How To Become Enlightened In Dark Times: We are enlightened as soon as we remember that life comes from us into the world, and that when we stop and smile and just take a breath and feel all that energy that's coming through our body when we're smiling, we're the only ones that can allow that or disallow it. Sounds good? Check this out - This Manifestation Technique Will Change Your Life.
When we remember that we're enlightened, there's nothing else we have to do or anywhere else we have to go, because we already know that we are the ones that can allow that feeling to come through us at all times and that nothing can take it away from us. When we remember that, that's how we can go and accomplish miracles and do great things in the world.
That's how somebody like Gandhi was able to truly stay in their power against so much havoc that was put against them. That's how Martin Luther King was able to keep coming back after he went to jail after this or that had happened to him because he had already been to the mountaintop. He'd already known that there was something greater than him that ran through him and that he could be fully free and fully powerful when he let that flow through him. Check this out to learn more - How To Attract Wealth And Prosperity.
We Have The Integrity And The Focus To Stay Committed
So we are in a position to not only truly feel what we can create for ourselves in terms of happiness, but we also realize that we're in a position where we can put ourselves into positions of higher responsibilities in order to give ultimate service to other people in the world that need it right now.
We can remember that we have the integrity and the focus to stay committed to our vision amidst the chaos of the world outside of us because we know that life starts from within, from our own inner world. Check this out to learn more - 3 Shocking Things You Should Know About The Great Awakening Secret.