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Proof The Law of Attraction Works!

Hey everybody! If you didn't remember, today is an absolutely fantastic day to be alive on this little rock spinning through endless space. The coolest thing happened today. If you want some proof that the law of attraction works and you can make your bank account grow, that you can manifest more money, that you can become rich, that you can use the power of your mind to attract your soulmate, that you can land the perfect job, and that you can actually use mind over matter to get anything that you want I have something for you.

I want to share with you a really awesome law of attraction success story that I just read right before I was going to sit down and film another video. So I want to break down how you can take whatever you have in your mind, whatever you're imagining, and hold it in your hand and have it in your life. Let's dive right into how to take something from your mind and have it in your life.

So I was just about to sit down and film another video and I got this YouTube comment and it says, "Jake, I only came back to tell you this. You are the man. I watched this video last night with a complete open mind and believe me, I've been practicing this for months and said, what the heck? I'm just going to believe and let go, trusting that what I want is already done. I visualized receiving $5,000 to $10,000. This morning when I went to my office, a client was waiting outside, still not thinking about your video that I watched last night... After speaking to the client, I signed a contract for $4,750 for real. The client paid 1000 with a balance of $3,750 to pay next week. So for me, this was absolutely a success in helping me gain another client and all this momentum."

proof the law of attraction works

They said after months they finally are back on track. So that's the big thing there. What happens is people aren't able to suspend their disbelief about getting what they want in life, whether it's money or whether it's their soulmate or their dream house or their dream life, for certain troubles and problems to eventually fade away... They're not sure if it's possible. So they really don't visualize from the end, meaning the end result as if they're already there.

They don't do that mental rehearsal because they aren't even sure if it's going to happen. They know what they want, they wish for it, they hope for it. There's a difference between wishing and hoping and being it and actually being in the visualization, in the mental rehearsal to such a degree that it feels real. And when you do that, you can let go.

You get what you want. So what am I inviting you to you to do? Trust the universe. Trust that if you can visualize something, if you can clearly close your eyes and see the image of what you want and mentally rehearse it enough in the end as if you're already there, you will get it in your life If you can truly trust.

proof the law of attraction works

So comment down below, I trust the universe. Comment that down below I trust the universe. So what I'm inviting you to do is to really imagine and use mental rehearsal to live in the end as if you already got that client, as if you've already got that sale, as if you've already healed from that health thing, as if you already got your soulmate, whatever it is, see yourself there. feel as if it's real and then don't be afraid to let go.

That's the big thing that he was saying there. He let go, he trusted that it would happen. And a lot of times people visualize, they know what they want, they work hard for it, but they aren't able to let go. So they're in this huge energy of need. And when you're in an energy in need, you're sending that message to your subconscious mind that says, "I do not have, I do not have, I do not have, but I really want it".

The subconscious doesn't know what you want. It just receives whatever you impress upon it in the moment. And that becomes the new subconscious paradigm that controls your life. So trust the process, trust that you live in a friendly universe and be willing and daring and bold enough to truly imagine a life that you want because you have this brain and the brain has always worked for survival.

Use the Second Mind for FREE

The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

Because we now don't have impending threats on our environment for our own survival. The brain doesn't want you to have the ego death, which is failure or wanting something and then not getting it... So it tries to shrink your desires because your mind says this is more manageable, this is more realistic, this is more possible, attainable and it won't hurt as bad if you don't get it. So go here. It's going to try to talk you out of it. But what I want you to do and what I'm inviting you to do is to truly recognize what Will Smith once said, "being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity".

Why would I be realistic? You are one with this universal intelligence. Therefore, you are a divine being. You are a meant to live a beautiful and meaningful life filled with excitement, but you have to claim that! Everyone is divine. Everyone's worthy of what they want, but most people don't claim it. So say I'm worthy of what I want. I am worthy of what I want.

Why would you be realistic? So if you haven't yet, make sure to use my free technology to retrain your brain. Down below is the Second Mind. I created an actual tool to reprogram your brain for you and to eliminate all limiting beliefs and make your brain a magnet for what you want and to eliminate all of societies programming. All the social programming of all these limitations that block you from getting money or block you from the perfect date or romance or your dream job or having the financial freedom that you want and you can reprogram it!! There's a free demo. It's right there down below.

Use the Second Mind for FREE

The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

There is something I call the first mind. The mind is the one society has programmed that's in all our limitations and our subconscious and we think it's us and we live in this limited world. That's how most people are living. They're stuck in the matrix. The second mind is the one that you've consciously programmed and it makes you a magnet to attract the things that you want in life easily and more effortlessly. So you can demo the second mind for free and we would love to hear your testimony. As you can see, he visualized $5,000 and he ended up with $4,750 what does that showing you? Whatever you can see in your mind and feel in your heart, you will hold in your life.


Miracles are normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • I am so excited about all your programs. I am on day two, and have already accomplished things I have put off for way to long. My visualization needs work – I slip into negative and fight back to the positive … But I take what you said to heart and will keep exercising my brain daily. TY

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