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  • Meditation to Attract What You Want…In Just 17 Seconds

Meditation to Attract What You Want…In Just 17 Seconds

How can you use meditation to attract what you want? Here's the 17 second manifestation technique. It is a simple meditation to attract what you want.

Step 1.) Distill what you want into an image. The problem with most people is they don't know what they want. What are some things that you do want? Is it that you want more money, a new house, a new car? You want to travel around the world? Do you want to manifest an amazing romantic relationship or a new circle of friends? Do you want to live in another side of the world? What are things that sound exciting for your one and only life? The only time you're going to be alive? What sounds exciting to utilize your precious energy, your precious time, to live this life fully?

What are some of those things? Visualize them 

Your mind works in images.

When I say, think of your car, you see the car on the screen of your mind unconsciously. Your mind works in images on an unconscious level and the images that you consciously hold imprint your subconscious mind. What's your subconscious mind? It's the part of you that controls 90 to 95 percent of your life according to psychologists. Psychologists say that 90 to 95 percent of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and the things that you attract into your life are all unconscious. They're habitual. They're on autopilot. They happen even if you consciously want something else or consciously direct your energy somewhere else.

Your life unfolds so your images that you hold consciously impact your subconscious mind. Most people are visualizing what they don't want all day. They may consciously want more money, but they visualize not having it all day. They paid for their thing for$9 and they're like, "oh, that was really expensive" and they affirm lack and scarcity. They're constantly affirming scarcity. They're imagining what they don't want because it seems logical. You got to get rid of logic. Albert Einstein said that logic will take you from a to b, but imagination will take you anywhere. We're trying to change your life in a reasonably quick time and not in 40 years. If you want it to happen fast, use imagination. Imagination will take you anywhere Logic will take you from A to B. imagination will take you anywhere.

We get in an energy of affirming what we don't want. We say, "I want this thing, then we spend the rest of the time imagining what would happen if it doesn't happen." Focus on what would happen if you did get that thing. 

Most people's subconscious question is, "what's the worst that could happen?" Instead, ask yourself, What's the best that could happen?

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Write that down below.

What's the best that could happen?

Ask yourself that in your meditation to attract what you want. 

Ask yourself that question. What's the best that could happen if you imagine what you want? I imagined having one million subscribers. 

Use meditation to attract what you want. 

I did, and I'm well on my way to my goal.  

Right now, my channel has around 275,000 subscribers, 4 million views a month. I used to get less than 100 views on every video. It was about 15 months ago. How the heck does that change so fast? Every time I looked at 70 views or 12 views on my video, I said, "man, I got 12 million views." I talk to myself like that. The data that my eyes told me and left that imprint my brain.

You get to use your conscious mind to decide whatever meaning you give to something, Imagine what it is that you do want.

Step 2.) Recall that image every single day when you wake up in the morning, when you go to the bathroom and you brush your teeth, when you put your robe on, when you take a shower, when you get some water, some coffee, whatever it is that you do in the morning. Recall what you want before you open your eyes in the morning and say, "thank you God, thank you. Thank you universe. I'm alive again today. My heartbeat through the whole night, all my organs work. I feel fantastic today." Then close your eyes and imagine that image.

My image was that I had a million YouTube subscribers.

I still don't have a million YouTube subscribers, but I already know that I have them. We're just in the process of that happening. That's what I feel and I want you to imagine that same thing. See that clearly in your mind. Just quick, 17 seconds, very, very quick. You don't even need to set a timer. It might be 12 seconds, some day might be five seconds in a day or 35 seconds someday or six minutes. I invite you to use your imagination in order to live in a reality that has not happeed yet. When you call it up in your mind enough, it's going to imprint into the neurocircuitry of your brain.

It will influence your nervous system. You're going to live into that reality that has not happened yet. That's how it works. What is it? I imagine a new car, new house, new job, an amazing and prosperous life. Is it an amazing relationship with great friends traveling the world, building your dream nonprofit, being an artist? What is it? Imagine it. Right now. Close your eye.  Close them. Take a deep breath in. One, two, three. Hold it. Exhale, one, two, three, and with your eyes closed call up on the screen of your mind what you want. Can you see it staring in the eyes of your soulmate, the money in your bank account, and your dream house, putting your children through school. What is it? See it. Close your eyes right now and imagine.

See that image now, and every single morning. Call that image up on the screen of your mind and when you open your eyes here in a moment, what's going to happen is the outside world's not going to control your thinking anymore. Does the outside world control your thinking or do you control your thinking? You control your thinking. Now you have a clear image of what you want.

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You can focus on whatever it is that you want to focus on regardless of the world outside of you. When you hold that image long enough, what tends to happen is the world starts to mirror the way that you're thinking within yourself.

Close your eyes and imagine what you want.

Use this meditation to attract what you want. 

Download my free success hypnosis right there down below It's a software we created that's designed to rewire your brain for you. You can wire your brain for money, for love, for happiness or confidence before that reality has happened yet. In fact, that is the way to create what you want.

Use this meditation to attract what you want into your life. 

Have an absolutely beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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