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How to Forget the Past [and Create Your Reality]

How to Forget the Past [and Create Your Reality]

Do you keep on repeating the same thing over and over, keep running into the same mistake? It's because you're not learning the lesson, not forgetting the past, and you continue to create the same reality as a result. Have you wondered how to forget the past? Have you wondered how to forget the past and create the reality you want....NOW? Here is the number one fastest Law of Attraction affirmation on how to forget the past and how you create your own reality when you speak this into existence. New and amazing things will show up today and this week.

How to Forget the Past

If you keep repeating the past, it's because you are not learning the lesson. You are subconsciously signalling to yourself that you need to or are deserving of that pattern continuing to manifest in your life. Instead, you need to reprogram your mind for new possibilities, for creating a new [and better] reality for yourself. Here's the affirmation: New beginnings are coming now. The rest of my life will be the best of my life. 

New beginnings are coming now. The rest of my life will be the best of my life.

You can decide RIGHT now to make the rest of your life the best of your life. 

Make a decision. Set the intention.

Make that decision and use the affirmation. 

Affirm new beginnings are coming and watch the magic unfold.  

how to forget the past

Write it on a piece of paper that the rest of your life is going to be the best of your life. Set the intention to live whatever life you have left to the absolute fullest. You can decide RIGHT NOW to get the most out of every day. Make it worthwhile. Make the rest of your life the best financial life that you've ever had, the most time freedom you've ever had, the most health that you've ever had. 

When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it

Paulo Coelho

Make the rest of your life the best of your life. New beginnings are coming now. The universe wants you to prosper. The Universe is conspiring for your highest good right now.

Reprogram your Mind to Create your New Reality

The rest of your life will be the best of your life.

Affirm that now. 

Affirm new beginnings are coming and the rest of my life will be the best of my life. Make that your affirmation. Imagine if that was drilled into your subconscious mind. New beginnings are coming. You'd be attracting things left and right.

how to forget the past

Imagine if you made the true commitment to yourself to make the rest of your life the best of your life because your past doesn't have to hold you back. The failures you had do not have to hold you back because here you are with ultimate control over your destiny, your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions. You are the one that's creating and so right now, feel the truth that new beginnings are coming now. The rest of your life will be the best of your life. New Beginnings are coming. When you say that, you're subconsciously cleansing the negative energy, removing the blocks, the things that have held you back. Look for the good today because it's there. New beginnings are coming now. The rest of my life will be the best of my life.

Use this quick, awesome affirmation today so that you can feel the spirit of new beginnings., When you do that, you'll notice the things showing up in your life. Be on the lookout for new beginnings today.

Have a beautiful day.

Download my free success hypnosis down below. Use it to train your subconscious mind for success, for abundance, for prosperity, It is the one I used to retrain my mind for success and abundance and prosperity. I used it to attract the life I have right now. 

Use that to reprogram your mind to attract what you want. You can use it to reprogram your mind to attract what you want easily and quickly. It's the one I used and I want you to have it because I love to hear your success stories. 

Have a beautiful day and when the new beginnings show up, be open to receiving them because that's the big thing. They are all around us. It's just that we aren't able to receive them. We're willing and we are open to receive them.

This is how to forget the past. 

This is how to forget the past and create your new reality. 

New beginnings are coming now.

The rest of my life will be the best in my life.

Make the rest of your life starting today. All of those things that you've been saying you were going to do, do that. Do them and watch the magic of life unfold.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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