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  • Unexpectedly Attract A Specific Person Instantly Into Your Life

Unexpectedly Attract A Specific Person Instantly Into Your Life

Discover in todays blog how to unexpectedly attract a specific person instantly into your life. I'm so happy you're here! Let's dive right in. 🙂

Unexpectedly attract a specific person into your life. I used this to literally connect with somebody for business that I hadn't seen in years. I was trying my best to get a hold of them, wasn't working out, and I did what I'm about to share with you.

I was in the gym. I turned the corner to leave the locker room with my head down and I hit someones shoulder. "Oh, sorry." I look up and it's the exact person. They were looking down too, and our shoulders ran into each other, We connected and that was that. Great things came about it

Using this technique, magic will occur and you're going to be able to attract specific people into your life that are for your highest and best good.

attract a specific person

Before we get into the technique, word of caution. Don't believe that there's no good people left. "The world's going crazy and you can't trust anyone these days. Besides, there's no good guys left. All the women are gold diggers. I can't find the right people. There's just no good people. I mean, everyone's priorities are wrong. Everyone's stressed, busy mean."

Don't believe that. That's utter nonsense. There are so many good people in the world. Your soulmate is out there. Your romantic partnership is out there, the business partnerships, the clients that you want. It's all out there, but you have to eliminate the idea that somehow they're just aren't good people.

All that really is you accepting someone else's idea of reality, or you carrying past negative experiences into the future and recreating it over and over again.

Comment down below "I attract the perfect people at the perfect time."

I used to think, "No one understands me. No one gets me. It's going to be really hard.." I changed my whole outlook. I used to think that I couldn't attract my wife Ashley. I'm so grateful. I couldn't be happier with the people that have attracted into my life. I used to think that women wouldn't totally understand me. I was just like different, my priorities were different. I didn't want to chit chat about nothing, and that's why I couldn't attract the women that I wanted.

I changed my whole perception. I started saying "I attract the perfect people in my life now." Ashley shows up. I used to believe that it was going to be very difficult to attract the ideal business partner that was good at the stuff I wasn't good at. I changed that perception and I started saying this affirmation. "I attract the perfect people now."

Every single day on my refrigerator, I had an affirmation that would say "I attract men and women who are spiritual, hardworking, well networked, faithful, talented, and who contribute to the peace, prosperity, and progress of my businesses."

It was a few years ago, and I knew that I needed to start building a team of people that were good at other things that I wasn't good at. I get my message out to more people and started using that exact affirmation. I'm not making this up. I said this every single day: "I attract men and women who are spiritual, hardworking, loyal, well networked, faithful, talented, and who contributed to the peace, prosperity and progress of my business."

Guess what? I have six amazing people apart of my team now. I love every single one of them. They're all good at their own unique things. Six people. Just a couple of years ago, I was a solopreneur, meaning I didn't have anyone on my team.

Now, six people. They're all amazing. They all add so much value and I attracted all of them out of nowhere because I started saying "I attract men and women who are spiritual, hardworking, loyal. faithful, talented, and who contribute to the peace, prosperity, and progress of my businesses."

I started training my brain for these things. The first mind is the mind that reacts to the past and carries the past into the future. The second mind is your mind, your brain condition to the reality that you want. That's why I created the software The Second Mind to do that for you.

You can demo The Second Mind for free by tapping here

It's designed to condition your brain to the reality that you want. Start saying "I attract the perfect people at the perfect time. God's grace unfolds in my life. I attract men and women who are spiritual, hardworking, loyal." Something like that, right? "I attract the perfect customers and clients who happily pay for my products and services with great satisfaction."

"I happily attract the perfect customers and clients who pay for my products and services with fantastic results." If you want to attract romance into your life, "I radiate love and attract the most amazing romance back into my experience. I radiate love and I attract the perfect romance back into my experience."

Remember, there are fantastic people out in this world. Your soulmate is out there. The romantic relationships, great dates, new business opportunities, new people to work with, colleagues, customers, clients, new friendships, mentorships. If you carry around the past with you, you can only create from your level of perception.

If your consciousness is focused on "There's no good guys. It's just really hard to find the right person to date because there's no good guys left. I mean, all the women are gold diggers and they don't understand. I mean, it seems like no one wants my services. All the bosses suck."

Your consciousness is there, so you pull the people in that same resonant field into your experience. You pull the bad people, you pull the unfortunate people, the wrong dates, the romance that goes bad. The business relationships that go sour.

attract a specific person

People always say, "You just can't trust people in business." I have six people that I trust because I started perceiving reality that way. I just said over and over again "I attract the perfect people into my life. I attract men and women who were spiritual, hardworking, loyal, well networked, faithful, talented, and who contribute to the peace, prosperity, and progress of my businesses."

I said that over and over and over and over and over and over and over. I started to believe it, then I attracted people that match that into my experience.

Now let's go into the actual technique that's going to allow you to do that. The reason I preface this is because you can do the technique, but if you don't have the mindset, it's not going to happen.

It's just like people that work all the time, they're like the hardest workers ever, but they're always broken. Their success doesn't come. Why? Because their mindset isn't in the right place to attract it.

Step number two, be specific about what it is that you want. You have to be specific about who it is and what it is that you want to attract, the characteristics, the qualities that you want to attract. What I did to attract people in my life, I did this with my wife.

I pulled out a piece of paper and I wrote out what I wanted out of it. I had difficulty in the past because I'm a bit of an artist, an introvert type of person. I had never been with someone like that, and I wanted to attract someone that had the same type of mindset that I did.

attract a specific person

I wrote on this piece of paper above many other things; I want to attract an artist. I want to attract creative person. I want to attract someone that's really into fitness. That was another thing, like someone who's really into their health, going to the gym, exercising hard, sweat, and putting their all into their body. I had trouble with that in the past.

Instead of focusing and saying to myself "I can't find the right people", I wrote out what it is that I wanted to get my consciousness fixated on it and I put it on a piece of paper. Lo and behold, out of absolutely nowhere, I attracted Ashley into my life. I didn't foresee it.

I didn't know her. Never heard of her. She never heard of me. Someone set us up out of absolutely nowhere. I did the same thing with my business partner. I wrote on a piece of paper what I wanted out of a business partner. It happened out of absolutely nowhere.

I did the same thing with the other five people on my team. I wrote out specifically what I wanted out of these individuals, their skills, their talents.

Things started showing up very quickly and fast into my life because I clearly put it on a piece of paper. I knew what it is that I wanted. I knew it and I was doing the first step, which was I was affirming "I attract the perfect people at the perfect time. God brings the perfect people into my circumstances and situations, the perfect people to help prosper my business, the perfect friendships into my life, the perfect romance into my life.

Comment down below "I attract the perfect people at the perfect time."

I said these things over and over and over again so my consciousness was in a place to receive it. I had built fertile ground on which I could put the seeds into the ground so that they could fruit, grow and flourish.

Pull out a piece of paper and do a separate one for each thing. If you're trying to attract romance, you do one for romance. If you're trying to attract stuff for business, you write that thing out for business. If there's numerous things, you write them all out separately and you get the clarity around that, which sets the creative forces of the universe into motion.

If you haven't yet, make sure that you demo my software The Second Mind by tapping here

It's designed to recondition the brain. What happens is, let's say that you had a romance that failed. Let's say you had a business relationship that didn't work out, so now you weren't sure if you could trust people. Let's say something else happened that wasn't ideal.

When you have an emotional response to something, such as a date not working out or or an actual relationship that you were in not working out, a business partnership not working out, bad experiences with past clients, so now you think it's really hard to find clients and customers.

What happens is, you activate brain cells. When you have a high emotional response to something - in this instance an undesirable emotion - you activate brain cells and there's a term in neuroscience called Hebbs Law.

It says that brain cells that fire together, wire together. What actually happens is you start to build neural connections that are not in alignment with what you want because you had a high emotional response to this relationship not working out, this business partnership, this customer, this thing not happening the way you want.

You build neural connections based off of "I can't trust people. Relationships don't work out. There's no good guys left. There's no good women left. I'm always going to be alone." What happens is your brain starts to produce that reality, even though you don't want it because your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. It just forms synaptic connections based off of the way it's wired, based off of your emotions.

Start getting excited about the fact that your soulmate is on the way on the way now. Not "I hope, I wish. It'd be great if.." Now. They're on the way. Great things are occurring.

Start proceeding as if you know this is going to happen. How do you take care of your health when you know you're about to have an amazing day? You go to the gym, you get cleaned up, you start living from the end as if it's already occurred.

attract a specific person


Then you start activating new brain cells. You start building new new synaptic connections in your brain. A possibility, rather than the lack of possibility. You start getting excited because you're about to attract the perfect customers and clients. You get excited because you know you're attracting the perfect network, colleagues, bosses, business partners and whatever. You know that it's coming, and your brain start operating in a different way.

You start activating. It's like you walk into the room and it's dark and all of a sudden you flip the switch and the lights are on. Then, all these new opportunities come because your brain starts perceiving your reality and creating your reality from different neural connections of "There are good people. My clients are out there. My customers are coming. My love is coming. My friends are coming. It's all coming. I know it. I feel it." Then you start producing that reality for yourself.

Comment down below "I'm attracting the perfect people now."

Number three. Last but not least, let go of needing it to happen. If you need it to happen, you're in the energy of it not happening. Does that make sense? It's a paradox. If you need -- "I need this to work out. I'm really, I hope this finally works.." The message you're sending your subconscious mind is "It's not working."

If you knew it was happening, you wouldn't be in that energy. You'd be in gratitude and faith. "I'm so grateful this beautiful thing is happening. I'm so grateful my soulmate is on the way. I'm so grateful new customers and clients who are amazing to work with and happily pay for my products and services are coming into my life. I'm so grateful I'm attracting the perfect business and professional relationships with people I can trust that add to the prosperity of my business. I'm so grateful I'm attracting amazing friendships with like-minded people who are into personal growth and have goals in their life."

That's the energy you would be in. You'd be excited about it. It'd be palpable. It'd be palpable and the message you'd be delivering to your subconscious mind would be one of possibility. Your subconscious receives that and it starts to create these things for you.

Then they show up a synchronicity. It's like the guy I bumped into in the locker room. Literally, I turned out of the locker room. My head was down and "Sorry man. Whoa, dude. I've been trying to get a hold of you. Oh my God, let's talk." That's how it happened. These things happen like this in your life. Be realistic. Expect miracles.

Comment that down below. "I'm realistic. I expect miracles."

Get away from needing it, needing it to be this specific person, this specific thing. That specific person may come into your life, but if you need it and you're in a desperate energy, then what you're doing is you're actually repelling that person. It's like two magnets and you press the same sides of the magnets together.

They don't go together. When you get the two rights sides of the same magnet, you get the right polarization. The same comes right together, but if it's a wrong side, no matter how hard you push, it doesn't come together. Why is that?

Because the energy has to be the same. If you're in an energy of needing this person desperately, subconsciously, they picked that up and they're repelled from you. They don't attract to you, they repel from you.

Remember, spirit always manifests itself perfectly. Spirit, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, ever, ever doesn't manifest itself perfectly.

Comment down below "Spirit always manifests itself perfectly."

The reason I have you comment these things is because I want to make sure you don't just get entertained and excited for a few minutes and then it rubs off. We want to make sure these ideas seep into the subconscious and start to build new neural connections in your brain, new neuro pathways that your subconscious gets ingrained with this.

Studies have shown that you retain 75% more information when you write it down.

Comment down below "Spirit always manifests itself perfectly."

Guess what? If it's not that person, it'll be somebody better. At the time, I really wanted a certain romantic relationship to workout. I was heartbroken when it didn't.

I was so sad. I was like "I really want this." I realized I needed that thing to work out, and that's what actually drove the relationship away. Lo and behold, when I shifted my perspective to "Spirit always manifests itself perfectly. I will attract the perfect romantic relationship on divine timing. I trust God's timing.."

Comment down below "I attract the perfect people now."

Then I attracted Ashley, and it was 10 million times better for me. It was 10 million times healthier. It improved my life in every way that no other relationship ever had, and I didn't see it coming.

It happened because I created the space in my consciousness for it to occur by not being needy and desperate. I was in the energy of loving myself, being happy with myself, knowing the perfect things work out at the perfect time. Then, the magic started unfolding in my life.

Comment down below "Spirit always manifests itself perfectly."

This is how to unexpectedly attract a specific person or many specific people in your life. I have used this for many, many, many people. Come back and share your success story with us right there, down below. I love to know your success story. Perhaps I'll even feature it on the next blog.

Come and share a story of you attracting a specific person in your life right there, down below.

If you haven't yet, make sure that you use my software The Second Mind by tapping here

It's designed to recondition your brain for success, possibilities, and abundance. The brain has been hijacked. Our nervous system, our subconscious has been hijacked by our past, by the negativity of the world, by the limitations of other people. You must reclaim your mind. You must reclaim your brain and get out of your first mind - the limited first mind of the way the world has conditioned us.

Get into your second mind, the mind that's programmed for possibilities, that's a magnet for success.

You can demo it for free by tapping here

If this blog speaks to you, please make sure you watch it back through. When I find blogs or books that I like, I don't consume mass information. I find something that speaks to me and I replay it five, six, seven times. Why?

Because when you do that, that's how it seeps into the subconscious. You may consciously understand this, but we have to get to the root of the paradigm of the reprogramming of the subconscious. When we do, then things start manifesting effortlessly.

Read this blog back through if it speaks to you, or share it with a friend. Thank you for reading this


Miracles are normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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