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Psychic Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You

In this blog I'm going to talk about the psychic signs that someone is thinking about you. I'm so happy you're here. Let's get into it! 

Five signs someone is constantly thinking about you. If you want to attract your soulmate, here are five signs that they're thinking about you, even if you haven't met them yet. These are signs that allowed me to attract my beautiful soulmate and now wife Ashley. These are similar signs that might be showing up in your life.

Psychic Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You #1

Number one, your current relationship fails. That's what happened to me. I thought I was in love with someone who was my soulmate. We were going to be together forever. Then basically she broke up with me. This was probably six years ago and this was before I met my wife Ashley.

You say "Well, how is that a sign that someone is thinking about you? How is that a sign that your future soulmate is constantly thinking about you?" Let me explain. I thought I was in love with someone. That relationship fell apart. In my ego, in my limited mind, I thought that I knew my ultimate destiny as it was concerning to love. I thought it was with this individual.

On the other side, in another state in the United States, I was there in California, Ashley was out in Utah. She's lying in bed at night and she's imagining her dream life, her dream relationship. She's out there imagining the way that she wants it to be and simultaneously, this relationship fell apart. Ashley and I were meant to be together. There was some type of a higher spiritual destiny.

She was busy thinking about attracting her true love. Simultaneously, my relationship fell apart. What happens oftentimes is our ego can get very attached to one specific relationship working out. What I learned out of that process is that the heartbreak is actually creating the space for a breakthrough.

I was so devastated by this relationship not working out, but then when I took a step back, I realized it wasn't even a perfect fit. By the way, it wasn't even that healthy but my ego became so attached to this relationship working out that it was devastating to me. 

Psychic signs that someone is thinking about you

In hindsight, it was a byproduct of my higher self thinking about a more ideal relationship, even though my lower ego was attached to this one.

What happens though is relationships don't work out or dates don't work out. The initial reaction that you may have is "I am unlovable. See, there's no good guys left. There's no good women left. I'm too fat. I'm too this. I don't have this. Here's the problem. It's with me."

Don't take the outer world so personal, especially as it comes to love because oftentimes the relationship failing is because you're meant to be with somebody else so it's okay.

That's what I realized out of that situation and what happened is it prompted me to go within myself because I was creating such an attachment to somebody else and I had to go within myself and find my own happiness. What ended up happening is I attracted my soulmate.

Sign number one is that your current relationship falls apart and your higher self is thinking of a more ideal relationship, and your lower self might ruin this relationship because your higher self is connected to a future interaction with someone that you haven't even met yet, which was in my instance with Ashley.

psychic signs that someone is thinking about you

Psychic Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You #2

Number two, you say "I'm not looking for love." After my relationship failed, I started saying that. I started saying "I'm not looking for love. I'm not looking for it." I'm fine always being alone.." You have a higher self and you have a lower self. Your lower self essentially your ego. It's your limited mind. Your higher self is your more idealized self. It's your soul. It's your spirit. It's the moral all- knowing part of you.

My lower self is saying 'I'm not looking for love. I'll always be alone." This was after this relationship had failed, and you might be doing that as well. Your lower self is saying that, but your higher self is saying "It's almost on the way." It's a polarization to attract it. Your lower self says "I'll always be alone" or "I'm not looking for dating." How many times you hear people say "I'm not dating anymore." You hear it a lot with women.

What that is really a sign is that your soulmate is thinking about you. Your soulmate is over there imagining their dream person. Perhaps they're even writing it down on a piece of paper. "Here's what I want out of a relationship" and it's you, but you can't have all of these answers in advance because it would spoil the fun of life. It would spoil the surprise of love. Your lower self, your ego, is saying "It's not meant to be. I'm always going to be alone. I'm not looking for love."

psychic signs that someone is thinking about you

Your higher self is connected to this other individual. I didn't know it at the time. I just thought "I'll just be alone and it's fine, whatever. I'll focus on doing my own thing." I didn't know at the time that was the breeding ground for what eventually, shortly thereafter is when I met Ashley.

What happens is you might have these thoughts, but then you get down on yourself and then you start to worry or then you start to think that something's wrong with you.

There is someone perfect out there for you. 

There is someone perfect out there for you. Don't allow your ego to take control of this situation and take everything personal and start saying "I'm not good enough. Oh, there's no good guys. Oh, there's no good women. I have this problem with me. I have this problem with me." No, no, no, no, no.

Comment down below: I am perfect as I am

Set the intention to attract your soul mate who loves you for who you are. Say it in your own mind. If you can say it out loud. Say it out loud. Say "My intention is to attract the perfect person who loves me for who I am."

Psychic Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You #3

Number three, you feel inspired to focus on your own happiness. In the midst of something like that, for me it was my relationship falling apart. I realized out of that I was in an unhealthy relationship and it wasn't real happiness. It was lust rather than love, but it wasn't very healthy.

What ended up happening is I had to focus on my own happiness. My initial reaction was to try to go on as many dates as I could but that was to fill a void from within myself. Instead I decided to make the intention to create more happiness in my life. I started doing things that made me happy.

I didn't realize at the time there's a higher dimension to life and in this higher dimension to life, my soulmate Ashley is imagining her dream relationship. She had it all mapped out in her mind of how she wanted it to be and my higher self was pulling me towards happiness because it was preparing me to meet Ashley very shortly.

I had to find deeper happiness in my life because at the end of the day, happiness is the most attractive thing. My higher self was preparing me to be attractive and magnetic when the time came that I met Ashley.

The thought process that I received in this moment was focused on happiness. What it was really saying is "You're about to meet Ashley, get prepared." Lower self is saying "Focus on happiness." Higher self is "This is a sign that you're about to meet Ashley. Be prepared."

A lot of times, people reluctantly come into the energy of "I guess I'll focus on making myself happy" or they go on a different date every single day. What I'm inviting you to do is when it feels right, when it feels true, go on those dates but don't forget about yourself in the process.

When you go within yourself and you focus on that happiness, you're saying yes to that energy of your future soulmate. You're saying yes to that person that you're about to meet that's over there imagining you and the dream life that you're going to have with them.

You're saying yes to that energy. As you do that, you're also building up your own magnetism through happiness.

As the universe brings you together, soon it becomes a magnetic connection instantly. 

Then the rest becomes history. That's what happened with Ashley and I.


Psychic Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You #4

Number four, you pick up new interests and habits. I grew up as an athlete and over that period of time in my life, I quit exercising entirely. After this relationship had fallen apart, I got this like almost out of nowhere, this weird impulse to start building new healthy habits again, specifically getting in the gym every day. I hadn't ever done yoga before. I started doing yoga. This was really weird and different for me. In hindsight, I realized that it was because my higher self was preparing me for meeting Ashley.

Ashley is super into yoga. She's a certified yoga teacher. Ashley's over there imagining her ideal relationship, which she didn't know at the time was me. Simultaneously, my higher self was preparing me for it by moving me into new interests so we had more in common when it happened, when we finally did meet.

You might feel a draw to new interests. You might feel a draw to new habits. That is a clear sign that your soulmate is on the way, that they're thinking about their dream relationship and you're being pulled. You're being prepared into new things. When you meet, everything is going to work out perfectly. That's the next sign that you're being pulled into new interests. Don't resist them, don't resist new healthy habits or new ways that life is inspiring you or speaking to you.

Follow that bliss because that is a sign that you're being prepared for this relationship to come into your life. Next, you get invites through other people. Now let me explain. Oftentimes, what happens is we try to force things to work out, whether it's in love or whether it's in other areas of our life. Our ego tries to do it all on its own.

'Well, I need to set up all these dates and I do need to do all these things." We think we're doing it all on our own. However, there is a higher dimension to life. You are protected, guided, and the universe is conspiring for you to live your best life. Oftentimes, it looks bad.


For instance, it looked bad when my relationship fell apart and I was actually depressed for a while. It seemed bad, but the universe was conspiring for a more ideal relationship with me.

The bad was really good actually because it brought me to a new place in my life, which eventually brought me to meeting Ashley. While I was following all these other signs, what eventually happened was quit trying to like just go on a million dates and trying to meet a million women and like trying as hard as I could to make it work.

I followed the signs that I shared previously. In the morning one day, I got a call from my book agent. My agent calls and his name's Bill. He says "Hey, Jake, tomorrow is my birthday and we're going up to Santa Barbara. I want you to come ." Santa Barbara was about a four hour drive.

I didn't want to drive four hours. I had things to do. I was busy, and it was the next day. I didn't have time for that. Something within me said this urge to say yes. Now that thing within me was actually Ashley's higher self speaking. It was saying "Yes, come." I walk into the door of this house the next day, I don't know anyone there. I sit down and a few minutes later Ashley walks into the house.

My agent set it up because he knew Ashley. Her father was his friend. Ashley's father was my agent's friend and they spoke in advance and they were trying to set us up. Ashley was visiting her father in Santa Barbara, but she lived in Utah. She didn't even live there, but she happened to be in town for the weekend and my agent was trying to set us up. We met, fell in love and the rest was history.

Sometimes, you might have a tendency to try to force everything, but then out of nowhere you get an invite somewhere. Or you read a sign on a street or you get an email and you might have a tendency to say no to it, but say yes and just see what it's about. Ashley's higher self was inviting me to meet and the higher energy of life was using my agent to set this connection up with Ashley's father.

Ashley's father convinced Ashley to come and meet me as well. Ashley knew she was going to meet me and knew who knew who I was. I didn't know. I just knew it was my agent's friend's daughter. I knew nothing about her. Then we met. The universe was using other people for us to come together.


Ashley knew about it. I did not. It was a very clear sign that my soulmate was thinking of me. She had already seen photos of me and found that she was attracted to me. She'd already known all about me because her father and my agent had already essentially set up one half of the relationship. They just didn't tell me about it. It came through the least expected avenue I could possibly imagine. Oftentimes, your soulmate will come through the least expected avenue you could possibly imagine.

What is that a symbol of? It's a symbol of there's a higher working order to your life that the universe is perfect, that your destiny is perfect and your destiny is one of love, one of happiness and one of joy.

You may not see it now and your mind may be focused on trying to figure it all out on your own, but trust that there's a higher order to your life. When things come up that are out of nowhere, such as invites through random people say, yes to it and see what it's about.

​You might be on a walk for instance. It might be something different and you might be on a walk and you always walk the same way, but then your mind is saying, turn left, but you always turn right there.

Your mind's like "Oh, but I want to get back home. This is going to be 10 minutes out of the way and 10 minutes longer. I'm ready to be done with this walk." Say yes. They might be right down the street and their dog just took a poop and it almost lands on your shoe and then you guys start a conversation and eventually you guys meet.

It's an invite through your subconscious to go a different direction and eventually becomes an interaction where you meet your soulmate. It's often through the most least expected avenues, and here's what I want you to grasp. This life is love. Just truly think about that. The sun rises every single day. It never asks us to repay it.

There's all of these beautiful things in the universe and the universe never says "Hey, you owe me." That's love. That's unconditional love and you come from that energy. Therefore, it's part of your destiny. Believe that you're good enough. You're smart enough, you're worthy of love.


You might've just had a relationship that "failed" like me. You may have all this fear and doubt now and you're questioning life. There are signs that great things are on the way and there are signs that your soulmate is thinking about you and that the person that you desire is coming into your life and you just don't know it yet. What I want you to do is take a deep breath in. Take a deep breath out and say to yourself "I am deserving of love."

Comment down below: I am deserving of love.

What happens is, oftentimes things don't work out and then our mind starts to get negative and then it becomes a habit. I created a success hypnosis that's designed to get your thoughts more positive. When your thoughts get more positive, you start to build up new energies and you start to change the things you're attracting into your life.

It's free to use so go ahead and download that and let it start playing. Let your mind start getting more positive. Remember, you come from this unconditional love of the universe and it's in your destiny. There are great things on the way.

If you haven't yet already,

Start getting your mind focused on positive things. That will become a habit and you'll start attracting even more great things into your life. Forget about your past. You're deserving of love.


Miracles Are Normal 


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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