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Say This Money Affirmation To Manifest Money Fast

Say this money affirmation to manifest money fast in 2020! I used to think working hard was what I had to do to make money. I didn't ever get the progress that I wanted. When I finally got frustrated with the lack of progress that I was getting for how much sacrifice I was putting in, how much time I was investing, how much energy I was giving, I reflected and I realized that I started doing what I was doing because I wanted to be happy. 

I dropped out of school and I backpacked around the world and I self publish a book about that. And I hit the road and I sold that book out of the trunk of my car.

I spoke anywhere anyone would let me. That led to my career, starting to take off and publishing a book with the number one publisher in the world, penguin random house. I was working really hard and it seemed like things were going well, but I wasn't getting the financial progress to have a level of stability that I wanted in my life.

When I reflected, I realized, I told myself when I started, even if I don't make a dollar, I'll still want to do this and I'll still be happy. I thought being happy is more important than having a level of financial security in life and wow, in some sense that's definitely true, right?

We need to make sure that we have work we love, work we're passionate about, work that fulfills us, work that feels good. In addition to that, we also should have it support us financially, but I realized my belief system was essentially that money wasn't very important.

It's not that important and it's an either or decision. You can be happy or you can have money, but you can't have both. And that's kind of what our society perpetuates. You can sell your soul or you can be happy, you can make money but you can't have a both. Well, you can be really happy, very spiritual and have financial freedom.

A healthy relationship with money means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I'm not talking about money like it's paper. I'm talking about the things that it could buy like living where I wanted to live, drive the car that I want to drive, have my wife not be able to go to a job that she didn't want to go at, have nice health insurance, have those types of things.

money affirmation to manifest money fast

I was going to have to change the way that I was programmed subconsciously to think about money in the messages that I was telling to my brain. So I started saying, "money, money comes to me quick and easy".

Not just for the sake of the words. We're not talking about a voodoo trick that is going to make dollar bills fall through the trap door of the universe and suddenly you say, where did these dollars come from? That's not what's going to happen, but what's going to happen is you're going to start sending a different signal to your subconscious.

Now, whatever signals you send your subconscious determine what you experience in life. To get what you want in life, your subconscious and your conscious mind need to be in the same place. Psychologists say, 95% of our life is governed by our subconscious. This includes our financial life.

A lot of times we want more money. We wish we have more money. We desire to have more success and freedom in our life, but unconsciously we have belief systems that are incongruent with that. A lot of times it's a rationalization one, like money's not that important. At least I'm happy. Money's the root of all evil..

These types of subconscious belief systems stunt our efforts. You can work 10 hours a day, but if you have a fundamental belief system that you're going to be a terrible person if you have money or you have to sell your soul, you won't have very much of it.

So money, money comes to me quick and easy. It's a simple rhythmic saying to start to be an intention setter and a reminder to yourself that at all times you are basically a magnet to the experiences that you're getting in life. It's easy to say it's a good reminder that money has ears and it will hear when you call it. your worldview has to match that this is a good thing. Whether that's money or whether that's a certain style of life or whether it's relationships.

money affirmation to manifest money

What happens is we get used to our old realities over and over and over again. We're just used to not having money or we're used to saying it's the root of all evil. And there's a term in neuroscience, it's called Hebbs law. It says that nerve cells that fire together, wire together. So every time we have emotions in life you fire nerve cells in your brain and slowly day after day the same ones fires and wires together. It creates the way your brain is wired to operate. 

It creates neural networks in your brain. Those unconscious things are what determine how you behave. How you feel chemically are a huge reason for the results that you're getting in your life. So what we're doing is we're reprogramming our brain and we're setting a new prompt that says I'm going to have the things that we want in life and I deserve to be happy.

We're not going to pick one or the other. I choose to be rich and happy.

What really changed everything for me was a hypnosis I made for myself.It's a free success hypnosis that I made for myself maybe seven years ago. I started studying how to affect the brainwaves, how to start to reprogram your subconscious and I created a special new hypnosis for myself. I got amazing results! When I started making YouTube videos I thought, Hey, I'll just put the exact same one out online! Now over 700,000 people from all over the world have used it!

My dream is that you use it and experience success too! It's right there down below for free if you'd like to have it.Keep up the great work friend. Abundance is coming to you.


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • Hey thanks Jake Ducey for the secret and im excited to have the law of attraction begin to pull money and success into my life!!

  • Jake, your post and videos are always so inspiring for me and raise my vibration everytime. I am manifesting funds for the holidays and I know with your life changing techniques I will see them in my reality. Focusing on now and feeling gratitude for what is right now has been a major key in tuning my frequency with my emotional state and how I percieve situations now. I am very happy I came across your videos, the hypnosis downloads (I’ve even shared them with family) and your website. Many blessings to you and your growing audience that includes myself as a subscriber. Infinite abundance is always flowing so I love the exercises to eliminate doubt which can be creep in an issue during the holiday season. The children are expecting things and family wants you to travel – so I am learning to take inspired action with meditation to tap into infinite intelligence and surrender everything else to the universe. I’ve always had last minute turnarounds happen especially when I let go … and you videos explain why perfectly. Now I can work with my understanding of the law and do thing deliberately with expectations of the best. Thanks again for a great post!

  • Hi Jake ever since I met you on YouTube and downloaded the success hypnosis I won’t 3times at the slots machines. Even if it wasn’t huge jackpots I’m forever grateful and know that success is still heading my way, this was only the beginning. I love the fact that my believe system has changed, my speech has changed and so my whole life is changing as well. Thanks a lot for your energy that’s affecting mine every time I listen or look at your videos. You are a real inspiration!!! Aloha!

  • You are amazing Jake. I have seen your videos so many times as I browse … but until I actually watched one through, I was totally amazed. Thank you for doing what you do.

  • Money come to me NOW. I am a money magnet, my children are going to be happy my bank account will be full my bills will be paid my rent will be paid my tuition will be paid and the holidays will be full with joy and happiness the universe is responding to me NOW!!!!

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