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How To Manifest Your Life Using Your Imagination

In this blog I'm going to talk about how to manifest your life using your imagination! I'm so glad you're here. Let's get right into it! 

Neville Goddard, how to manifest using your imagination. This is extremely powerful. One of the greatest teachers on manifestation who I think ever lived was Neville Goddard. I'm going to break down through my research of his work, his top three steps on how to manifest using your imagination.

If you can follow these three steps from Neville Goddard, which I'm about to share with you, and you can harness the power of your imagination, what you can do is endless. You can use the power of your imagination using these three steps and it's very important you do them this way.

You could use your imagination to recreate your bank account, to attract your soulmate, to manifest a new job, to get a promotion, to manifest your dream home, anything that you want. This is Neville Goddard's three step process on how to use your imagination to manifest your life.


You must make then become now and there become here.

Neville Goddard said something incredibly powerful. He said that you must make then now, and there here.

What does that mean? To make then now what, are you doing? You're collapsing time into the present tense. Neville Goddard says very clearly that "Consciousness is the end all be all of all of creation.

Consciousness is in everything and it creates everything." He says that creation isn't a real thing. He mentions in the Bible it says that creation is finished and he goes off to share his ideas about that. He says "if creation is finished, what that means is you're not creating anything that you want."

If you want more money, if you want to create your soulmate, new job opportunity, your dream business, more income, traveling around the world a new home, a dream family, health, etc.

Whatever it is, you're not creating it because it already exists. You're manifesting it, meaning that all the energy that ever was and ever will be is 100% evenly present in all places at all times and that time doesn't really exist.

Your subconscious mind and your conscious mind, your consciousness in general is an individualization of God and this God energy has the ability to create anything. If you're looking at then, meaning sometime in the future. For instance "It'll be great when I can attract more money." 'It'd be really nice if this year sometime I could get a promotion. I really hope this year that I could attract my soul mate."


It's taking your desires and putting them in the future. When you take your desires and you put them into the future, you're implying of "then", a future time, which is really saying to consciousness that this thing might exist in the future, but for now we're going to continue to create the same reality. For instance, then versus now could be something like this with your bank account.

"It'd be great if I could finally double my income sometime in the next like two years", versus "I'm so happy and grateful. I have now doubled my income." One, you've developed the consciousness of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Neville Goddard says "Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled." You have to be able to collapse time.

Your subconscious mind only receives information in the present tense. If you cast your current desire as a future possibility, meaning your desire, now, you say "Well, it'd be great if I have this in the future. Hopefully I can get this thing in the future." What you're really saying is it does not exist now.

If creation is finished and you're constantly manifesting at every single moment, all possibilities already exist. What you're continuing to do is create the same lack that you no longer want. You desire something else, but there's a difference between desiring it and living in the present tense of it already.

"I really hope I could attract more money. I really would like to get a promotion this year. It'd be great in the next couple of years if I could pay off my debt."

 You bring it into the present tense with the word "I am."

how to manifest your life using

 "I am so grateful now that I'm making $3,000 a month. I'm so grateful now that I'm making $2 million a year. I am so grateful now that I've attracted my soulmate and I'm living my best life. I'm so grateful that I've got a promotion and now I'm working at XYZ job. I'm so grateful I paid off my debt and now I have my first $10,000 saved.

 Now I have my first hundred thousand dollars saved. I'm so grateful I got approved for my dream mortgage." That's taking the thing in the future and bringing it into the present. What happens when you do that is you start to engage with the subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind only accepts things in the present tens. If you say "I hope I get this thing", what you're really saying is "I do not have it now." The subconscious receives that information and it continues to create the same lack.

Then 12 months down the road you say "Why hasn't it happened?" Well, it hasn't happened because you programmed your subconscious mind with a current lack and hopeful future, which is really saying "I do not have it."

You have to begin to take then into now and live in the reality is if it already exists, then your subconscious mind thinks it's already real. What Neville says is take then and make it now. To double down on that, what I started doing was I started engaging my brain for the future as if it already existed. I created a software called The Second Mind

It's free to demo and it is a software I made that's designed to reengage your brain. Neville talked in a more mystical way, but now science tells us that when you have these thoughts, you fire nerve cells.


how to manifest

You fire brain cells and there's a term in neuroscience called Hebbs Law. It says that brain cells that fire together, wire together. Nerve cells that fire together wire together.

You create your neural circuitry in your brain based off of your thoughts. "I'm so grateful. I'm inspiring millions of people.." 

When I was doing that and I was sitting in visualization and meditation, taking then and making it now, I was firing nerve cells.

As I did it every day, they started to wire together. Then my brain thought it was real versus "Oh man, I hope I get there." That's firing nerves cells too, but it's firing them of lack and they wire together.

I created a software called The Second Mind designed to rewire your brain so that you could live in what you want now and take advantage of your neurocircuitry as well. It's free to demo and if you haven't yet,

Make then now, and the second part of that is make there here. "I'd really like to get there.." That's the way that our society has developed our mind so often. "I'd really like to get there. It'd be so great if I could get there in my life."

Then I'll have a $100,000 in retirement. I'll have $1 million. I'll have my dream house. I'll have my soulmate. I'll have lost 20 pounds." Time doesn't exist, and your consciousness of how you perceive your reality determines what you will experience. All possibilities of coordinated Neville already exist.

Creation is finished. Manifesting means that your consciousness is just stepping you into one of the infinite doorways of possibility.

Just imagine that every single second your consciousness is determining which road you'll travel on and there's infinite possibilities. If you continue to make there sometime in the future, your desires continue to constantly allude -- "Well, maybe I'll get it next year. Maybe I'll get it next year. Maybe I'll get it next year."

how to manifest your life

If you look at most New Year's resolutions, they're always based off of the future. 'By the end of the year, I'll lose 10 pounds, I'll make $10,000 more dollars. I'll have done this, I'll have done that."

It's all based off of the future, so your brain hasn't developed that reality and neither has your subconscious. Neville was way ahead of his time when he said that "You must make there here", meaning you're already here in the reality.

I was already here in the reality of like high fiving my wife. I'm like "Oh my God, look at all these like beautiful people like you from all over around the world. We're all growing our consciousness and this is a channel getting millions of views, a community, inspiring millions of people." I'm already here, I was already here in my dream home.

I had to be here now. If you're here now, your subconscious thinks it's real. When your subconscious thinks it's real, what happens is you become like a planet and you start pulling the money into your life. You start pulling the opportunities in your life.

 You start pulling the new people of like minds into life. You start attracting good luck out of nowhere. Why? Because your subconscious thinks that these things are already happening, so it continues to snowball and create more of these things for you.

Your subconscious takes over and you unlock the secrets of the universe and things start flowing into your life.

excited jumping for joy

Comment down below: All I want comes to me now.

Step #2

Number two, the next thing that Neville says about how to manifest your life using the power of your imagination is to live from the end. That's something you've heard before, but the second half is what I love about Neville that has really changed my life. He says, live with the end with sensory vividness.

I was listening to one of his talks last night and he was talking about if you wanted a promotion for instance, maybe the result of that promotion is you were able to buy a new car and there's a certain kind of car you want.

Imagine yourself leaving the parking lot of your office and hopping in that car. What color is it? What does the leather smell like? Is it a convertible? Imagine sitting in the airplane with all of your family and you guys are all laughing and like you just all got a glass of wine on the plane and you're all like cheering each other.

Comment down below: Live from the end with sensory vividness

Why do people love fiction books? One of the reasons is the writers are so good and they evoke your senses so much that you get lost into it because it feels so real. They're so good at sensory vividness that what they're doing is really getting you to live from the end of the story.

 If it's a fiction book, it doesn't exist. It's a fake story but it feels so real and it feels like you're in a time travel to another dimension and it's so exhilarating. Right?

It's kind of the same thing with movies. The movies, using the images, are so real sensory that our nervous system reacts to them and it feels like we're in these realities. He says "Live from the end with sensory vividness."

Think of the sensory vividness of what you want already fulfilled of your life, of your dream life already fulfilled. Going out and you have a couple of friends that are really struggling financially and you guys all go out to the most fun dinner and it's really expensive.


You could pay for it and then they're all like giving you a high five. They're like "Dude, this is so awesome. We did it. We're able to go to a nice dinner and thank you so much."

You're in the sensory vividness as if it's already happened. If you've been struggling with health, imagine yourself running on the beach. If you haven't attracted your soulmate yet and you really want to, imagine holding hands and kissing on the beach as the sun is setting in the beautiful Hawaiian islands or in The Bahamas.

Imagine the sensory vividness of it. That's why I created The Second Mind, to be a catalyst to start rewiring the brain.

I created this after learning about Neville in more detail. Last night I was lying flat on the ground listening to him with my headphones in and I was like, "Okay, he's talking about sensory vividness." I'm lying there and I'm just imagining in such great detail all of these things.

People always ask "How do I know if I'm visualizing right?" The real question is, does it make you feel different? Sensory vividness means that it's engaging your nervous system and your nervous system is how you feel things.

If you're doing it right, you will feel good, right? You'll feel good. The images and the imaginary conversations of living from the end, driving in your car with your friend, whatever it is, you'll feel good.

What that's doing is you're taking that image and you're having a positive emotion associated with it. Your subconscious thinks it's already real. Feeling is the secret. It's one of the titles of one of Neville's books. Feeling is the secret; that's how you know whether you're living from the end with sensory vividness.

how to reset your brain in 30 seconds

Comment down below: Feeling is the secret

The way to do this is you've got to make sure you don't have a bunch of distractions around you. You've got to make sure you're comfortable, whether it's sitting or you're on the beach or you're in the mountains.

 I like to just lie flat on the ground and get my spine all straight and I close my eyes. I relax and I allow myself to let go so that my consciousness can disassociate from my outer world and it can begin to bring its energy projected towards my imagination and the images in my imagination.

To the degree that I can do that is to the degree I can get my nervous system, my physiology and my brain chemistry involved in the feeling of the sensory vividness of it. What that does is that's sending that program to the subconscious.

​The subconscious is your emotional mind, so your emotions associated with these future images is what allows your subconscious mind to get programmed and thinking that it's real. Then your imagination takes hold, and your subconscious can create what's in your imagination.

It's one of the titles of Neville's books. That the one thing to remember. Feeling is always the secret to using your imagination to manifest what you want.


Use "I am" without "if."

Comment down below: Use "I am" without "if."

In other words, "I am now attracting an extra $2,000 a month. If I don't get it, I guess what I could do is this or this." 'I am now healed from my back spasms. If it doesn't happen in two weeks, I guess I'll just go see a doctor. I am so grateful I have attracted my soulmate. I guess if it doesn't happen, it won't be the end of the world if I don't have kids."

See what I mean? We use the I am, we take the power, the way you program your imagination is using the words I am. We've talked all about this. Neville talks about making then here and now. He talks about sensory vividness and then he says you can't use "I am" and "if" in the same sentence, and that's most people's biggest problem, according to Neville.

how to manifest

Think about that. If you go "I am so grateful I've attracted my soulmate. If it doesn't work out, it's all right if I don't have kids.

I am so grateful now that I'm living in my dream home. If it doesn't work out, I guess I could just move somewhere cheaper."

You're taking the 'I am" and suggesting a reality of your subconscious, but then you're ending it as if it doesn't exist.

"If it doesn't work out, I'll move somewhere cheaper. If it doesn't work out, I guess I'll go back to what I was doing.

If it doesn't work out, I guess I just wont have kids. If it doesn't, I could ask this person for help or I could do this thing."

Maybe you could do that if it came to that situation, but if you're sending that message to your subconscious, your "I am" is immediately negated by the "if it doesn't work out"

Your subconscious is programmed in the present tense, so that last emotion is a limiting emotion. That limiting emotion is what leaves with the subconscious, not the "I am" at the start.

Erase the "if" altogether. If you realize that your thoughts truly created reality, your emotions, your consciousness truly created reality, which it does, you would never utter 'If it doesn't work out, I guess I won't have kids. If it doesn't work out, I guess I'll go and I'll do this thing."

You wouldn't do that because you knew that your words were so important because they're suggesting to the subconscious, which is what's creating a reality. You would just say the "I am."

Comment down below one I am statement that you could take away from this blog and start using it a hundred times today.

"I am so grateful I've now attracted my soulmate and I'm radiating pure love. I feel great. I'm so grateful. I'm now gainfully employed at this occupation. I'm so grateful I'm out of debt and I've now saved my first $2,000." 

"I'm so grateful I got approved for my dream mortgage. I'm so grateful I now have $1 million in in my retirement account and I'm able to live my dream life."

law of attraction

"I'm so grateful I now have this or I'm experiencing that." Comment down below one of your I am's. What I'm going to do is I'm going to read them back through, send everyone prayers and intentions on them. I'm inviting every single person reading this blog to go read through others and send everyone positive energy, positive consciousness directed towards that reality.

Forget about the "If". Eliminate it from your vocabulary. Only use the I am and allow the things in your imagination to truly be the desires you want, not "I am this, but if it doesn't work out, then that.." Get rid of that altogether.

If you haven't yet, make sure that you go ahead right now and you use the second mind to start retraining your brain towards the realities that you want as if they already exist.

Take advantage of your neurocircuitry. Take advantage of your nervous system and your physiology. Take advantage of your imagination so you can create the things that you want. It's the second mind.

This was Neville Goddard's on how to manifest your life using your imagination three step process. Let me know if you've heard of any of these teachings from Neville before or if you're new to them, if they make a lot of sense to you and they feel like they're super valuable, read it again.

We got to change the paradigms. When you get suggested to this information once, it doesn't always stick. Allow this information to seep in and become your new paradigm. 

Thank you Neville Goddard for your amazing teachings while you were alive in this reality. I'm so grateful I got to share them with you.


Miracles Are Normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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