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  • 3 Signs You’re Talking To Your Subconscious Mind

3 Signs You’re Talking To Your Subconscious Mind

In this blog I'm going to talk about 3 signs you're talking to your subconscious mind! I'm so grateful you're here. Let's get into it! 

I want to share with you three signs you're talking to your subconscious because when you do this right, it's going to allow you to manifest anything that you want. Your subconscious is essentially your pipeline to God, to the universe. When you learn how to use that, then you can manifest anything you want.

Number one is you feel strong emotion. Your subconscious mind is your emotional mind. Anytime you feel strong emotion towards something, you've entered into the subconscious, whether you hate it, whether you love it, whether you're excited about it, whether you're really afraid of it, it doesn't matter.

If you have strong emotion, your subconscious mind receives the impression. The question is "How can you feel as if you have what you want even though you don't have it yet?" If feeling is the number one sign that your subconscious is being spoken to and being programmed by you, how can you evoke the feeling of what you want before you have it?

A lot of people say "How can I feel like I have money? How can I feel like I have attracted my soulmate? How can I feel like I've attracted love when I don't have it?" That's the thing. It's called your conscious mind. Your conscious mind has imagination. It has the ability to conjure up any images that you want and evoke the emotion of it.

You don't need something to be real to evoke the emotion of it. People think that their boyfriend or girlfriend or their spouse is cheating on them, but it's really their own fear and years go by. They're always afraid of it and they're evoking the physiological sensations as if it's real but it's not real. Then they come to find out they were hallucinating it the whole time. People think that they're going to get fired and it never happens.

3 signs you're talking to your subconscious mind

I remember when I was a kid, it was one of the first times my mom and dad left me alone and I thought there was a robber in my house. I think there's a robber in my house and I'm like 10 and I called the cops. I was holding a baseball bat by the front door and I was so afraid that my hands were shaking. I was sweating, my heart was beating really fast. I had all the physiological sensations to an emotional response that wasn't actually happening.

It turned out there wasn't a robber. I thought there was, but there wasn't. Your physiology, your nervous system and your subconscious mind doesn't know what's real. If you can trick your mind or focus strong enough emotion, you can impact the subconscious. The subconscious mind is non-personal. It's not rational. Your conscious mind is your rational mind. I say "The sky is red." You say "No, the sky's blue."

Your subconscious doesn't know what color the sky is. Your subconscious receives whatever impressions you give it. If you say "I'm rich", but you feel broke, your subconscious says "You're broke bro." If you say "I'm so grateful. Money's flowing into my life, I'm so grateful I've now attracted my soulmate." What happens?

Your subconscious thinks these things are real. I like to do this in two ways; number one is think of the end result. If you got the promotion, what would be happening? If you got the money, if you got the soulmate, what would be happening? Think of it like an end result experience that would be occurring in your life.

What would be happening? Think of an end result that you can replay that will garner enough emotion. It can be the cold wind on your face in your convertible, and you have your grandma in the car with you. It could be you shaking hands with your real estate agent for your brand new home.

3 signs you're talking to your subconscious mind

By the way, you may not have your husband or wife yet, but you can imagine it. That's number one. That's an end result. Number two is a question. How would it feel if you had financial freedom? How would it feel if you attracted your soulmate? How would it feel if you had what it is that you want? How would it feel? You may not have it yet, but you can ask yourself the question "How would it feel if?" You can feel the emotion of something before you have it.

How does love feel? You may not have your soulmate yet, but you could ask yourself "How does love feel?" You can close your eyes and you can lie down and you could start to feel the energy and the emotions of love. You can do that. Then your subconscious gets a message that you've attracted love.

That's how you reverse engineer manifesting what you want. The number one sign that you are talking to your subconscious is that you've evoked emotion. A lot of people have problems doing this to the degree necessary to create what you want so I created a software that's designed to do this for you.

It's designed to rewire your brain. It's designed to build new neuro connections and it's design to reprogram your subconscious. ​

You can start to use that to take that first step that we talked about, how to evoke the motion. Amplify it so that it wires into your brain.

Sign number two you're using the present tense. Present tense: "I'm so grateful now that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. I'm so grateful I'm attracting amazing people into my life." That's the present tense. Here's the opposite. "It'd be really nice if you know I could pay my bills and I was out of debt. It's really hard to attract new people. I feel alone. I felt like no one gets me. Everyone's brainwashed and no one understands me and it's really hard to find like minds. I mean, my last six relationships haven't worked out. I mean, there's no good guys left. I really hope. I really wish. It'd be great if."

That's false optimism. "I hope. I wish. It'd be great if." That's false optimism, get rid of it. Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. It truly doesn't. When I first heard that, I didn't understand the magnitude of that. Do you know what that means? Your subconscious controls 95% of your life

It doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. I convinced my subconscious mind that I was already inspiring millions of people before I was.

If you haven't yet already,

I started training my brain like a marathon runner would train their lungs and their muscles to run a marathon. I trained my brain to be what I wanted - in the present tense. I stopped saying "I really wish I'd blow up. I really wish good things would work out. I really hope.. It'd be great if.." That's false optimism.

You have to send commands to your subconscious mind. Let's say we go to like a nice restaurant and it's my treat, you come out to Hawaii and I treat you to the best restaurant. The waiter comes and I go "I really hope I can get this $200 thing right here. I really hope I could get that."

What would you do? You'd be like "Jake, order it or don't order it. Don't hope for it.'' "I really wish I could get it right." That would never work. You have to do it in the present moment. Think of your subconscious mind like a waiter. You wouldn't say to the waiter "I hope I can get this meal. I wish I could get this meal." You wouldn't do that. You would tell the waiter "I'm going to have this."

Use the same thing with your subconscious mind. "I am manifesting this amount of money. I have attracted these people into my life. I am attracting amazing people that build my business. I'm attracting fantastic dates every single day."

Use it all in the present tense. Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. It has no conception of past and future tense and it only receives the present tense.

Begin all of your words and all of your sentences with "I am." If you want to manifest that in a stronger way and you want to make that more of a habit in your life, begin to use my software, The Second Mind

It's designed to do this rewiring your brain for you because once your brain starts to get wired in a new way, then it's easy. The only reason it might be hard is because your brain hasn't been wired that way.

Use only the present tense. Give it one try right now. Comment down below one of your affirmations.

Last but not least, this is my favorite. Just before bed or the middle of the night. When I was really struggling and I learned all of this stuff. Your subconscious is receptive before you knock out and you move into a theta brain wave state, which is most similar to hypnosis. I started waking up to use the restroom and I would try to make it a challenge to within a few seconds of being awake, say my affirmations.

Why? Think about it. If your conscious mind has gone all through the night and you wake up for three minutes, what do you think is there? Your conscious mind is hardly there, so it's one of the best times to prime your mind and enter new realities and new ideas into your subconscious. Pick your affirmation. It begins with "I am."

Turn it into a sentence and start repeating it to yourself before you fall asleep and then try to make it a challenge. When you use the restroom or you go to get more water, try to make it a challenge for it to eventually become a habit to, as soon as you wake up, your affirmations would pop in.

Comment down below: I am attracting all I want now

When you do this, you'll be amazed at the results that start happening in your life. Never underestimate the power of your own thoughts.

It's free to demo. There's no reason to not go right now and start using this to retrain your mind for the reality that you want. You deserve the life that you want

Comment down below: All I want comes to me now

You're going to have some amazing things head your way today. Start affirming that. Great things are on the way. Thank you for reading this blog and I'll talk to you soon\


Miracles Are Normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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