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Say This Law Of Attraction Technique to Manifest

I'm going to share with you a little magic trick. Say this law of attraction technique to manifest what you want fast. Let's dive right in! 

All you need do is just say this simple thing and you're going to align with the energy of the universe and you're going to see synchronicities and good luck. You're going to see all these great things start coming to your life quickly.

What I'm inviting you to do is, first of all to recognize you live in a friendly universe. Albert Einstein once said, the most important decision you ever make is do I live in a friendly or hostile universe? And it's very easy to get convinced that you live in a hostile universe. We have Darwinian model of evolution and there's all of this competition and there's all of these fears. It's easy to forget and get distracted.

What I want you to say is, "spirit energy always manifest perfectly in my life. Perfect health, lots of money, continued success". When you say this and you feel the essence of what it's saying, you unlock the most powerful law of attraction technique ever. So if you want, you can comment it down below. Spirit energy always manifest perfectly in my life.

say this law of attraction technique

Now the reason that this is such an important law of attraction technique is because the most powerful law of attraction technique is to realize your oneness with God. The wall in front of you, my body, this chair, anything and everything at all, It's all just energy. More specifically, it's spirit.

It's all 99.9999999% empty space when you get to the subatomic level, what is this empty space that makes up all physical things? It's spirit. It's spirit energy, conscious intelligence. This is the same thing in every cell of your body and in every fiber of your being.

Now what happens is people get mistaken and they look in the mirror and they think this is who they are, and that's the ego. Wayne Dyer had the best description of the ego. He said, the ego is edging god out..It's the part of us that thinks we are in this alone. It's the part of us that wants to figure everything out and it's the part of us that says, well, I don't know how my dreams will manifest. I don't know how.

say this law of attraction technique

So get this. If everything in this physical universe is 99.9999999999% empty space, then actually everything physical is predominantly non physical. It's really weird if you think about it. Even the television or the computer you're watching this on, it's actually 99.99999% empty space, which is so bizarre. So what this is telling us is the vast amount of existence is not physical.

Even though it appears physical, it's just because our physical senses can only perceive so much energy. It's not physical. That means you are too. You are predominantly not physical. So any limitations that you think that you have are you looking at the lens of reality from the ego dimension?

That's the part of ourselves that thinks this world is physical. So it has a grocery list of reasons why something might not be possible. Too old, too young, not enough money, I don't know how I don't have the right mentors, I don't have great resources. There's a pattern between all of these reasons. They're all physical, but physical is barely even existant. So you're discounting 99% of existence. This spirit energy is always on your side, but you have to call it into your life. You have to realize that this spirit energy always manifests itself perfectly in your life.

say this law of attraction technique

Spirit is on your side. This spirit energy is always working for you, but the way that this world is set up is that it's based off of free will. So free will means we're all souls incarnated into bodies here with certain spiritual lessons to learn. So spirit energy never impedes on your journey unless you ask it to, but most people are running around as little blocks of matter trying to figure everything out on their own when they forget, they can always call on the miracle working presence of the universe.

Don't you think that this miracle working presence that's created, the solar system that lights the stars at night, that makes the sun come up in the morning, that has created perfect respiratory system for you, that breathes oxygen and pumps millions of miles of blood through your veins? Don't you think it would be pretty easy for it to bring money into your life? Don't you think this miracle working presence could easily help you heal bad health or depression or bring more happiness in your life?

Couldn't it attract romance or the perfect soulmate? Don't you think? If you don't know how your dream will work out, don't you think this miracle working presence that's done all types of crazy awesome stuff, don't you think it could open some doors for you and help you manifest your dream life? That's a piece of cake to it, but you have to call it into your life.

law of attraction technique

So realize every cell of your body is filled with the miracle working presence of the universe and say to yourself, "spirit energy always manifest perfectly in my life". Don't just say the words, but start to feel it. Like start to feel yourself inviting the miracle working presence into your life.

Out of nowhere, you'll start having good luck. Out of nowhere, you start having coincidences and synchronicities. They were always available to you. But in a world of freewill, you must first call on the spiritual dimension before it reveals it's miracles to you.

Use the Second Mind for FREE

The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

I welcome the miracle working presence into my life. I created an actual software to reprogram your brain because what happens is we're all conditioned to all this BS. To believe we're just our body and sometimes that can be successful and sometimes it can't, and unlimited by all these things. That's the social conditioning and you can reprogram it. I call that your second mind. Your first mind is the one that's programmed society with all these limitations. The second mind is the one that you've consciously programmed to attract your dream life easily.

It's right there, down below, and it's a free demo. And what it's going to do is reprogram your mind. You're going to start having all these awesome miracles happen in your life so go right now and you can start to use that. Just come back and let me know the miracles that unfold in your life when you use it.

Use the Second Mind for FREE

The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

Have a beautiful day and remember.

Miracle are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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