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The Shocking Truth About The Law of Attraction (Practical Guide)

This shocking truth about the Law of Attraction will help you with manifesting what you want. Easily attract what you want into your life using the law of attraction with this practical guide to manifesting what you want. This is the shocking truth about the law of attraction. 

#1 Shocking Truth about the Law of Attraction

Floatation was not discovered by the contemplation of the sinking of things. Floatation was not discovered by the contemplation of the sinking of things. Did you know that we used to only make boats out of wood? Why? Because we thought that was what float. We didn't yet know that floating is about the displacement of water a lot more so than having a floating object. Like what?

We just thought you needed objects that would float. We only discovered that by not contemplating the sinking of things because if we did that, we never would have realized it was about displacement. We never would have used metal or steel or iron. Why? Because those things sink, so we had to take a step back and not look at the sinking of things. We didn't contemplate the sinking of things and similarly, everything in your life is two things. What you want in the absence of what you want, you are not going to attract more money into your life by contemplating the fact that you don't have any. If you're contemplating not having money, you're not going to attract money. If you're contemplating not having health, it's going to be very hard to get your body out of a stress induced pretty much permanently placed to create more wellbeing.

the shocking truth about the law of attraction

It's very hard to attract love into your life if you're constantly focusing on the fact that you're going to be all alone. all your other relationships have worked out. I'm inviting you to only consider the possibility. You can have your mind controlled by your physical senses and the limits of the world, or it can be controlled by an inner vision of possibility.

Focus on possibility. Make it your intention. I focused on possibility. Make it your intention to contemplate yourself surrounded by the circumstances that you intend to create. Contemplate yourself surrounded by the circumstances that you intend to create. What does that mean? Contemplate yourself being the energy of it, being the thought of it as if it's already happened. That's what I had to do to blow this YouTube channel up to finally make a living for my career.

I created a success hypnosis for myself and I would start living in the reality of myself being successful even though my now wife was in debt because I couldn't pay for anything and I had spent three years without any progress. I created a hypnosis and I sat in the energy of what I wanted before it happened. I didn't contemplate the fact that it wasn't working out. I contemplated that had already worked out in my own head. Download my free success hypnosis and use that every single solitary day to contemplate yourself surrounded by what you want.

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#2 Shocking Truth about the Law of Attraction

For every force, there's an equal and opposite. I don't really remember anything from school high school, but I do remember in junior year in physics class learning the laws of motion, and the third was that there's an equal and opposite force for everything in this physical reality. Do you know what that means? It means that you may have had a bad year financially. You may have had 10 straight years. You may have had a bad year with romance. Maybe you have had a bad life so far with romance and love. There is an equal and opposite force to everything. The reality of you having financial abundance, having a great job, attracting your soulmate, having love and romance and adventure, having health, having purpose and happiness and joy, that reality exists. Those possibilities exist. The people, circumstances and situations to bring those things to life exist.

You have to start being in that energy. It is this is simple. Everything has an equal and opposite force, so you may say, well, just because of the way things work, how it went for me so far, it's probably going to continue like that. And if you think that yes, they will, because that's resistance, it's resistance towards what you want. Lack of evidence isn't evidence of lack.

Just because you can't see the evidence that what you want is unfolding in your life, it doesn't mean it's not happening. Someone might need to come from China. It just might be happening next week. You might be waiting on one person. You might be waiting on one thing that's right around the corner. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened yet. 

#3 Shocking Truth about the Law of Attraction

What you want is closer than it appears. It is coming. It is here now. I'm so grateful that the universe is responding to my intentions and bringing abundance and love and happiness and success into my life. I can feel it in the core of my being. It's making me excited. It's making me grateful. I'm so grateful that I'm here in this moment and that there are so many amazing things coming into my life. See, that is the energy that brings new possibilities to life, so give that a try and use this as your practical guide to attract what you want into your life. The only reason it's difficult is because we program ourselves to believe that it's difficult. What if you didn't believe that it was difficult to attract what you want it?

the shocking truth about the law of attraction

What if you didn't believe that it was hard to make more money? What if you didn't believed that you were smart enough? What if you didn't believe anymore that it was hard to find love and that you were always going to be alone? Some amazing things would open up in your life and that's what I'm inviting you to do is live into the possibilities. 

Think only of the possibilities and see the beautiful things unfold, so be sure you download my free success hypnosis. Use that to retrain your subconscious mind and would track abundance and success into your life. It's free. Click below to get my free success hypnosis. 

I attract what I want.

If you have not yet, make sure you demo The Second Mind. That's our software redesigned to rewire the brain. It's totally free. You can download it for free.

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

Psychologists say we have 65,000 thoughts a day. Ninety five percent of them are negative and redundant. Neuroscience tells us that brain cells and nerve cells that fire together wire together. Your brain cells have wired to a reality that you're in now and it may be blocking you from attracting what you want into your life. So we created a software to rewire it. Go ahead and demo that.

Have a beautiful, beautiful day.

Know that you live in a friendly universe.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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