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  • 3 Dangerous Words That Block The Law of Attraction

3 Dangerous Words That Block The Law of Attraction

In this blog I am going to talk about 3 dangerous words that block the law of attraction. I'm happy you're here. Let's get into it! 

These are three words that are stopping you from attracting what you want and they're going right into your subconscious mind. As soon as your subconscious mind gets hold of them, it's blocking you from achieving your goals.

It's blocking you from bringing money in your life, from you attracting your soulmate or new relationships or job opportunities or promotions or whatever it is. It's blocking it. In this blog, we're going to talk about the three words that are blocking the law of attraction.

Number one, the first word is if. I want to give context to all of these words because it's not like you go to the store or your friends going to the store and you say "Hey, if I don't see you in 10 minutes, I'll give you a call for where I'll pick you up." You're like "Shoot, I said "if". It's going to stop me from getting what I want. It's about the context of the word in which it's used.

What I'm referring to is when you use the word "I am" and you follow it by "I am so grateful now that large sums of money are coming into my life. I'm so grateful that I feel love and thus I radiate it out and I'm attracting amazing people in my life. I am a genius and I apply my wisdom. I am attracting great things."

It's like "I'm so grateful that my business is finally taking off and money's flowing into my life and I have financial freedom. If it doesn't happen in the next six months, I guess I'll just give up. I'm so grateful that love is flowing into my life and I've now attracted my soulmate. If it doesn't happen pretty soon, I guess it's okay that I'll be alone. If it doesn't happen soon, I guess it's fine. I don't really want to have kids anyways. I'm so grateful that I'm feeling energized. My body is feeling well. I'm feeling focused."

We use the "I am", the most powerful word in the world that's going to allow you to manifest anything that you want. It's programming your subconscious mind for abundance. Then we follow it with "if". We often use "if" in a way of we're stating our plans, if what we want doesn't happen. "I'm so grateful that my business is finally taking off. If I don't see a sign in the next two weeks, I guess I'll take it as a sign that this isn't meant to be." We block it.


What I'm inviting you to do is start using the words "I am" not followed by "if". Speak the things that you want into existence without fear. Speak the things that you want into existence without then contemplating what you'll do if they don't happen. That's what people do.

So many people can get so excited in their minds, or they can start using affirmations or they can use their imagination to define their dream reality, but then the old programming in their mind that doesn't believe it's possible pops up and they negate it. "I am" is you imagining your best life. "If" is you imagining what you'll do if it doesn't happen. You're sending both signals to your subconscious and you're negating the images that you're placing into your subconscious mind.

Start speaking what you want confidently into existence.

Henry David Thoreau said "Move confidently in the direction of your dreams and success will meet you in common hours." What does that mean in common hours?  It's going to meet you when you least expect it.

block the law of attraction

 Success is going to come. State your "I am", whether it's you want to attract your soulmate more money, success, opportunity, new friendships. Say it.

"I am attracting this. I am so grateful this has come into my life." Say it as if it's already happened. Speak it into existence and then don't go "If it doesn't happen, I guess this and this." Figure it out when it gets there, but have so much confidence in your consciousness that there is no other option. There's no plan B. There's no plan C. There's no plan D.

Will Smith says "I don't have a plan B because it detracts from plan A." It's true on a consciousness level as well. If you have a plan, A, you know, like you know, like you know. You're already grateful that the money's coming. You're already grateful that you've attracted your soulmate, even though it hasn't happened yet. You're already grateful you got the job. You're already grateful and even though it hasn't happened yet, but you're already grateful. You're already so excited. You already feel it as if it's already happened. But then you go "If it doesn't...", you've immediately lost that power that was in your consciousness.

Comment down below: I am attracting all I want now

If you want help with that, begin to use my software The Second Mind. I invented a software to start retraining your brain. The reason it's hard for us not to be like 'I'm so grateful that this is happening, but if it doesn't .." is because our minds have been programmed by society. We've been brainwashed by a society where there's so many "limitations" people have had and beliefs that are stopping us.

It gets programmed into you and I so I created a software that's designed to rewire your brain to recondition your brain synopsis, your neural connections. Your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. If you can condition your brain for the success you want before you have it, you're training your brain for a new reality. You're building neural connections of a future that doesn't yet exist and by doing that, you will create it.

You can demo it for free to start training your brain for the reality that you want so then you don't even utter the words "if" in that context anymore because you know it's going to happen. Why? Because it's already been wired into your neurochemistry.

Word number two is hate, especially in the context of what it is that you want. Let's say that you wanted to attract love or you wanted to attract money, but then something didn't go the way that you wanted, or you saw someone else who had it and you still don't have it, and you're like "Man, I hate that."

Here's an example. Let's say that you want to attract more money, but you haven't done it yet. Then you see someone with a really nice car and then you're like "I hate when I see really rich people with a $100,000 Porsche. Why don't they give that money to charity? I hate when they're doing that."

What happens is you're sending the message to your subconscious mind that you hate money. Your subconscious mind's job is to create reality the way that you program it. If you program it with "I hate money", then your subconscious mind is going to block you from attracting money. If your belief system is built around how your subconscious mind receives the impressions that you give it, then you cannot give an impression of you hate money.

You can demo it for free to start training your brain for the reality that you want so then you don't even utter the words "if" in that context anymore because you know it's going to happen. Why? Because it's already been wired into your neurochemistry.

Word number two is hate, especially in the context of what it is that you want. Let's say that you wanted to attract love or you wanted to attract money, but then something didn't go the way that you wanted, or you saw someone else who had it and you still don't have it, and you're like "Man, I hate that."

Here's an example. Let's say that you want to attract more money, but you haven't done it yet. Then you see someone with a really nice car and then you're like "I hate when I see really rich people with a $100,000 Porsche. Why don't they give that money to charity? I hate when they're doing that."

What happens is you're sending the message to your subconscious mind that you hate money.

 Your subconscious mind's job is to create reality the way that you program it. If you program it with "I hate money", then your subconscious mind is going to block you from attracting money. If your belief system is built around how your subconscious mind receives the impressions that you give it, then you cannot give an impression of you hate money.

dangerous words that block the law of attraction

Let's say it's with love and let's say that a few of your dates for the last couple months or a couple of years haven't worked. You go "I hate men." Maybe even say it half jokingly, but you're sending those messages to your subconscious mind so your subconscious blocks the thing that you want because you're emotionally getting involved with the idea of hating it.

Really, you're just upset that you don't have what you want and that's fine. If you take it a step further and you start saying "I hate ...", your subconscious mind accepts that programming because your subconscious mind doesn't think consciously.

That's why it's subconscious. It's below conscious; sub means below so it's below conscious. It's not consciously thinking, it's not being rational about it. It's just receiving the energy you programmed it with and then going about creating a future based off of that.


You really wanted to date someone but then you see that they dated someone else "I hate seeing them." If you don't like somebody, people kissing in public or they're in line in front of you and they're taking a minute long cause they're holding hands and you wish you had someone you were dating so then you get really upset.

"They taking so much time. Why don't they do that in private?" It could be anything. If you hate someone that has money and you demonize them for having it, there is no way you are going to get it. Why?

Because your whole entire belief system is that you vilified people that have money or you vilified someone who has a six pack, or you vilified someone who has a certain car you want or the certain house you want. Maybe you've always wanted something and someone else has it.

If you hate that, you cannot attract it. When you start seeing the things that you want, start reprogramming it. When you notice yourself saying "Hey, I hate that I don't have that. The money hasn't come yet." Rephrase it. "I'm so grateful that the money is here. I'm so grateful the money is on the way." Reframe it with something that feels more uplifting and more abundant and more in alignment with the reality that you want.

Then you're programming your subconscious with the same energy that you want to receive. When you start programming your subconscious with the same energy that you want to receive, you tend to receive it. Why? Because your subconscious, which is below conscious, has been programmed with a certain energy. Then that subconscious, which controls 95% of your life goes about attracting that energy that matches it back into your life for you.

Comment down below: I love money because it comes to me when I call.


I love that I'm attracting amazing people. I love that every day, I'm feeling healthier and more excited. I love that every day, I'm loving myself more. I love every day that I'm getting happier. I love every day I'm becoming more confident. I love every day that I'm attracting great new opportunities to travel." Start talking like that.

"I love every day that I'm feeling better and better about myself and I'm finally becoming confident. I love every day that I have energy for new adventures and I'm attracting new friends and new experiences. I love every day that more money is flowing into my life. I have more choices. I have more freedom. I love every day that I'm becoming less irritable. I love every day that I feel more peace in my heart. I love that I feel more joy in my spirit."

Speak the things that you love into existence. Start doing that right now. You'll notice you'll start feeling better and your subconscious mind receives the feelings. It's programmed with energy. What is feelings? Feelings are just you being consciously aware of your own vibration.

"Oh man, I feel so good." It's you being consciously aware that you're in an abundant energy. That energy is programming the subconscious. Start saying that you love whatever it is that you want into your life and replace it with hate and replace it with love. Get rid of the hate and replace it with love, especially in the context of what you want. Then your subconscious starts receiving it and creating the things that you want into your life.

If you have trouble with that,

Start to use that to train your mind for love, for abundance, for wealth, for prosperity. Then those things start to show up.

Number three, "but" is next. "Man, I really want more money. Man, I really want a promotion. Man, I really want more responsibility at work. Man. I really want to attract my soulmate. Man, I really want some new friends, but am I good enough? Did I go to the right school?" What we do is we take the"but" and we use it to analyze whether we deserve what we want.

You wouldn't be here if you didn't deserve what you want. What are you? You're a divine being. That's what you are. You're an individualization of that God energy of the universe. You're already worthy of everything that you want just off that alone.

"But I don't have a college degree, but I'm too old. But my last five years have sucked. But no relationships have worked yet. But every guy sucks so far. But every woman that I've been with, it hasn't worked out. But I don't have the time." We dissect our reality about why we can't have what we want.

Comment down below: I'm worthy of everything that I desire

You wouldn't be here if you weren't worthy and all of your desires. De means of and sire means of the father, so your desire is is holy. It's the universe wanting to express itself through you. It's the universe wanting you to experience more life and grow and learn and experience more things. That's what it means, so you're worthy of it.

Get rid of the button and just say "I am worthy of everything that I desire." Just keep saying that. "I'm deserving, I'm worthy, I'm deserving of love. I'm deserving of wealth. I'm worthy of abundance. I deserve what I want. I'm worthy of great things. I am worthy of everything that I want. I'm worthy of peace, so I feel peace in my body. I'm worthy of abundance."

"Therefore, God's wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I'm worthy of happiness. Therefore, every day I'm feeling more confident. Every day, I'm feeling more excited and vibrant and happy and peaceful. I am deserving of love and everyday I'm attracting new awesome people. I'm starting to attract some great dates. I'm starting to attract some new people and new relationships in my life. It's fun. It's exciting, it's exhilarating. It's starting to pick up. It's great."

Comment down below: I am worthy. I am deserving.

You are deserving. Forget what anyone's told you. It's all subconscious programming. Forget your past. Your brain is an artifact of the past so it's just trying to relive and remember the past because that's the only thing that it can go off of. You're deserving. You're worthy. None of that matters.

Extra points to someone who comments down below all three of the words that are blocking you from attracting what you want so everyone can learn from them, gain value out of them.

If you haven't yet,

It's free to use and you can begin using that today to start training your brain for the reality that you want and conditioning your brain for the reality that you want before you even have what you want. That's actually the way to get what you want, to predict the future, to create the future. You program it in your brain now.

You're worthy. You're deserving. You're destined for great things. It all begins in your mind, and it all begins with how you program your subconscious. Today, affirm "I love what I want. I love that life's becoming easier every day. I love that I'm attracting great things. I love that I'm a magnet for success. I love money because it comes to me when I call. I love that I'm attracting great new people. I love that I'm starting to go on dates that are fulfilling and exciting and they're enjoyable. I love that I am growing. Every single day, I'm feeling more peace within myself." This is the way that we do it.

Comment down below: Great things are coming now.

Thank you for reading this. Have a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day and I will talk to you soon.

Start to use that to train your mind for love, for abundance, for wealth, for prosperity. Then those things start to show up.

Number three, "but" is next. "Man, I really want more money. Man, I really want a promotion. Man, I really want more responsibility at work. Man. I really want to attract my soulmate. Man, I really want some new friends, but am I good enough? Did I go to the right school?" What we do is we take the"but" and we use it to analyze whether we deserve what we want.

You wouldn't be here if you didn't deserve what you want. What are you? You're a divine being. That's what you are. You're an individualization of that God energy of the universe. You're already worthy of everything that you want just off that alone.

"But I don't have a college degree, but I'm too old. But my last five years have sucked. But no relationships have worked yet. But every guy sucks so far. But every woman that I've been with, it hasn't worked out. But I don't have the time." We dissect our reality about why we can't have what we want.

Comment down below: I'm worthy of everything that I desire

You wouldn't be here if you weren't worthy and all of your desires. De means of and sire means of the father, so your desire is is holy. It's the universe wanting to express itself through you. It's the universe wanting you to experience more life and grow and learn and experience more things. That's what it means, so you're worthy of it.

Get rid of the button and just say "I am worthy of everything that I desire." Just keep saying that. "I'm deserving, I'm worthy, I'm deserving of love. I'm deserving of wealth. I'm worthy of abundance. I deserve what I want. I'm worthy of great things. I am worthy of everything that I want. I'm worthy of peace, so I feel peace in my body. I'm worthy of abundance."

"Therefore, God's wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I'm worthy of happiness. Therefore, every day I'm feeling more confident. Every day, I'm feeling more excited and vibrant and happy and peaceful. I am deserving of love and everyday I'm attracting new awesome people. I'm starting to attract some great dates. I'm starting to attract some new people and new relationships in my life. It's fun. It's exciting, it's exhilarating. It's starting to pick up. It's great."

Comment down below: I am worthy. I am deserving.

You are deserving. Forget what anyone's told you. It's all subconscious programming. Forget your past. Your brain is an artifact of the past so it's just trying to relive and remember the past because that's the only thing that it can go off of. You're deserving. You're worthy. None of that matters.

Extra points to someone who comments down below all three of the words that are blocking you from attracting what you want so everyone can learn from them, gain value out of them.

If you haven't yet,

It's free to use and you can begin using that today to start training your brain for the reality that you want and conditioning your brain for the reality that you want before you even have what you want. That's actually the way to get what you want, to predict the future, to create the future. You program it in your brain now.

You're worthy. You're deserving. You're destined for great things. It all begins in your mind, and it all begins with how you program your subconscious. Today, affirm "I love what I want. I love that life's becoming easier every day. I love that I'm attracting great things. I love that I'm a magnet for success. I love money because it comes to me when I call. I love that I'm attracting great new people. I love that I'm starting to go on dates that are fulfilling and exciting and they're enjoyable. I love that I am growing. Every single day, I'm feeling more peace within myself." This is the way that we do it.

Comment down below: Great things are coming now.

Thank you for reading this. Have a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day and I will talk to you soon.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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