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  • Language Of The Universe You Need To Understand

Language Of The Universe You Need To Understand

Language of the Universe is so powerful, you need to understand how to communicate and express your manifestations. So step number one is to understand that the universe is a living thing, but it doesn't speak words; it speaks frequency. So what is the universe? First of all, what is the physical universe? What are those mountains right there? They're just energy. What's in my hand? It's just energy. What's on your body? It's just energy. Touch the thing you're sitting on right now. You might be sitting on a chair, a couch, or something else. It's just energy. And everything that you want is just energy, too. But what most people do when they're trying to talk to the universe is go like, "Universe, please give me some money, and try to talk to it in their language." Read my other blog How To Talk To The Universe To Manifest Money so you will have a deeper understanding.

English or Portuguese or Indian or Spanish or Chinese or whatever it is, all words are vibrations; they send a vibrational wavelength, which our brains pick up based on how they work and then translate into a language we understand. Our words are just symbols of the vibration that we've used to make sense of the world, but all they are is frequency. Understanding the language of the Universe lets you send vibrational wavelength. When most people pray, they think of God as a vending machine in the sky. My life was changed when I heard Greg Braden speak about the science of prayer, and he tells a story about traveling around the world and learning from all these ancient traditions about how to pray, and one Native American culture takes him to the top of a mountain to go pray for rain during a drought in the high desert, and he says he just did.

There Is A Bridge Between Science And Spirituality

There Is A Bridge Between Science And Spirituality

He said, "Well, what do you mean?" He said he'd prayed for rain. So what was he doing? He was ushering in the frequency or feeling of what he desired as if it were already here. So he communicated to the universe, to God, and to spirit through a feeling of gratitude, which is why Dr. Joe Dispenza asks if you can give thanks for a future that has not yet been made manifest. There's a bridge between science and spirituality. So when science and religion say that creation is finished, what does science say that backs up that claim? Well, science says energy is never created or destroyed, so if energy is never created or destroyed and all of the physical creation is just energy, then when creation is finished, all the energy and all the possibilities that ever could exist and already do exist are already 100 percent evenly present in all places at all times. Understanding the language of the Universe lets you send vibrational wavelength. 

Spirit is everything. You can call it spirit. You can call it God. Alan Watt says you can't get wet from the word "water," so who cares what you could call it? Frankly, if you really wanted to, you could call him Jeffrey. You could call her Susie. It doesn't matter because it's a living consciousness, so spirits are 100% present everywhere at all times. Greg Braden talks about the divine mind or the quantum field, which says that since creation is over, all the energy that has ever been and will ever be is just in another dimension, just outside of the third dimension. The observer effect in quantum physics shows us that subatomic particles, which are even smaller than atoms, behave differently depending on who is looking at them.

Just Because I Can't See It Doesn't Mean It's Not There

The reality of me being a multi-millionaire author and speaker who inspires millions of people already exists. A lack of evidence isn't evidence of a lack. Just because I can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. I started doing this because I realized there's a conscious frequency that I'm transmitting and a subconscious frequency that I'm transmitting. My subconscious frequency was transmitting a bunch of crap. I believed I was too young and not good enough. I was denied by all these publishers. I had to send a clear signal that I was already doing so and that I was grateful that I was a very successful author.

That's why, according to Nikola Tesla, Time Magazine's Man of the Year, if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of energy and frequency, because everything is just different rates or amplitudes of energy and vibration. Understanding the language of the Universe lets you send vibrational wavelength. That's how you change what appears in your life at number three. "Communicate with gratitude and love, not with fear or need," says Dr. Joe Dispenza. "The universe only speaks frequency, and we've already talked about that." So you talk to it through gratitude and love, through a feeling of gratitude and love, because all feelings are energy. All feelings are this conscious awareness of your own vibration. It's a conscious awareness of your own frequency. "

Images In Your Mind Harness Spirit Energy

Images In Your Mind Harness Spirit Energy

So number four is to understand that images in your mind harness spirit energy to build a spiritual prototype in a higher dimension. The way your brain projects frequency, or emotions, because all emotion is energy and motion, is through frequency. The way your brain does that is through images, because your brain works in pictures. So when I say, "Think of your mom or your car," you see it. I built a prototype the same way you would build a prototype for a new invention: in the spiritual plane and in the astral plane. We exist on several planes. So I was using my mental faculties and building new images.

I was building a prototype in the spiritual dimension. I aligned my mental and spiritual planes, and then that's what materialized it here in the third dimension. So when you use my success hypnosis, use it to start building new images. So whether it's money or romance, you can feel like you have already attracted your ideal romantic relationship, or you can feel like it's impossible. They're two distinct feelings. Everything has two things. Understanding the language of the Universe lets you send vibrational wavelength. So, whatever it is that you want, start to build new images before you go to bed. As you're falling asleep, start to replay what you want. Start seeing the good things happen.

Your Subconscious Mind Is Your Emotional Mind

Start imagining yourself walking on the beach with your soulmate. Evoke the feeling of how good love feels. How grateful are you that it finally happened? And when you do this repeatedly, your subconscious, which is your emotional mind, your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind only see the tip of the iceberg, which is what sank the Titanic. It was what was below the surface of your mind. Your mind is the same way. Your psyche is the same way. You cannot see, smell, taste, or touch it. It's subconscious and emotional.

Your subconscious mind is your emotional mind. What does it mean to be a divine being? That is, you have access to spirit energy through your own free will to begin to build new images and new pictures; those images and pictures that you become emotionally involved with are built in a higher dimension and materialize here in this reality. Understanding the language of the Universe lets you send vibrational wavelength. Number five, you are made in the image of God through the medium of expression, which is your imagination. John Keats, the famous poet, used to say that everything that is now real was once imagined. Every time I think about it, every single thing that is real in this dimension was once an idea.

Most People Use Their Imaginations In A Negative Way

Most people use their imaginations in a negative way. They imagine they're being cheated on; they imagine they'll be broke forever; they imagine they'll be sick; and they imagine these bad things are going to happen. They use worry, fear, and anxiety to control their imaginations in a bad way. This changes their frequency pattern, and they re-adjust. Everything that is now real was once imagined. Some people say, "Well, I don't have a very good imagination," but everyone does. The problem is that most people's imaginations get stuck in reactionary consciousness, so they imagine their future will look like their present or like their past.

To be a visionary, you have to start to separate yourself from your five senses. Last but not least, the universe is one of free will, and one of the purposes of life is spiritual realization, or raising your level of awareness, so God doesn't give you anything that you're not ready for. One of my friends used to always say, "Everything you need, nothing you can't handle." When you open your eyes and you're staring at a reality that you don't really want, it's fine. Everything you need, nothing you can't handle—the universe is based on free will because the whole point of life is to grow spiritually. We all have our own lessons and reasons for being here.

It Would Defeat The Entire Purpose Of Free Will

Yours are different from mine, but the universe is one of free will. That's why God or the universe speaks at different frequencies. It's one of free will. If the whole purpose of life is to raise your level of awareness and spiritual realization, then the whole purpose is defeated. Understanding the language of the Universe lets you send vibrational wavelength.  If you can just go, "Hey God, please give me some money," dude, you're up there, bro. If it worked like that, it would defeat the entire purpose of free will because manifestation, prayer, or actualizing your life is a spiritual exercise that involves raising your level of awareness and, again, going back to that Tesla quote, understanding the way the universe works, which is, as Tesla said, thinking in terms of energy or frequency, so it's moving out of your third dimensional selves.

Albert Einstein said that the most important decision you'll ever make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe. And in a world of free will, whatever you believe is what you experience; it's all part of your journey to your own realization. So remember that God is synonymous with love. "God is synonymous with spirit." Spirit is energy. Energy is never created or destroyed. Everything you want already exists. God is love, life is love, you live in a friendly universe, and there's nothing to worry about, so then the question is, "Well, what's really possible, and nobody knows what you're really capable of?" Nobody knows what you're really capable of. It's beyond what you can even conceive and perceive with your own mind. Remember, God is love. You're more powerful than you think you are, but the question is, how powerful are you? Only you can find that out for yourself.


How To Talk The The Universe To Manifest Money, language of the universe

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