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3 Bad Habits That Block The Law of Attraction

Here are 3 bad habits that block the law of attraction! I'm so happy you're here today. Let's dive right in! 

Your desired outcomes very well could have been blocked by these habits that society has programmed into you. The law of attraction is being blocked and here's how you open it.

3 Habits That Block The Law of Attraction #1

Number one, forgetting that you are a spiritual being in a physical body. If you forget and make the number one mistake that we all seem to be making at some point in our life, which is to forget you are a spiritual being in a physical body.

If you look at yourself purely as a physical being, it becomes increasingly difficult to create the life that you want because you're indoctrinated into the limitations of the physical reality, into this dense and limited reality.

You define your possibilities based off of what you see with your eyes. If you define your possibilities based off of what you see with your eyes, then you're not tapping into the greatest superpower that you have, which is thought energy.

Not to mention, the fact that this physical reality is created by nonphysical intelligence. If you look at everything from a purely physical perspective, you have the tendency to say "I'm limited by this. I have too many rolls on my stomach. I'm too old. I'm too young. My teeth aren't straight enough."

I didn't go to the right school. I don't have enough money in the bank account. I don't have a nice enough car. I don't have this. I don't have that. I don't have the right mentors. I don't have the right resources. I'm not ready. I'm not qualified."

When you get into that level of consciousness of looking at your possibilities from a purely physical perspective, the list is endless on reasons why you cannot have what you want. They all are logical. Why? Because their physical and the world of logic is created from the part of your mind that's producing things logically.


You say "I'm limited by this. I'm limited by this. I'm limited by this. I'm limited by this. Here's why it won't happen. I'll do it when the kids get out of college. I can't do it because I'm not old enough."

It goes on and on and on because you're looking at things from a physical perspective. At least 95% of an atom is empty space​.

My body is just a garage. This isn't who I am. Jake Ducey is the spirit that gives life to this physical body. This is my rental car that I'm just using on planet earth. I landed here as a soul on planet earth and I'm using this rental car to experience life, to learn certain spiritual lessons and to be here in this existence, but it's not who I am.

If you look at it purely from that perspective, then you're neglecting the most powerful aspect of yourself, which is that you're an individualization of God.

 Your thought energy can create your reality and thoughts become things.

 If you look at yourself purely from a physical perspective, you forget that thoughts become thing because you can't see thoughts. You can only see the effect of thoughts.

3 bad habits that block the law of attraction

Comment down below: I am a spiritual being in a physical body

Mentally erase all your physical limitations that you think that you have. "I don't have the right resource. I'm not old enough. I'm too young. Well, what if they say no. I didn't go to the right school. I didn't do very good in school. I have this physical problem. This is the reason why."

Press erase on all of that because that's your physical self, that's your rental car. You have a spiritual self. Your spiritual self is all knowing. It's all wise. Spirit never manifests itself other than perfectly. You have access to all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be because energy is never created or destroyed. It's 100% evenly present in all places at all times, so all the answers that you're looking for are there, but you have to say yes to your desire.

You have to say yes to your dream instead of "I'd like it, but here's the physical reasons why I can't have what I want. Here's the logical reasons why it's probably not possible or it's going to take forever."

Comment down below: I am an infinite spiritual being.

Instead, say "Yes, I want it." Call on the dormant spiritual forces within yourself. Don't worry about the how. Don't worry about when it's going to happen. Don't worry about the how. Remember, you're a spiritual being in a physical body. Therefore, all of your spiritual dimensions can transcend the physical reality because this physical reality is made manifest by the spiritual realm.

When you are in alignment, in awareness of your spiritual self, you're accessing the very power that creates this physical reality. Therefore, you're not bound to the limitations you think you are about your past, about your current physical body, about your current physical life and here's why you can't have money and love and happiness and career success.

None of that applies to you because you are a spiritual being and this spirit energy creates the physical world. Use your thoughts wisely. Dwell upon the fact that you're worthy of everything you desire, and you are limitless.

If you have trouble with that,

It's a free success hypnosis that will wire your subconscious mind to produce thoughts of prosperity and success so it starts coming to you easier in your life.

3 Bad Habits That Block The Law of Attraction #2

Number two, getting jealous or envious of others. When we don't have what we want, oftentimes the tendency of the way the mind just naturally works is it wants to get jealous or envious of other people or make them wrong in some way.

You really would like more prosperity in your life and you see someone with a Porsche and you're like "Do they really need that Porsche?"

You see someone that is kissing in public and they have a great romantic relationship and yours hasn't worked out yet so you say "Do you really need to do that?" Then you nit pick them and you find ways to make them wrong.

Jake Ducey blog

When you're doing that, you're sending a message to your subconscious mind that says what they have is bad.

Why else would you be criticizing them or it? Your subconscious mind controls 95% of your life.

When someone else has something that you want and you nit pick them or you nit pick the situation, you're impressing your subconscious mind to say it's bad. Your subconscious mind just gives you whatever you impress upon it.

When you're impressing upon jealousy, envy, nit picking someone, finding something wrong with someone, then what you're really doing is you're saying "Subconscious mind, I do not want this thing."

Even if you don't want a white Porsche Carrera brand new, that looks like a cost $162,000, you see someone drive around it and you say 'Why do you need that?" In reality, you want more prosperity. You just could care less about a Porsche. Either way, you're sending a message to your subconscious that's saying prosperity and financial abundance is bad.

If you haven't yet,

Start sending positive energy. Send a silent prayer that says "I'm sending you more energy so you can get more great things. I'm sending you more energy so your relationship that you're using public display of affection on gets better. I really wanted that relationship with that woman. I really wanted that relationship with a man. Obviously they didn't want one with me and they're with someone else."

Instead of being jealous and envious and hoping they break up, I'm going to send them energy that they have a prosperous, loving, healthy relationship because I know my soul mate is coming. Your subconscious then says "Oh look, a relationship is coming to you." See what I mean?

3 bad habits that block the law of attraction

Whenever you see someone that has something great, send them positive energy, you can actually tell them "Hey, that's so great. You've got that brand new house. I really wanted that house and I couldn't get the loan on the bank. I just want to say congratulations and I know my perfect home is coming."

That's the message you want to send your subconscious. When someone in your office gets the promotion that you want, you know that a better opportunity is coming to you because if not this, something better.

Comment down below: If not this, then something better

The Universe is friendly. God is rewarding. Life is rewarding, so there's more great things on the way, but the only way for you to experience them is for you to send the message of the subconscious that that success is good, that that person is great, that the opportunity is coming and the only way to do that is if you make other people wrong.

If you get jealous, if you get envious, if you get an a scarcity energy, you're sending your subconscious that that money is bad, that opportunity is bad. Instead, practice blessing them. This is an infinite universe.

Just because someone else had something you wanted or someone got something similar to what you want and you haven't gotten it, doesn't mean you're not going to get it.

You're not going to get it faster by silently condemning them or judging them. You're going to get it faster by saying, "Whoa, look, that's a perfect sign than what I want is on the way. Hey, I know more abundance is coming. I know more success is coming."

3 bad habits that block the law of attraction

Comment down below: The possibilities are endless

If you have trouble with that, the way I changed that programming and my subconscious was every day I listened to my success hypnosis to train my subconscious mind to start producing thoughts of prosperity.

When I was starting my career, I was having trouble and I saw people that were very successful at it. I would nit pick them. Now I'd just go "Hey, that's so great you got this opportunity.." Because I know more is coming to me. I did that by training my subconscious.

3 Bad Habits That Block The Law of Attraction #3

Last but not least, telling yourself that it's going to be a lot of hard work. We do that and we think it's honorable. We say "It's going to be a lot of hard work. I know it's going to take a lot of time.

Every time you're doing that, you're telling your subconscious what you want isn't here yet. You're conditioning your subconscious to produce more circumstances that prove to your thoughts and your thoughts are "It's going to be hard.

 It's going to take a long time. It's going to take a lot of hard work. It's going to be difficult."

Your subconscious receives those messages, then goes about to produce and attract back to you circumstances and situations that match the way that you programmed it. The way you programmed it is "It's going to be hard. It's going to be difficult.

bad habits

 I don't know if it's going to work out, but I'm going to show up. I'm going to work hard. This is going to take a long time to work out for me, but you know I'm going to show up and I'm going to be positive about it."

You're telling your subconscious mind to keep making it harder and keep making it more difficult. In fact, everything is energy.

Science tells us that energy is never created or destroyed. If everything in this physical universe is energy - your body, the car you want, the house you want, the job you want, the opportunity you want, the money you want, the love you want, the happiness you want, the personal freedom you want.

Anything that you want in life is just energy. If energy is never created or destroyed, that means everything that you want already exists. It just exists in a nonphysical dimension. What determines you experiencing that reality is your thoughts and your subconscious programming.

The money you want already exists. The job opportunity, the promotion is right around the corner. The love is right around the corner. Your dream home is right around the corner. Your life changing forever is right around the corner.

If you say "It's going to be really hard and this is going to take a long time. It's going to be difficult.."

What you're doing is you're setting your subconscious up to constantly pull those experiences when ease might be right around the corner. When the joy, freedom and a quick success might be right around the corner.

Comment down below: What I want comes to me now

secrets of manifesting money

I am wealth now. I am love now. Whatever it is that you want, put I am the word and then now I am wealth now. I am wealthy now. I am healthy now. I am happy now. I'm attracting amazing people now. I'm getting promoted and God is doing right by me with prosperity now.

Program your mind to think like this. It's not logical. Your mind says "Yeah right", but why would you not do that? Why would you set your mind up to make things harder on yourself?

The amazing thing is that things start coming you quick and fast when you do this. You live in a friendly world. You live in a world where energy is never created or destroyed. Everything is made out of energy and thoughts are how you pull energy into your experience and create your reality.

Use your thoughts constructively. Use your thoughts to speed up the law of attraction process. Use your thoughts to help you create the life that you are now, not in 10 years, not after a bunch of really hard stuff and everything gets really bad.

There are great things on the way for you Can you feel it in your energy?

 Does it feel uplifting?

What you want is coming now.

Jake Ducey

Which of these three habits can you apply into your life today?

Use my hypnosis to retrain your subconscious mind to attract success and abundance into your life.

Comment down below: I'm an infinite being capable of anything.

You are an infinite being capable of anything. You're not bound to your past. You're not bound to your present circumstances. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. The universe's abundance is coming to you now. Be an open cup. Smile.

Take a deep breath in and allow that energy to fill your heart, your spirit and your mind. God is good, life is good. Everything is great. You're an infinite being in a physical body. You are worthy. You are deserving. Here you are in the present moment with the opportunity to create something amazing today.


Miracles Are Normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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