns of making 500 a month; then you move it up to a thousand; and then it goes up to four every single time. It's just like a ladder for upgrading new energy in the same way that you would update the software on a computer. This is all we're doing; we're updating the software, deleting the viruses, and installing new energy into your energy portal that controls financial abundance.
Financial Freedom Is Coming Now

Now, before you finish this exercise, all you're going to do here at the conclusion of it is bring your right hand back to your heart, put your other right above your belly button, close your eyes, and say thank you. Financial abundance is coming now. You want to repeat this a couple times so you can enter the spirit, the feeling, or the energy of those words, and this is what concludes this technique and actually helps to store or lock all that energy that you built from this exercise. I encourage you to do this for the next 30 days. You can do this just when you're at the office, on a lunch break. You can do it at the breakfast table while you're waiting for your pancakes to cook in the morning. You can even do it in the shower.
This is an easy technique to do, and each time you do it, you upgrade that energy to what you rightfully deserve because you're made in the image of God. Guess what else the "jewel city" has: money. It doesn't come from out there. You generate wealth by the state of frequency that you move to. Check out my free success hypnosis site, I highly recommend that you listen to it while you do this technique; just listen to it softly, and the success affirmations will start to get into your subconscious and shift your vibrational pattern up.
[…] Down below is my free success hypnosis that you can listen to every day for a couple of minutes to reprogram your subconscious mind to attract what you want quicker, faster, and easier. Read more on this blog I created previously Money Chakra You Need To Open Instantly. […]