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  • MANIFEST LIKE MAGIC ✅ Say This Law of Attraction AFFIRMATION To Attract What You Want (The Secret)

MANIFEST LIKE MAGIC ✅ Say This Law of Attraction AFFIRMATION To Attract What You Want (The Secret)

Say This Law of Attraction AFFIRMATION To
Attract What You Want
(The Secret)

Use this law of attraction affirmation daily and you will manifest like magic. You will be amazed at the things that you attract into your life and the things that start to show up. This is the most powerful law of attraction affirmation in the world. You can use this powerful Law of Attraction affirmation to manifest like magic and attract what you want. 

MANIFEST LIKE MAGIC ✅ Say This Law of Attraction AFFIRMATION To Attract What You Want

This is how most people look at themselves. I'm just this little body flush them bongs, just this little thing in this physical world and hopefully things work out for me. You know what can I really do about it? No, no, you're not even this body. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. You are the miracle working presence in all things.

I am the miracle working presence in all things I desire to accomplish. You are the miracle working presence in all things that you desire to accomplish.

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​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

You have to put a do not disturb sign on your imagination. You have to put a no vacancy sign and do not let any thoughts into your mind and do not entertain any ideas that are not in alignment with you attracting, creating, and getting what you want out of life. You have to realize that this spirit energy permeates and penetrates and fills this entire Universe and you're one with it. This is a friendly universe. The universe has your back, but you have to realize that because you live in a world of freewill and if you believe I'm just this little body and there's nothing I can do about it, then that's your reality.

You are the miracle working presence in all things. 

manifest like magic

Good things will show up in your life today when you repeat that.

Using this affirmation, be sure that you download my free success hypnosis. It's right there down below. Use that to retrain your subconscious mind.

You are the miracle working presence in all things that you desire done, coming down below. I'm the miracle working presence and all things that I desire done and accomplished. I can't wait to hear about the amazing things that you attract into your life, but the subscribe button and the bell notification right over there. The bell notification is what notifies you for new videos. Make sure that you demo the second mind. That's our software we designed to rewire the brain so you can attract what you want because all of the limitations of the world get him. Get hardwired into your neurocircuitry so you can rewire your brain to attract what you want. 

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

You are the miracle working presence in all things that you desire done. You live in a friendly world.

You live in a world where miracles can happen each and every day. You can meet the person you wanted to meet, attract the circumstance you want to attract. It's all right there, but first you have to look no further than yourself. Find the powerful miracle working presence that's within yourself, and when you see that within yourself, you will see it in all things. You can manifest like magic. Use these powerful Law of Attraction affirmation to manifest like magic. 

One of The Most Motivational Life Lessons by Tony Robbins - The Power of Habit & Law of Attraction
Tony Robbins - the best law of attraction motivation ever - that will inspire you.  If you're having a little difficulty manifesting what you want in your life this changed my life when I learned this and started applying this.  And I know that it can change yours.

This is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com and let's dive right into it.
block the law of attraction
You're probably not aware but there are three words that you might be using that are actually blocking what you want from showing up in your life.

And when you get a grasp on these words you're energy is going to change, the Law of Attraction attraction will start to work with you and the things that you want will show up in your life.

Hang with me. I'll show you those three words. I'm Jake Ducey from JakeDucey.com.  Now let's lock into those three words that are stopping you from using the law of attraction towards what you want.
3 Deadly Words That Are Stopping The Law Of Attraction From Working | The Secret

​You're probably not aware but there are three words that you might be using that are actually blocking what you want from showing up in your life. block law of attraction

And when you get a grasp on these words you're energy is going to change, the Law of Attraction attraction will start to work with you and the things that you want will show up in your life.

Hang with me. I'll show you those three words. I'm Jake Ducey from JakeDucey.com.  Now let's lock into those three words that are stopping you from using the law of attraction towards what you want.​

So you know how when you really want something that's not happening as fast as you want?
Word number one: I hope.
is that thing worth trading your time away for
You've got to stop saying "I hope".  So here's what you do.  Check in with your body with the words that you use. What is "I hope"? It means "I don't have".

Every time you come from "I do not have" you can't attract what you want in your life.  If you want to start using the law of attraction to create what you want in your life you've got to be able to identify where you are in your own energy.  Where you're coming from creates what you're moving towards. Where you're coming from creates what you have now.  And by that I mean where you're coming from, the energy you're coming from.

So what does "I hope that I make more money" mean? "I hope my soulmate comes" mean? "I hope that I can pay my rent" mean?  "I hope that I could travel around the world"?  "I hope this happens"? "I hope" is coming from a place of "I don't believe that this could happen".

It's implying that you do not have the faith.  You do not have the certainty.  You do not have the belief that it can show up in your life.

So notice in your life, look at your goals right now. Do you say "I hope I make more money", "I hope that my soulmate comes into my life", "I hope I get a raise", "I hope I finish this project", "I hope I can travel around the world", "I hope I can get a new car", "I hope I can pay my bills",  "I hope...", "I hope...", "I hope...".

"I hope...".  What is that saying? Every time I hear someone say "I hope" I know they don't believe they can get it. And you get what you believe. What you see is a reflection of what you believe, and you cannot see it until you first believe it.

So if you're coming from "I don't believe it can happen", "I hope...", it can't show up in your life.  In other words "I hope" equals I do not believe and I'm relying on hope, chance or luck.

Well there's a beautiful quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that applies perfectly to the Law of Attraction and he says "Shallow people believe in luck and real truth seekers believe in law".

There is a Law of Attraction. There is a law that like attracts like, so when you come from "I hope...", "I hope..." what are you?  You're disempowered.

So what are you going to attract into your life? More things that prove your energy of "I don't believe it".  So notice and start instead of saying "I hope" start to say "I know".  Erase "I hope" and catch yourself every time you say it to a friend, every time you're on the phone, every time you're talking to yourself.  Start to say "I know that the money will show up", "I know that I'm about to meet my soulmate", "I know that this is going to work out",  "I know...", "I know...","I know...","I know...","I know...", "I'm certain...", "I'm certain", "I know...".

Notice the energy difference there? So every time you can check into your energy and you can say how am I feeling in this moment? "I hope" versus "I know it",  "I know it's going to happen".

So eliminate "I hope".  Bring in "I know".  Bring more certainty, belief to your life and you'll see those things mirror back.
the power of habit
Now the question is: is that thing worth trading your time away for?  Is that thing worth trading your life away for?

And the key to happiness, the key to success, the key to freedom, the key to fulfillment, the key to excitement and life - is to pick revolving your energy and spending your energy on things that are worth trading your life away for.

To me I'm trading my life away doing this.  Writing books, making videos, doing all of these things, making courses.  But I love it.  It excites me.  I'm learning.  I'm growing.  Other people are inspired by it.  It's worth it.

So if you want something and it hasn't happened as fast as you want, remember that the actual fulfillment is gonna come from you being in the process of it.

So most people overestimate what they can do in a year.  You don't know how many people tell me I'm going to write a book.  I'm going to be a published author too.  In fact I already started it.

When did you start it?  Three years ago.

What page are you on?  Seven.

You've wrote seven pages in three years right?

Like or somebody writes the book they can't get a publisher, they self-publish the book like I did and then they sell 50 copies.  And so then they think it's not meant to be or it's too hard and they give up on it.

Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in one year but they drastically underestimate what they can accomplish in ten years.  And you've got to keep this in mind.  You've got to have a larger vision for your life.

So my question to you is: what's your thirty year vision?  Seriously - what's your thirty year vision?

I've heard it before that the Chinese folks when they're developing a business, they set a hundred year business plan.  You know how crazy that is to us?  We're like what what can we do in six months?  Ah it's not happening as fast as I want! Then we just quit.

They're like okay, what's our hundred year vision?  What's the legacy?  What's the larger vision for your life?

Because if you keep that in context, then if something takes six months who cares man?  You'll be alive for 60 70 80 90 100 years.  Heck we might have some technology that'll make us live for 180 years you know?  And so if it happens longer than you are thinking be patient.
block the law of attraction
Here we go with number two.

Number two: "I really need a girlfriend", "I really need a boyfriend", "I really need my soul mate", "I really need some more money", "I really need a new client".  "I really need that...".  

Needy equals creepy.  It's hard to get a sale, it's hard to find your soul mate when you need them.  They're like: Get away from me.

The things that you want in life come when you do not need them because the universe gives you what you give out.  So when you give out an energy of need you can't attract back an energy of abundance.  And if you notice that's how most people are living their lives.  They're saying "I need more money", "I need the government to change", "I need my boss to stop being a a-hole", "I need this to happen", "I need that to happen".

You do not need anything to happen. You know you live in a totally abundant world.  More money is printed every single solitary day. There are 7 billion people in the world, tons of awesome friends you can have.  You could meet your soul mate.  You could have fulfilling romantic relationships.  You can travel where you want to go. You can have all of the things that you want to have. There is internet that connects you all around the world. You live in a totally abundant beautiful world that wants to support you.

But you can't see that it's here to support you because you think that you need something outside of yourself.

You know there's a beautiful quote by Lao Tzu.  He used to say "The world reveals itself to the one who needs nothing".

Think about the energy.  And if you even look at it in a romantic relationship, what generally attracts a man or a woman? It's this weird psychological thing where when the person doesn't come on super strong.  It's kind of opposite. You actually kind of want them more.

Well the same is so with money. When you come from this place of "I need it",  "I need it",  "I need it",  "I need this client",  "I need this raise",  "I need this thing to happen", what happens? You become a repellent to what you want.  But when you come from abundance "I don't need anything", "I'm totally whole", "I'm totally complete", you attract to yourself things that will mirror that.

So notice the parts of your life that you've been telling yourself that you need something.  You don't need a soulmate.  You don't need anything.  What are you?  

So I invite you to eliminate the word I need and start using "I am", and "I don't need".  "I am abundant", "I am pure love".

And when I come from pure love I attract romantic relationships. I attract awesome friendships. I am abundance. I am wealth.

And I exemplify that in the energy that I am. I exemplify that in my passions. I notice that because I had money for food today, and I had money for gas today, and I have a clean shirt, I have a camera right now that I can broadcast to you from, I am abundance.

There's people listening to my message right now. I have a beautiful gold ring that was my great-grandfather's.  Didn't mean to flip you off there.  That was my great-grandfather's. I am abundance. I'm sitting in a chair. I have a home that I paid rent on that I live in. I have money in my bank account. I am abundant. I am wealthy.

Notice the energy difference. Remember you can always tell what you're attracting into your life based off of your energy.  So eliminate "I need".  Replace it with "I am" and start to make that a diligent practice. When you notice yourself saying "I need a soulmate", "I need that opportunity", you erase it.  

"I am pure love".

"I am the miracle-working presence and all things that manifest of greatness, all beauty, all miracles".

"I don't need an opportunity, I am pure opportunity, I'm pure potential, I am pure possibility and notice I am happy".

I give happiness. I make other people smile and the result is great things happen that make me happy.

I'm not living from a place of reaction where I need something. I'm living from a place of creation where I am this.  And as a result of coming from this energy I create more of it. I attract to myself what I am.

Eliminate "I need".  Focus on "I am", and think about the things in your life that you say that you need.  And start affirming that you already are them.  

Because every single thing in the entire universe is energy.  You're pure energy, this camera's pure energy, the money that you want is pure energy, the relationship you want, the paycheck you want, the car or the house, the travel.  Whatever it is that you want is pure energy.

So when you get on the frequency of it you become it.  And if everything is energy you're actually one with everything that already exists.  You already are pure wealth.  You already are a millionaire.  You already are a best-selling author. You already have love within yourself.  You already are the miracle-working presence that creates amazing opportunities of good fortune every single day.

And when you come from there you notice good things show up in your life.

I mean I can't make more money. I mean I can't do that. I can't. I mean I can't.

Have you ever noticed that people carry around their past with them that decides what they can create in their life or can't create in their life right at this very moment?
You're probably not aware but there are three words that you might be using that are actually blocking what you want from showing up in your life.

And when you get a grasp on these words you're energy is going to change, the Law of Attraction attraction will start to work with you and the things that you want will show up in your life.

Hang with me. I'll show you those three words. I'm Jake Ducey from JakeDucey.com.  Now let's lock into those three words that are stopping you from using the law of attraction towards what you want.

Word number one: I hope.

You've got to stop saying "I hope".  So here's what you do.  Check in with your body with the words that you use. What is "I hope"? It means "I don't have".

Every time you come from "I do not have" you can't attract what you want in your life.  If you want to start using the law of attraction to create what you want in your life you've got to be able to identify where you are in your own energy.  Where you're coming from creates what you're moving towards. Where you're coming from creates what you have now.  And by that I mean where you're coming from, the energy you're coming from.

So what does "I hope that I make more money" mean? "I hope my soulmate comes" mean? "I hope that I can pay my rent" mean?  "I hope that I could travel around the world"?  "I hope this happens"? "I hope" is coming from a place of "I don't believe that this could happen".

It's implying that you do not have the faith.  You do not have the certainty.  You do not have the belief that it can show up in your life.

So notice in your life, look at your goals right now. Do you say "I hope I make more money", "I hope that my soulmate comes into my life", "I hope I get a raise", "I hope I finish this project", "I hope I can travel around the world", "I hope I can get a new car", "I hope I can pay my bills",  "I hope...", "I hope...", "I hope...".

"I hope...".  What is that saying? Every time I hear someone say "I hope" I know they don't believe they can get it. And you get what you believe. What you see is a reflection of what you believe, and you cannot see it until you first believe it.

So if you're coming from "I don't believe it can happen", "I hope...", it can't show up in your life.  In other words "I hope" equals I do not believe and I'm relying on hope, chance or luck.

Well there's a beautiful quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that applies perfectly to the Law of Attraction and he says "Shallow people believe in luck and real truth seekers believe in law".

There is a Law of Attraction. There is a law that like attracts like, so when you come from "I hope...", "I hope..." what are you?  You're disempowered.

So what are you going to attract into your life? More things that prove your energy of "I don't believe it".  So notice and start instead of saying "I hope" start to say "I know".  Erase "I hope" and catch yourself every time you say it to a friend, every time you're on the phone, every time you're talking to yourself.  Start to say "I know that the money will show up", "I know that I'm about to meet my soulmate", "I know that this is going to work out",  "I know...", "I know...","I know...","I know...","I know...", "I'm certain...", "I'm certain", "I know...".

Notice the energy difference there? So every time you can check into your energy and you can say how am I feeling in this moment? "I hope" versus "I know it",  "I know it's going to happen".

So eliminate "I hope".  Bring in "I know".  Bring more certainty, belief to your life and you'll see those things mirror back.

Here we go with number two.

Number two: "I really need a girlfriend", "I really need a boyfriend", "I really need my soul mate", "I really need some more money", "I really need a new client".  "I really need that...".  

Needy equals creepy.  It's hard to get a sale, it's hard to find your soul mate when you need them.  They're like: Get away from me.

The things that you want in life come when you do not need them because the universe gives you what you give out.  So when you give out an energy of need you can't attract back an energy of abundance.  And if you notice that's how most people are living their lives.  They're saying "I need more money", "I need the government to change", "I need my boss to stop being a a-hole", "I need this to happen", "I need that to happen".

You do not need anything to happen. You know you live in a totally abundant world.  More money is printed every single solitary day. There are 7 billion people in the world, tons of awesome friends you can have.  You could meet your soul mate.  You could have fulfilling romantic relationships.  You can travel where you want to go. You can have all of the things that you want to have. There is internet that connects you all around the world. You live in a totally abundant beautiful world that wants to support you.

But you can't see that it's here to support you because you think that you need something outside of yourself.

You know there's a beautiful quote by Lao Tzu.  He used to say "The world reveals itself to the one who needs nothing".

Think about the energy.  And if you even look at it in a romantic relationship, what generally attracts a man or a woman? It's this weird psychological thing where when the person doesn't come on super strong.  It's kind of opposite. You actually kind of want them more.

Well the same is so with money. When you come from this place of "I need it",  "I need it",  "I need it",  "I need this client",  "I need this raise",  "I need this thing to happen", what happens? You become a repellent to what you want.  But when you come from abundance "I don't need anything", "I'm totally whole", "I'm totally complete", you attract to yourself things that will mirror that.

So notice the parts of your life that you've been telling yourself that you need something.  You don't need a soulmate.  You don't need anything.  What are you?  

So I invite you to eliminate the word I need and start using "I am", and "I don't need".  "I am abundant", "I am pure love".

And when I come from pure love I attract romantic relationships. I attract awesome friendships. I am abundance. I am wealth.

And I exemplify that in the energy that I am. I exemplify that in my passions. I notice that because I had money for food today, and I had money for gas today, and I have a clean shirt, I have a camera right now that I can broadcast to you from, I am abundance.

There's people listening to my message right now. I have a beautiful gold ring that was my great-grandfather's.  Didn't mean to flip you off there.  That was my great-grandfather's. I am abundance. I'm sitting in a chair. I have a home that I paid rent on that I live in. I have money in my bank account. I am abundant. I am wealthy.

Notice the energy difference. Remember you can always tell what you're attracting into your life based off of your energy.  So eliminate "I need".  Replace it with "I am" and start to make that a diligent practice. When you notice yourself saying "I need a soulmate", "I need that opportunity", you erase it.  

"I am pure love".

"I am the miracle-working presence and all things that manifest of greatness, all beauty, all miracles".

"I don't need an opportunity, I am pure opportunity, I'm pure potential, I am pure possibility and notice I am happy".

I give happiness. I make other people smile and the result is great things happen that make me happy.

I'm not living from a place of reaction where I need something. I'm living from a place of creation where I am this.  And as a result of coming from this energy I create more of it. I attract to myself what I am.

Eliminate "I need".  Focus on "I am", and think about the things in your life that you say that you need.  And start affirming that you already are them.  

Because every single thing in the entire universe is energy.  You're pure energy, this camera's pure energy, the money that you want is pure energy, the relationship you want, the paycheck you want, the car or the house, the travel.  Whatever it is that you want is pure energy.

So when you get on the frequency of it you become it.  And if everything is energy you're actually one with everything that already exists.  You already are pure wealth.  You already are a millionaire.  You already are a best-selling author. You already have love within yourself.  You already are the miracle-working presence that creates amazing opportunities of good fortune every single day.

And when you come from there you notice good things show up in your life.

I mean I can't make more money. I mean I can't do that. I can't. I mean I can't.

Have you ever noticed that people carry around their past with them that decides what they can create in their life or can't create in their life right at this very moment?

So the third word to notice is when you start to say "I can not",  "I can't",  "I can't do it",  "I can't do it".  And you want to start practicing noticing when that's happening right?  Because when we're unconscious about these things,  that's when we're immediately stopped.

So what happens is we start to say "I can't", and what happens is you actually subconsciously are telling yourself that it's impossible.  So your subconscious mind wants to prove that thing to you as impossible.  So every time you say I can't like for instance if I would have said when I was a 19 year old I can't be a published author what would have happened? I would have never become a published author with Penguin, Random House and had an international brand.  And there was people from dozens of countries watching these videos.  That never would have happened.  Why?  Because your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real.  And it just accepts whatever you consciously tell it.

So every time you say "I can't" what are you doing? You're telling your subconscious mind what your reality is and your subconscious mind just creates that for you.  It doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real.  What you want and what you do not want.

So I started holding images of my books on bookshelves at Barnes & Noble next to Wayne Dyer's books. I certainly see that. I would see myself. I would see thousands of people watching my videos. I would see myself getting published, in signing book contracts and being on the shelves.  And every day even though the world hadn't started to mirror what I wanted yet, whenever I would get rejected by a publisher I would hold an image of my books on the shelf next to Wayne Dyer.  

And you know what happened?  It only took a couple years and I got an email from a reader who saw my book on the bookshelf in Barnes & Noble in Honolulu next to Wayne Dyer!  

What happened? I eliminated "I can't".

So here's what I invite you to do.  Eliminate the word "I can't" and substitute it for something.  That could be "I can".  That could be "I live from".  But eliminate the word "I can't" from your vocabulary, because every time you tell yourself even if it doesn't seem possible.

I mean look the Wright brothers bent a piece of metal and fluid over the ocean. Oprah went from total poverty and obscurity to being one of the richest people in the world.

You can create whatever it is that you want to create. In fact Steve Jobs says the world was built by people no smarter than you.  Than you watching right now. That the world was built like people no smarter than you, and you can mold it and you can shape it, and you can change it however you want.  

But your words are molding and shaping and changing who you are and who you believe yourself to be.  And who you believe yourself to be is a reflection of what you see in your life, and your bank account, your health, your friendships, your career success, how fulfilled or unfulfilled you are.  

So notice these things.  Can you or can't you? Do you or do you not live in a world of infinite possibilities where more money is printed every single day? There's 7 billion people out in the world that you can serve and impact and positively influence.

Elon Musk, right? Elon Musk the creator of Tesla Motors, PayPal all those amazing things? Now he has SpaceX. He's competing with NASA to try to get to Mars and colonize Mars before NASA. He funded himself. He was asked Elon how the heck did you go from making PayPal to sending spaceships to outer space in orbit? And guess what he said? "Well I read a lot of books".

He just didn't register that he could not do it.

John F Kennedy said "Most people look around in the world and they ask why. I look around and I ask why not."

Why not you? Why not right now? Why not right now over the next 12 months you make more money than you did over the last three years combined?

Why not over the next three weeks you get in the best shape of your life? Eat healthier than you ever have been.  More positive than you ever have.  Smile more than you ever have.  Attract more fun exciting amazing people.  Great romantic fulfilling sensual relationships.  Feel more excited, alive.  Spend more free time.  Read a book every single week.

Why can't you do all that? Why can't you study two hours of personal development videos every day? Why can't you finally invest money in yourself and your dreams and developing your mind?  Why can't you be the one that does that now?

Well you can!  But you've got to stop telling yourself that you can't.  So start affirming.

I can create amazing new opportunities for myself and I see them flowing back into my life at all times.  Eliminate the word "I can't".  You'll see amazing things start to show up in your life.

Hey so this is Jake Ducey from JakeDucey.com.  You learned three words you got to stop telling yourself in order to start to use the Law of Attraction to work for you in your life.  To program yourself towards what you want.

If you missed them, if you want to hear them again, if you didn't write them down, be sure you go back through re-watch them again.

Remember your very words are just like bricks that create the walls.  Your very words, word by word, build who you think you are and the things that you see in your life.

So here's what I want you to do.  I got a free Success hypnosis down below.  Download it, start to program your minds.  

And I got a new seminar coming up soon.  It's called The Genius Within seminar. I'm going to teach you how to access that genius within yourself.  The link will be there below.  Love to meet you there in person.

Remember use the word "I am".  Start to talk about your dreams in the present tense.  Notice wherever your energy is not in a state of abundance, you can use your words to shift you back into it.

Thank you for watching.  Rewind this video, watch that again and start to let your positivity be contagious in the world. Thank you.
the power of habit
Remember that lack of evidence isn't evidence of lack.  Just because something isn't happening as fast as you want it doesn't mean that it's not going to happen or something's wrong with you.  It just means that we live in a world of time and space.  Meaning it takes time for your desire to materialize in space.  

It takes time for your desire to materialize in space.  

Remember spirit never manifests itself other than perfectly.  Just because it hasn't happened as fast as you want, your ego might be like Oh it's not meant to be.  But spirit is like, I need to teach him a lesson, I need to teach her a lesson, she needs to learn this thing first, he needs to learn this thing first, I want them to meet this person.  So they're gonna think it's a failure but really this is a detour.  Because they need this experience and they need this thing.

Remember there's a higher order.  Spirit never manifest itself other than perfectly.  What's your larger 30, 40 year vision?

And remember what Tony Robbins said.  You got to remember this.  He said that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year but they underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.  If you truly care about what it is, then who cares how long it takes?
block the law of attraction
block the law of attraction
So the third word to notice is when you start to say "I can not",  "I can't",  "I can't do it",  "I can't do it".  And you want to start practicing noticing when that's happening right?  Because when we're unconscious about these things,  that's when we're immediately stopped.

So what happens is we start to say "I can't", and what happens is you actually subconsciously are telling yourself that it's impossible.  So your subconscious mind wants to prove that thing to you as impossible.  So every time you say I can't like for instance if I would have said when I was a 19 year old I can't be a published author what would have happened? I would have never become a published author with Penguin, Random House and had an international brand.  And there was people from dozens of countries watching these videos.  That never would have happened.  Why?  Because your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real.  And it just accepts whatever you consciously tell it.

So every time you say "I can't" what are you doing? You're telling your subconscious mind what your reality is and your subconscious mind just creates that for you.  It doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real.  What you want and what you do not want.

So I started holding images of my books on bookshelves at Barnes & Noble next to Wayne Dyer's books. I certainly see that. I would see myself. I would see thousands of people watching my videos. I would see myself getting published, in signing book contracts and being on the shelves.  And every day even though the world hadn't started to mirror what I wanted yet, whenever I would get rejected by a publisher I would hold an image of my books on the shelf next to Wayne Dyer.  

And you know what happened?  It only took a couple years and I got an email from a reader who saw my book on the bookshelf in Barnes & Noble in Honolulu next to Wayne Dyer!  

What happened? I eliminated "I can't".

So here's what I invite you to do.  Eliminate the word "I can't" and substitute it for something.  That could be "I can".  That could be "I live from".  But eliminate the word "I can't" from your vocabulary, because every time you tell yourself even if it doesn't seem possible.

I mean look the Wright brothers bent a piece of metal and fluid over the ocean. Oprah went from total poverty and obscurity to being one of the richest people in the world.

You can create whatever it is that you want to create. In fact Steve Jobs says the world was built by people no smarter than you.  Than you watching right now. That the world was built like people no smarter than you, and you can mold it and you can shape it, and you can change it however you want.  

But your words are molding and shaping and changing who you are and who you believe yourself to be.  And who you believe yourself to be is a reflection of what you see in your life, and your bank account, your health, your friendships, your career success, how fulfilled or unfulfilled you are.  

So notice these things.  Can you or can't you? Do you or do you not live in a world of infinite possibilities where more money is printed every single day? There's 7 billion people out in the world that you can serve and impact and positively influence.

Elon Musk, right? Elon Musk the creator of Tesla Motors, PayPal all those amazing things? Now he has SpaceX. He's competing with NASA to try to get to Mars and colonize Mars before NASA. He funded himself. He was asked Elon how the heck did you go from making PayPal to sending spaceships to outer space in orbit? And guess what he said? "Well I read a lot of books".

He just didn't register that he could not do it.

John F Kennedy said "Most people look around in the world and they ask why. I look around and I ask why not."

Why not you? Why not right now? Why not right now over the next 12 months you make more money than you did over the last three years combined?

Why not over the next three weeks you get in the best shape of your life? Eat healthier than you ever have been.  More positive than you ever have.  Smile more than you ever have.  Attract more fun exciting amazing people.  Great romantic fulfilling sensual relationships.  Feel more excited, alive.  Spend more free time.  Read a book every single week.

Why can't you do all that? Why can't you study two hours of personal development videos every day? Why can't you finally invest money in yourself and your dreams and developing your mind?  Why can't you be the one that does that now?

Well you can!  But you've got to stop telling yourself that you can't.  So start affirming.

I can create amazing new opportunities for myself and I see them flowing back into my life at all times.  Eliminate the word "I can't".  You'll see amazing things start to show up in your life.

Hey so this is Jake Ducey from JakeDucey.com.  You learned three words you got to stop telling yourself in order to start to use the Law of Attraction to work for you in your life.  To program yourself towards what you want.

If you missed them, if you want to hear them again, if you didn't write them down, be sure you go back through re-watch them again.

Remember your very words are just like bricks that create the walls.  Your very words, word by word, build who you think you are and the things that you see in your life.
This is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com.  If you're having trouble with that, download my free success hypnosis because all of that negative thought pattern is coming from the subconscious mind, and programs that we have in the subconscious mind.

So if you want to change your relationship with success download my free success hypnosis below.  I hope that you have a smile on your face.

And remember this - most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and they underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.
block the law of attraction
Hey so this is Jake Ducey from JakeDucey.com.  You learned three words you got to stop telling yourself in order to start to use the Law of Attraction to work for you in your life.  To program yourself towards what you want.

If you missed them, if you want to hear them again, if you didn't write them down, be sure you go back through re-watch them again.

Remember your very words are just like bricks that create the walls.  Your very words, word by word, build who you think you are and the things that you see in your life.

So here's what I want you to do.  I got a free Success hypnosis down below.  Download it, start to program your minds.  

And I got a new seminar coming up soon.  It's called The Genius Within seminar. I'm going to teach you how to access that genius within yourself.  The link will be there below.  Love to meet you there in person.

Remember use the word "I am".  Start to talk about your dreams in the present tense.  Notice wherever your energy is not in a state of abundance, you can use your words to shift you back into it.

Thank you for watching.  Rewind this video, watch that again and start to let your positivity be contagious in the world. Thank you.
3 Deadly Words That Are Stopping The Law Of Attraction From Working | The Secret
About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • Hi Mr. Jake, I love all of the videos you have made so far. But I have a question. What if you have a lot of affirmations, do I put them all on 3×5 card? And does it have to be 3×5 cards or can I put it in my phone?

    • Hi Orelene! My name is Kyle. I’m a member of the team here. We’re glad our content is resonating with you. We recommend focusing on a few affirmations rather than A LOT. Imagine you’re having a conversation with someone and you keep jumping from topic to topic to topic to topic to topic. It’d be difficult to keep up with. Have a more narrow focus and it’s easier to follow. Make sense? Feel free to post what your affirmations are here and I’m sure we can help you out. Also, I put my affirmations on my phone BUT I also write them down. The kinetic act of writing triggers our brain far more than reading it or typing it on a phone.

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