I just want to warn you when read this video, there's no going back afterwards because I am going to show you how to open up your third eye fast! In uncommon ways that society keeps it stuck, right? Pineal gland known as our spiritual eye. It's a center of what is said to be DMT release. It's really more importantly, it's a shift in the point of consciousness where we start to see the truth of the world instead of being brainwashed into the matrix. So you're going to have some powerful, powerful steps that you can follow, and there's no going back. So my name's Jake Ducey with jakeducey.com. It's a great day to be alive. We're out here nice and early out in the desert writing this post. So if you enjoy it, give me a comment down below that says best day ever! And right there down below is my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. It's jakeshypnosis.com in above the comments down below!
How to Open Your Third Eye Fast? Stop Drinking Fluoride!
If you don't believe me, go to Google and type in on Google. What is in my water and type your local town. You'll probably find 30 things that if I was feeding them to you in your food, I would be arrested for trying to kill you yet. They're in your water, arsenic fluoride. The list goes on and on and on. And when we ingest this chemical, these types of chemicals into our water, here's how I liken it. Like real everyday example. Think about when you've got a faucet in your bathroom and it's the room that doesn't get used that much. So then you turn it on and the water's all like jacked up and it's kind of hardly coming out. What happened? The faucets calcified. This is the exact same thing that happens to your third eye. It shuts down higher levels of consciousness. So getting rid of fluoride is an initial way on how to open your third eye fast!
Water Transmits Information. Use This To Open Your Third Eye Fast!
There has been studies that have shown that high amounts of fluoride decrease IQ level. So on a spiritual level, what's happening when we're bringing in all these chemicals, remember what water is. Dr. Emoto did a lot of studies on water and he found that water is really a transmitter of information. Water has memory and it stores memory. So, you know, when you're in school and the teacher plays the different kinds of music with a plant, I don't know if you did that. But I remember they bought two plants one year and she, for one of them, she played nice music and she was showing us, look, they grow differently. And it wasn't like this big, deep, scientific conversation. She was just saying like, well, they grow definitely. Well, the same thing happens with water. Based off of the consciousness, observing the water or the environment of the water or the music of the water, the cellular structure of the water, Dr. Emoto found changes. It really shouldn't be surprising because we now know through the observer effect in quantum physics, that consciousness changes subatomic particles. You can read more here How To Unblock Your Third Eye.
And so water, obviously being a part of this universe follows the same trajectory. We know that your cells respond to your own perception, your own feelings, whether they're stress-based or fear-based. So it shouldn't come as a big surprise. But for a lot of people, they just think water is water. Water is not just water. Think about all that energy that's that's being stored in that water. So I encourage you to get some, fantastic, healthy. It might cost you an investment. We have had water delivered to our house for years. Right now we get our water from, The Zion national park spring. Find something like that. That works for you.
How To Open Your Third Eye Fast : Limit Screen Time.
Quit watching television, quit watching television and also limiting our screen time. A lot of people go, I don't watch any TV, but we spend 12 hours a day on our screen. You can feel it, like when I'm on the computer too long, working all day, I feel it in my consciousness. I feel it like as tension between my eyebrows, because I'm so sucked into the world of form that I'm detached from my spiritual center. That's what your third eye is, your spiritual center. The word transform is important when thinking of how to open your third eye fast. Think about this: trans means beyond. So if we break the word down, trans and form, so what the word means is beyond form. Opening your third eye is about transforming the way you view your world. Set another way, biblically, what did Jesus say? He basically said that to be not conformed by the world, but be renewed by the transforming of your mind.
View The World As Energy And Be Empowered!
What did that mean? Transform your mind to no longer view yourself as of this world, see yourself as in it, but not of it. And if you see yourself as in it, but not of it, then you start to see the world as energy. Instead of matter, you move from the Newtonian model of physics that sees everything is physical. Albert. Einstein was the first one that showed us equals MC squared energy and matter. Energy and mass are one in the same, but now it's the understanding of quantum physics. So what does this show us? Find out more when you read this Opening The THIRD EYE Is Not What You Think.
It empowers us. The news is total propaganda. That's all it is. I can prove that to you factually with a simple declassified, CIA. There's a declassified document. You can get it directly off their website. It's called project Mockingbird. Oh. Um, and there was congressional hearings on it called the church hearings. So, um, what they did is the CIA was paying journalists and putting them on their staff. And this was, it was thousands of journalists from local levels to national levels. So they were writing the stories for them and telling them what to say. So it was called Mockingbird because they became parrots that were just repeating what these people wanted them to say. That was a long time ago. Think about it. Do you think they stopped. No, they did not stop. So we don't want to inherit any of these ideas from these people. So when we cut that out, what happens is we stop feeding low energy, mind control, frequency patterns, and it opens us up to higher levels of consciousness. If you're with me, say, boo-yah in your head and hit the light button and give me a comment down below that says, boo-yah, you're still with me
How To Open Your Third Eye Fast: Breathing Is Key To Focus.
Try some simple breathing techniques. So all you gotta do is just close your eyes for some simple breathing techniques and focus at the point between your eyes. And you set the clear intention to open your third eye, for some people that happens right away, and they see a bunch of energy for some people, it takes a long time. What it's really about is transform mation. It's moving beyond form. And sometimes that takes a while for us to re identify with self as energy. So you can just do a simple breathing technique where you focus at the point between your eyes and you go, breathe in and out deeply and you keep your attention focused right there in the center of your forehead. We won't do the whole thing right now in this post. But if you want to see that, give me a comment down below and let me know, and we'll do its own post.
So close your eyes, bring your attention right between your eyes. Focus there should be a white light or a blue light, or a yellow light when you close your eyes. And just, breathe in and out, and as when you finish that process, let's say you did it for 30 seconds or two minutes or five minutes when you finish it, let's say, I'm coming to my last breath. You breathe in and hold it and just focus at the point between your eyes. And you start to see visions. You might see like angelic beings, you might see aspects of your higher self. You might see just like these weird kind of Astro realms. That's you starting to activate your pineal gland right there. So using this breathing technique by simply focusing is a powerful way on how to open the third eye fast!
Seeing Is Believing: Start To See The World As Energy!
Next begin to see the world as energy opening. Your third eye is basically about seeing energy that you normally can't see having awareness and consciousness you normally aren't tapped into, but it's always available to us. So in order to do this, you have to transform yourself. You have to transform your perception of what reality is. So science tells us energy is never created or destroyed, uh, science and spirituality and science, and, and a lot of the, uh, the religious texts say the same thing. So energy is never created or destroyed. How is that set in the Bible? It says creation is finished. That's what it says. What does that mean? Well, if creation is finished, it means all the energy that ever was and ever will be is 100% evenly present in all places at all times, it's just outside of the walls of this reality, the walls of this reality, the matrix of this reality are held up at the speed of visible light.
So it gives the appearance that things are solid, but they're not what most people do is you say, well, who am I? And they define themselves by what they see their past, what they experience. This is defining. This is akin to defining yourself as your fingernail. It's like 1% of who you are because your body isn't solid. It's 99.9, nine, 9% empty space. So you aren't a body or using a body you're in this world, but you're not of this world. The same way you go to Austin, Texas, and you rent a car, you go to New York and you rent a car. It's not your car. You're just renting it. That's what your body is. The body's going to decompose, but your soul never will. So what I invite you to do is say this statement,
I'm a spiritual being in a physical body.
Say it again.
I'm a spiritual being in a physical body.
You can comment it down below if you want. I'm a spiritual being in a physical body.
Everything Around You Is Energy, Including You!
Now, the reason that this repetition is important is because it allows you to shift your consciousness from self, as body to self, as energy self, as spirit, self, as one point of infinite consciousness in a sea of infinite energy that never dies because energy is never created or destroyed. So you cannot die. And when you identify with self as spirit, you start to view the world as energy. If, if the, if the doors of perception were cleansed, but what happened is you wouldn't see this as solid right here. You would see this as energy that continues to go. And there's no line of demarcation between one energy and another energy. So the more our consciousness expanded outside of the little realm of visible light, that our, that our eyes perceive. The more you would see this water bottle blend with my hand, it wouldn't look as clear. It wouldn't look as clearly a space because there is no line of demarcation, meaning there's no separation between where one energy stops and starts. There's just a perceived mint of it based off of, the walls of this reality at the speed of visible light, and also being so used to it for so long that we are conditioned to see the world that way.
So I invite you to look at everything is energy. And to end this episode, take a deep breath in and out, breathe in, breathe out and bring your attention to your hand. Say, is there life in my hand, don't ask your mind that bring your attention to your hand. Say, can I feel the energy in my left hand? Can I feel the energy in my right hand? Can I see the energy coming out of my hands? Cause it looks like my body stops right here, but my body actually extends far beyond. So wherever you're sitting, if you're in your office, you're in your bedroom, wherever you are. I want you with your eyes open. I want you to imagine that you're a field of energy. I want you to imagine. You can see yourself as a field of energy, a circulating field of energy. I'll put a video, I'll put an image up right now. So you have something to work with, but I want you to see it as energy that's rising and it's a field.
So see yourself extending to here, see yourself, extending to hear I'm imagining my energy moving through here directly through the lens, coming right out. And it's uplifting you, right? And start to see yourself as this type of energy. And when you start to do that, see if you could feel it in your hands, see if you could feel it in your feet. And if you could feel it in your hands and you could feel it in your feet, see if you can start to see that energy and everything in the chair, you're sitting on. See if you could start to pick up instead of just a solid ending to this bottle, see if you could start to see a little energy pulsing off of it, right? You don't need to go to the Himalayan mountains to open your third eye. It's a point of awareness.
You already have access to, you know, you don't have to give me a million dollars and us go and teach you the secrets. And we spent five years in the Himalayas. You don't need to do that because, all the energy that ever was and ever will be is a hundred percent evenly present in all places at all times, we already have these levels of awareness. We've just been so conditioned to self as form. So if you're with me on this post and you're feeling the good vibe, let me know in the comments right there down below. Remember, you're a spiritual being in a physical body. Everything's energy. Now that you felt that energy now that you saw that energy extend beyond self. See if you could put a little smile on your face to shift your feeling, just tweak the vibe up a little like that.
Spread Positive Vibrations To The Universe!
Just tweak it up. So now your vibe is very powerful. And see if you could share that energy with someone today. See if we could start to spread the vibe instead of the fear-based control system, that many people are trying to keep us within. But thankfully, all the energy that ever was and ever will be is already here. And we can rise above it at any second. It's just a choice. See yourself as a body, a decaying decomposing body, or see yourself as infinite spirit. One with God divine being. And when we do the world changes, so hit the like button on this video right there down below is my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. All you got to do is just listen to it for a couple of minutes in the morning, or at night, you can listen to it as you go to sleep.
It's very powerful because the subconscious mind is all that's available before sleep. The conscious mind shuts off. So you get directly to the subconscious. So you just turn it on, allow it to work its magic. You'll see incredible things. Start to manifest in your life. Money, new opportunities, new relationships, things start to show up because you tap into the subconscious and you start to eliminate the old belief systems that are blocking you. So it's right there down below in the description above the comments. Have an absolutely great day. Give me a comment down below. Let me know how you're feeling and have a great day. See you next time!
Miracles Are Normal!
I am a spiritual being in a physical body.
Feeling Magnificent….Thank You for Sharing Jake!