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Law of Attraction Visualization Technique

Does visualization work?  Arnold Schwarzenegger used this  Law of Attraction visualization technique in order to become governor of California and a multimillionaire actor and real estate investor. When I learned this story, it changed my life. He used this to create the life of his dreams. You can use this Law of Attraction visualization technique to live your dreams.

Law of Attraction Visualization Technique: 

Arnold was not famous and it was about 1975. Sports columnist Steve Chandler of the Tucson citizen and Arnold were having lunch. No one in the restaurant supposedly recognized Arnold because he wasn't famous yet. No one knew who he was. He had done well in bodybuilding but that was about it. He was publicizing one of his first movies which was called, "Stay Hungry."

It was a box office failure.

Steve was a sports columnist for the newspaper. His assignment was to spend a full one on one day with Arnold and  write a feature story about him for the newspaper. During the interview the question was casually asked to Arnold, "now that you're retired from bodybuilding, what are you going to do next?"

[He supposedly says, with a real calm voice, "I'm going to be the number one box office star in all of Hollywood." Apparently, the reporter tried not to laugh and embarrass him especially considering his movie had just flopped, and the other things he has against him - his accent, his size, etc. He asked Arnold how he planned to become Hollywood's top star. Arnold said, "it's the same process I used in bodybuilding. Create a vision of what and who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it was already true." Years later some TV show was saying that the box office receipts of his second terminator movie had made him the most popular box office draw in the entire world.

Any future you want in your life already exists.

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Because everything is energy. The wall that you're looking at right now, the phone or computer you're staring at right now. If you look under a powerful microscope, all it is is energy moving at a very high speed of vibration. It only appears to be a solid object. We have limited physical eyes.

What gives all of this world life consciousness?
What is everything that's ever been created by imagination? By our consciousness?

Arnold tells himself that he can create any reality he wants because that already exists. You just have to create the picture clearly in your mind and then step and live into that picture.

You entertain no doubt.

When people tell you that you can't do it, you smile and say, "thank you, but that's not part of my belief system."

There's a beautiful quote by Wallace Wattles and he says, "think what you want to think is to think truth regardless of appearance." Most people don't think what they want to think. They think what the world tells them to think what they think. They don't think on their own. They think in reaction to the limited and predominantly negative world around them.

Call on the image of what you want.
See it clearly in your mind.
Close your eyes and imagine what you want.

Know that that world is just as real as your outer world and modern science has proven this now. Modern science has at it's called neuroplasticity and modern science has proven that you can change your brain using visualization.

Law of Attraction Visualization Technique

Here you have one of the most successful actors in the history of humankind, telling you with all the odds built against him, he did it from imagining, so form the picture of what you want step into and live into that picture.

The list goes on and on and on about successful people using law of attraction and using visualization to create what they want. Don't listen to people that tell you it's silly. Don't listen to people that tell you your dream is impossible. Don't let what you see with your physical eyes decide what pictures and images in dreams you hold in your mind.

That's why I created my free success hypnosis. You can program yourself for success. Click below to download my free success hypnosis.

You have the ability to mold and shape the world as you please.

Steve Jobs said, "the world was built by people no smarter than you." You can mold it, you can shape it and you can change it however you want. The question is: what do you want? What are you imagining in your head right now?

You can be focused on two things: what you want or the absence of it.

Most people are focused on the absence of what they want. You can be focused on two things: the presence of what you want, looking around for the possibilities of it, seeing that it's in the works and that the good things are coming, and just because you can't see it with your eyes doesn't mean it's not motion or you can be like this stupid stuff doesn't work.

You can focus on the presence or absence of what you want.  

Lack of evidence isn't evidence of lack.
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.
Step into the image of what you want.

Let no negativity in and remember this phrase, "thank you, but that's not part of my belief system.""

Visualize my future.
Visualize my future.
Visualize my future. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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