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3 Signs The Law of Attraction is Working For You (What You Want To Attract Is On its Way)

Is the law of attraction working for you? How do you know what the law of attraction is working for you? We get asked this question every single day. What are the signs the law of attraction is working for you? I want to share with you the three most powerful signs that the Law of Attraction is working for you. What you want is on the way.

#1 of 3 Signs The Law of Attraction is Working For You

Your thoughts and your words match your desire, your thoughts and your words match your desire. So what that is really saying is that your inner world is matching your desired outer world, and this is the most important part of the creation process. Now, the reason that this is so important is because in order for you to influence the third dimensional reality, in order for you to alter matter, the physical matter of things, the atomic world, the structural world, the way that you do that is through your own consciousness. Now, the modalities in the expressions of consciousness that you have are your thoughts and your words first and foremost.

Most people are living from what the use of called the new, the Newtonian view of the world, the Newtonian model. So that was that we believed that this world was all physical and energy and consciousness where like this unexplainable side effect of it didn't really matter. Well, now we're finding that that's fundamentally incorrect and that your energy, your consciousness consciousness is having an actual effect on the physical reality. So for you to alter your bank account, your love life, for you to create your dream life, your dream career, whatever it is that you want out of life. If there's something in your mind that you would like it to be a part of your fundamental reality, like you have your real life, then it's so important to understand that if your eyes, so all of this is stimuli outside of a stimulus, information outside of us, the physical world's information outside of us.

signs the law of attraction is working for you

 If your eyes are taking the feedback that you're getting outside of you and you're saying in reverse out of that feedback, that feedback then controls your thoughts. For instance, if it was your bank account, if the outside stimulus controls your thoughts, so you say, I'm broke. Why? Because your bank account doesn't have money in it where you say, I'm always going to be alone. Why? Because so far it hasn't worked out the way that I wanted. When it comes to my love life, I'm just not smart enough for this. I'm just not. Why? Because you're allowing the stimulus of the environment to control your thought patterns, your consciousness, your brainwave states in your overall energy. You're reacting like an animal to the environment and for you to realize yourself as a truly powerful creator that you are like when Jesus said, when the Bible says that you're a child of God, like do you understand like the I'm not, I didn't even grow up religious, but like do you understand the, the, the, like the magnification, the importance of that, like literally you are a child of God.

You can create what you want in reality because this whole reality is a hologram projection of consciousness and your consciousness can create anything that you want. It's just that most people, their thoughts in their words are matching their outer reality. You have to stop reacting to the way that you're seeing your world in order to alter it, and that's the big secret.

When you're constantly reacting to your environment, whether it's your bank account or whether it's a lack of love life, it is controlling your consciousness. The Observer effect in quantum physics is literally telling us that the reality that you experience is based off of your observation of it. If you see something that you don't want in your life right now, start saying this too will pass. The number one sign the law of attraction is working for you is that you're not allowing the outside stimuli, the outside environment, the outside information, all of these light photons that are vibrating around the give, the appearance of solid matter, you're not allowing those things to determine your thoughts and your words because when they do, you lose because then you create reality just the same way it was.

If you haven't yet, make sure that you download The Second Mind. That's our software. I created the software because every time you have a though, the brain cells that fire together wire together. Your brain is literally getting wired to perceive and operate at a certain bandwidth of reality, chemically or the way you feel. It's all getting controlled and it's getting programmed in by your brain. We have to rewire and retrain the brain.

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#2 of 3 Signs The Law of Attraction is Working for You 

You're hypnotizing yourself.

What do I mean by that? We think of hypnotism like the Vegas Showman, and he says bark like a dog and the person barks like a dog or whatever, but we're all under hypnosis. Hypnosis is just literally that outside of your conscious control. You are acting out a certain behavior or certain reality. You're not consciously in control of it. You're hypnotized. You're brainwashed by it. Well, that's the human mind. Psychologists say 95 percent of our life is subconscious. Sub means below. So below conscious. Ninety five percent of your life is below conscious. We have approximately 65,000 thoughts a day. They are unconscious. They're programmed by other people. We're hypnotized. But are you hypnotizing yourself? You have to brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you. You have to hypnotize yourself to be in the energy of what you want.

See yourself as an individual that has the power to influence the world. See yourself as a person of light, of power, of optimism, of hope. See yourself as a person with a magnetic energy.

signs the law of attraction is working

Start affirming this, and what happens is you hypnotize yourself into the reality that you want as opposed to the one that most people are busy reacting to. That's the one that they don't want.

That's why I call it The Second Mind. The first mind is the world that we're conditioned to operate from. It's full of fear. It's full of lack. It's full of limitations. I'm not good enough. There's not enough. That's the first mind. The second mind is your mind where you are this powerful being. Your mind is functioning in alignment with your goals and your desires. 

Brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you.  You have to brainwash yourself to see the world in an optimistic lens, to see that you have great hope for your future, that your bank account can grow. Great opportunities are coming to you, that your hard work is not in vain, that there are amazing people, romantic relationships, your dream opportunities, adventure, love, happiness. There are people that you can trust and then you start to be free from the world as it is. You find yourself as a very powerful creator and manifestor of your life.

#3 of 3 Signs The Law of Attraction is Working For You

You are in your in your second mind.

We're programmed by our environment and most people are living in a state of fear and they're living in a state of lack. That's the first mind. That's the way society has conditioned us. Your second mind is your mind where you see yourself as a powerful being, and so the third step to know and you can check in with yourself, am I in my first mind and or my second mind? Your first mind is based off of your past, your past failures, things people have said things the world told you.

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If it's inherently limiting, it's in your first mind because you aren't meant to just live a limited little life. You are meant to live big and so you notice yourself in your second mind. You see yourself as a powerful creator. You start saying to yourself constantly, I have a magnetic energy and great things come into my life every single day. I have a magnetic charm and the universe provides for me. It's conspiring in my best interest. The right people, circumstances and situations are coming into my life. Every single solitary day. I can feel them coming even when I can't see them. I can feel the good things and I'm grateful for the spirit of abundance and optimism that I can feel right now, that I can tap into right now.

These were the three signs the law of attraction is working for you. If you're seeing any one of these three signs the law of attraction is working for you, what you want is on it's way. You can choose to begin seeing these signs the law of attraction is working for you.  

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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