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  • How To Talk To The Universe To Manifest Anything You Want

How To Talk To The Universe To Manifest Anything You Want

In today's blog let's discover how to talk to the universe to manifest anything you want want. I'm so happy you're here! Let's dive right in! 

Talk to the universe using the law of attraction. This will get you everything that you want and it's easier than you think. What you want is coming if you follow these steps I'm about to share with you.

The universe does not speak words. It doesn't speak English. It speaks frequency. What is the law of attraction tell you? In the simplest terms, it says that like attracts like. Like energy attracts like energy.

The way that you communicate with the universe is not like "Please, universe. Please help me. God, can I have more money please? I want more money. Can you hear me?" That's not how you talk to it.

talk to the universe

 What energy is that? That's an energy of need, lack, scarcity, dependency. You can only attract a similar energy. In the Bible it says "To those that have more, will be given. To those that do not have, even that which they have, will be taken away."

When you're in an energy of not having, you can only attract a similar experience that matches that level of consciousness. Take a step back and say "Okay, if the universe responds to energy the way that I talk to the universe, the way that I communicate to the universe by way of the law of attraction to create what I want, is through my own emotional system. What is emotions? E-motions. It's your energy in motion. It's your conscious awareness of your own vibration.

The question is, can you feel what it is that you want to feel? Can you feel the reality of what you want before you actually have the reality? The answer is unequivocally yes because you have a conscious mind. Your conscious mind has the ability to think whatever it is that you want to think. Imagine whatever it is that you want to imagine.

When you think and imagine things, what begins to occur is you get a feeling that's associated with that. What is that? It is your emotions. It's your energy starting to shift to match the intended reality that you only see in your imagination.

As your energy shifts, the conscious intelligence of the universe responds to that shift in your vibration and it starts to mirror you similar circumstances that match the shift in your own energy and your own vibration. This is the secret to life. This is the key to manifesting what it is that you want.

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The simplest way to do this is to ask yourself this question. "How does what I want feel?"

If you want love, what would love feel like my body right now? Can you start to feel the energy of love? Can you start to practice feeling?

If you want money, how would wealth feel or how would financial freedom feel or how would confidence around money feel?

You make the reverse approach or what you do as an opposite is you think of what would happen had you already gotten what you wanted. Let's say that you wanted your dream home.

Picture just a little two second glimpse of what would happen, had you already gotten it. Imagine shaking hands with the real estate agent and walking into the house and throwing your hands up in the air.

talk to the universe

If you keep replaying that three seconds over and over and over again, you're going to activate new brain cells. What's going to begin to occur is it's going to send an electrical impulse from your brain through your nervous system that's going to change how you feel.

If you can sustain that feeling, then you're changing your point of attraction and you will draw the people, the circumstances and the situations that match that reality of your dream home. It will start to put the stepping stones in order for you to manifest this thing that you want.

It's all based off of your emotions. That's how you communicate. The way you communicate with the universe is already being in the feeling of what you want already happened. As Neville Goddard said, "Assuming the feeling of the wish already fulfilled." That's how you do it.

The question is what is, what is it that you want, and what might be a few second glimpse of it already happening?

Feel as if you already have what you want and focus on that energy constantly, and not allowing the outside information, the outside stimuli, the outside circumstances and situations, the physical reality, not allowing that to control your feelings.

Most people feel in accordance to what they see. They feel broke because they don't see money in their bank account. They feel sad because they see that they haven't been able to make dating work or their last relationships have failed. They feel bad because they see somebody else got the promotion that they wanted.


When you do that, you can't transcend your current situations because you're reacting to them. Your energy is staying in a vibrational holding pattern. It's staying in a pattern that's matching the limitations that you don't want, but your energy is staying there. You see what I mean?

The universe speaks in frequency and energy, not in language. When you start shifting your own frequency and energy by assuming the feeling of your wish already fulfilled, you change your point of attraction and you open up the door for real magic to start to unfold into your life.

Thank you for reading this blog. You are more powerful than you believe. When you change your energy, you change your communication to the universe and the universe will start conspiring to help you achieve and attract what it is that you truly want in your life.

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It's designed to reprogram your subconscious mind so your subconscious thoughts are in alignment with success and prosperity, even if your physical reality doesn't match it yet.

As your subconscious receives those ideas, then your subconscious starts to change your reality for you and the things that you want come easier into your life.

If you haven't yet, be sure to

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Thank you for reading this. I'll talk to you soon.


Miracles are normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • Hey Jake! What I want is coming now. Isn’t that incredible?!

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