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How To Make Money In 3 Easy Steps

How To Make Money In 3 Easy Steps: When you don't have any money, try this simple three-step process; it works every time very powerfully, and you'll start to see more money coming into your life. I say urgently because there are a lot of people right now waiting on the stimulus check; they're waiting on the government. So far, the government hasn't been there, and it's important to take matters into your own hands. So here's a three-step process when you have no money: Try this and watch what happens next. My name is Jake Ducey, with jakeducey.com. 

Money Is The Source Of All Evil

Step number one is to change your conversation about money. Money has ears, and it hears when you call. I say this all the time, but it seems like very few people understand the significance of this. We know from quantum physics that everything in the universe that you experience subjectively comes from your own consciousness, so how does this pertain to money? It says that money comes when you call it, which is another way of saying that when you are in the consciousness of abundance, you tend to attract more abundance into your life. Read  more here to find out more - Make Money Fast With The Law of Attraction

Money has ears; it hears when you call. Now how does this show up in the rest of your life? Well, think about it like this: If you were in a relationship with someone and all you did was tell them all your limiting beliefs, but instead of it being about money, you replaced it with them, how long would they stick around? Well, you're the root of all evil. You know life's not all about you. Life is all about happiness, and you already know where the rich people took you. You know the rich people; they probably think you're nuts, and they believe pretty fast.

Now, on top of those statements like "money is the root of all evil" and "this person is the root of all this," What if you sent a subconscious message to make that specific thing evil in your life? Money is the root of all evil. Rich people have it all: more money, more problems, etc. It's too hard. I'm not smart enough. I don't think I could do it.

Money Can Control Your Actions

This guy's just making up a bunch of crap to make people watch his YouTube videos. According to psychologists, whatever you insert into your subconscious directly controls your behavior. 95 percent of your whole life is very significant for a lot of reasons, the most formal of which is that your subconscious messaging about money directly controls your behavior. So think about it like this: How would Oprah think about money? How do you think Oprah talks about money? How do you think Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Dwayne Johnson, Will Smith, or Jay-Z—just to name a few people who have openly discussed the power of your mind—would go on and on, and you could find people who hold political views you disagree with?

Whatever we're talking about in terms of actual metaphysical concepts, not political ideologies, this is what we're saying and what you can find time and time again. Oprah doesn't lie in bed and wake up in the morning and say, "Honey, more money, more problems." She asks, "Where's my coffee in bed?" and then says, "Server, come here." “I want my coffee." "Here's a $100 tip." She has a unique way of talking about money. So then the question is, can you start talking about money in a positive way even if it's not in your life yet? Because if you can start to change your conversation about money, you're going to change the subconscious messages that you send, and if you change the subconscious messages, you change the programming in your subconscious, and if you change the relationship with money in your subconscious, guess what? You're going to start to see more of it come into your life. Money has ears, and it hears when you call. Choose your thoughts wisely. 

The 20/20 Principle

Number two is the 80/20 principle. Now this was originally coined by a mathematician; it's also known as Pareto's principle or Pareto's law, and it basically says that pretty much every working system in the world follows an 80/20 principle. This can vary to a 70/30, 90/10, or 95/10 ratio, but the general rule is that the vast majority of your results come from a few things, a few people, a few behaviors, a few habits, and a few actions. Now, this is the same for your financial income. This totally changed my life, perhaps for a lot of reasons. 

Number one was that I was under the impression that there were so many internet entrepreneurs, Instagram entrepreneurs, and all of this stuff. They advised me to work harder. You are aware of and appreciate posts about how hard you work. Put a photo of your face all tired and say, "I worked 24 hours and didn't sleep yesterday." And all those posts on Instagram—all the motivational posts—explain why I don't make motivational videos. This is why I talk more about psychology, because if you want lasting change, you have to affect psychology; otherwise, you can get really motivated and then it's gone, and so what happened was that I was the type of person that would work all day and all night. 

I had a workaholic problem, so I would work until very late in the morning, not getting enough sleep, but I was always working, and I was told that if you worked hard enough, you would be successful, wealthy, and all these other wonderful things. Yeah, but what happened to me was that instead of crashing, I backed out of my driveway and crashed into someone's car because I was so tired and wasn't paying attention, like those were the types of things that would happen to me. 

I wasn't getting big breakthroughs, and I came across the 80/20 principle. And being an objective person, I said, "Okay, well if this is true, let me take a self-examination of where most of my money comes from, and what I found was that it came almost exclusively from a couple things, and I realized there were, I don't know, 10-20 things I was doing, but only two or three of them were bringing me money, so I cut everything else out, and through different seasons of my life, I've always done this.

Focus On Your Work

My biggest breakthrough happened when I was making YouTube videos for fun on the side. I was writing books and publishing them with Penguin Random House. I was doing hundreds of high school and college motivational speeches over the course of a year, and I was making YouTube videos for fun. I realized that the amount of time I was putting into YouTube, if you did a ratio of time vs. money, was getting me the most time vs. money even though it wasn't making me that much money because I wasn't really doing much of it.

So I started pouring time into it, and what happened was that I turned my annual income into my monthly income over the following 12 months, and it's happened year after year; this is the third year in a row of that, and it's been amazing; it's changed my life forever. So, consider this: Are you doing busy work? Are you sending emails that aren't making you money, as if it had to be black or white? Does this thing make me money? Do these meetings, these Zoom calls, and these coffee meetings make me money? Because I used to do all these meetings all day long, I would like to go meet people at the coffee shop. I did Zoom calls and phone calls with people; I called it networking, but it never worked. It never benefited me, but I always thought it was important because your network equals your net worth, so I cut everything out and focused only on the things that made me more money. 

Make A List Of Where You Will Earn Money

My life changed forever. I've seen this work for so many people. So here's what I invite you to do in order to do this: Make a list of where your money comes from in terms of activities; most likely, it comes from one, two, three, or four major things, and those are the ones you should focus on. So, don't say that your day was a success or a failure based on your to-do list and how many things you got done. 

I got 18 things done today. Yeah, don't do that anymore. Base it off of whether you've completed one or more tasks based on income-increasing activities. Those are the things that are producing the most bang for your buck. It's just common sense. Put your energy into things that give you the most bang for your buck; you're going to have more free time and you're going to make more money.

How You Manage A Small Money Will Define If You Will Manage A Bigger Amount

How You Manage A Small Money Will Define If You Will Manage A Bigger Amount

Step number three is: "How you manage one dollar determines if you will ever manage one million." What do I mean by that? Many people are waiting for more money until they begin to take their current financial situation seriously. They say, "Jake, I only have one dollar; I only have ten dollars; I only make one thousand dollars; I make minimum wage." How do you expect me to manage my money? 

Now, as long as you make excuses about how much money you have now, you will never make more because you're in a consciousness of lack. I know that's really hard to take. And it sounds like, "Hey, come on, this is a hole." Well, I learned it the hard way. I was listening to an audio program about money, and the individual said something of the sort, and I realized I lived that way—I lived vicariously through a future that may never arrive. I stated that I would save when I had more money and invest. I'll start to set aside 20 percent for savings or investments when I have more money. I'll put this percentage on it when I have more money, but what you're really saying is that I'll be in need one day and hope that things change. I'll do it when it changes. This is not a recipe for success. This is a recipe to repeat the same failures over and over. 

Live By Your Financial Principles

So I started doing the opposite: I had a very modest income and was unhappy with it, and I always said I'd save more when I had more of it. I didn't have the amount of money that I wanted, so it was very frustrating, but I started saving it the way I wanted. So I started putting 30–40% of my income into savings. It was very hard to do, and I wasn't making much. I put five and ten percent into this account, and I broke it up in a respectful way even though I didn't have the amount of money that I wanted. 

A very amazing thing happened: my income changed so fast that it still doesn't seem that real, like it took off so quickly that I looked back and was like, "What the heck happened?" What happened was that I started to live by financial principles, and when I lived by those principles, the universe had to bring more money into my life to make up for the steadfast principles that I was living by. 

What does it mean if I save forty percent of my money and spend thirty percent of my money no matter what? New ideas keep coming to me: this thing takes off, that thing takes off, this new business works out, and things just start happening. Here's the real kicker for people who don't have any money: Always ask, "How am I supposed to do that?" But the people who have money say, "I'm going to do that now." 

Start Saving Your Money

It doesn't matter how much you have. It is the psychology that you have when you do it that matters, so I always say that how you manage one dollar determines if you will ever have one million, and the simplest way to basically break that down is as follows: Do you say that you will do stuff once you get more money? When I get more Jake, I'll save. When I get more Jake, I'll invest. I'll buy some gold once I have more money. I'll start a business when I have more money. I'll start saving money when I have more. I'll pay off my credit card when I have more money, and if you're the subconscious mind, this becomes your mantra. 

How do you interpret those statements? I'll do something once I get more money. The way you interpret that is "I'm broke," and it's not changing. This is super important to understand because we're always sending messages to our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind controls 95 percent of our lives, so how you manage one dollar is important. 

If you ever got one million dollars and were rich, how would you divide up the money you were making now? No, I'm not saying you need more money to make a change. What I'm saying is that if you were already rich, irrespective of your income level, how would you start to divide it up? How would you start to spend it? How would you start to invest in it? Furthermore, when you do this, amazing things begin to happen because you begin to take a stand for who you want to be rather than hoping that one day you'll have the financial freedom you desire; instead, take a stand today. 

Society Has Taught Us To Be Broke

Society Has Taught Us To Be Broke

We talked about three quick and easy steps to start changing your financial life forever. Say it's my right to be rich. I know that sounds like a weird statement. I believe that we're all one with God, and God wants us to live a totally abundant, rich, prosperous life with freedom. So therefore, with money just being an instrument that allows us to exchange value, God wants us to be rich.  

So I created software to retrain my brain. A lot of people's brains are programmed to be broken; there's really no other way to say it. Society has taught us to be broke, poor, and unsuccessful, and we need to start breaking out of this pattern and retraining our brains using neuroplasticity. If you retrain your brain, you can basically rewrite your whole life.


how to make money in 3 easy steps, make money fast

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  • I am sitting at my desk, less than a minute has lapsed since I read your provocative questions about how I would allocate my money if I were rich and the prompt to start using my money right NOW the way that I would if I had millions… and I’m writing my division priorities down based on my values, so I can start with the money that’s already coming to me to be ready for the thousand-fold increase I am expecting to receive. Thank you!!

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