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Albert Einstein Law Of Attraction

Albert Einstein Law Of Attraction: I want to invite you to try Albert Einstein’s E equals MC squared manifestation technique. Now you’ve heard that V equals MC squared, but I did hours and hours and hours of research. I found out that it’s also one of the most powerful tools to create your reality. E equals MC squared; energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. I didn’t know that; actually, I guess I did, but I didn’t really think about it. You might not have thought about it either, but it basically says that mass and energy are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. You may want to check this out also – Albert Einstein’s Law Of Attraction Secret

Mass And Matter Are Energy

Albert Einstein Law Of Attraction: Energy is mass; there are no solid objects. Everything is energy moving at different speeds or rates of vibration, and in the equation equals m c squared, it breaks down like this: energy, which is the entirety of one side of the equation, represents the total energy of the system, and then you get two M physical masses, which Einstein shows is actually not physical. It’s actually just energy, and then there is C squared, which is the speed of light squared, which is the factor that Einstein needed to make mass and energy equivalent. You probably already know that the speed of light is pretty fast. Photons zip along at around 300 million meters per second, or 186,000 miles per second. 

Albert Einstein Law Of Attraction: Everything We Believe About Physical Reality Is Wrong

Everything We Believe About Physical Reality Is Wrong

Basically, Einstein showed us that everything we believe about physical reality is wrong, and it has to do with energy. Energy, of course, is a popular term in science and in spiritual, religious, and metaphysical worlds, but it’s really not understood in any depth; it’s as if it’s this mystical thing that’s out there somewhere in the universe; it’s abstract; it’s far away, kind of like the moon and stars, but Einstein famously said, regarding matter, we’ve all been wrong. What we’ve called matter is energy whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. It doesn’t matter. Now, in Einstein’s equals-mc-squared discoveries, he found out that mass has energy inherent in it even when it’s at rest.

Albert Einstein Law Of Attraction: So the chair you’re sitting on or the phone you’re watching this on actually has energy even if it’s matter at rest, and Einstein proved that mass and matter can be converted into pure energy, so for every one kilogram of mass that you convert into energy, you get nine times 1016 joules of energy, which is 21 megatons of TNT. You might be losing, but stay with me here and think about this right now.

Your Body Has Much More Energy Than The Powerful Bombs

If I’m roughly 200 pounds in kilograms, this is 90 kilograms. So if you take my body weight and multiply it by how much energy is in it, guess what? I actually end up having more energy than pretty much anything you can imagine. There are 1890 megatons of TNT in converted joules of energy in every single cell of my body, and by comparison, there were 64 grams of highly enriched uranium in the Hiroshima World War II atomic bomb that the United States dropped. 

Consider this: Hiroshima wasn’t the most powerful nuclear bomb ever dropped in human history; that honor belongs to the Soviet Union, which dropped it off the Arctic Circle. Your body contains much more energy than the most powerful bombs in the world. It had an explosion of 50 megatons, which is 300 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. You may want to check this out also – The Energy Of Money, Match It And It Flows Like Crazy!

So since my body is approximately 1 890 megatons of potential joules of energy, that means my body has approximately 37 times more megatons of energy than the most powerful bomb ever dropped in the history of the world. Now you may be watching, and you might be like, “Jake, this is interesting, but what the heck does this have to do with me?” 

Albert Einstein Law Of Attraction: Pure Energy Is Used To Create Physical Matter

Now the final part of equals mc squared is perhaps the most amazing. Scientists found that using mc squared, they could actually use pure energy to create physical matter or physical particles. Now think about the fact that everything in your life is just energy; it’s just mass: your bank account, the house you want, the car you want, the success you want, your real estate practice, your life coaching, your music, your health, and you can use this exact same scientific process to create something out of nothing.

This is exactly how particle accelerators like CERN operate, and recently there were researchers at New York’s Brookhaven National Laboratory who used the Department of Energy’s relativistic heavy ion collider to try to say that three times, and they combined this with Albert Einstein’s equals mc squared to create matter out of pure light. For the first time, they smashed ions together at close to the speed of light. What they did was take two gold ions that were positively charged in a loop. They accelerated it to 99.9% of the speed of light, collided them together, and the results were shocking. They showed that equals mc squared proves that you can create matter out of pure energy. 

Now this means that you can unlock the potential energy in your body, which we already stated is over three thousand times greater than the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created, but instead of destruction, you can use this to create more money, your soulmate, your dream house, perfect health, and anything else that you want. You can use the power of consciousness, which can move at the speed of light, to transcend physical reality. 

Direct The Speed Of Your Consciousness Properly

My mentor, Bob Proctor, used to tell me that thought waves are cosmic waves that travel instantly through all time and space. So, you let m in the equation equal matter mass, which is your current bank account, your relationships, and all the circumstances of your life. You let mc squared equal the speed of light, which is the speed your consciousness can move when it is directed properly. Finally, you let E equal the potential energy that you want, and when you start to activate all this dormant energy, you start to I was 19, I dropped out of college, I backpacked around the world, and I was going to do all this stuff, write books, and become a speaker. It wasn’t working out, and I met a mentor who told me he’d teach me how to become a successful high school and college speaker and build my career.

Well, he ended up taking off with all my money, and I saw the rug being pulled out from under me, and you might feel like that. You might say, Well, look at my bank account; there’s no money in it. My relationships haven’t worked. You’re looking at the current mass, and what happened to me was that I started using success hypnosis to reprogram my subconscious mind because, according to psychologists, 95 percent of reality happens subconsciously. This subconscious action is what’s influencing reality; that’s your Consciousness moving at the speed of light instantaneously, which is influencing reality down to the subatomic level. And that brings into play the observer effect and a lot of things we don’t have time for in this video.

The Observer Effect

But the observer effect shows equals mc squared in real action that your Consciousness can make subatomic particles appear as matter or disappear into empty space and I started hypnotizing myself every single day and my book ended up becoming a top online bestseller and that led to a book contract with the number one English publishing company in the world, Penguin Random House for multiple books, a Tedx talk, a viral YouTube channel and by the time I was 30 even though every single person said you’re an idiot you should quit, it ended up becoming a multi-million dollar enterprise and you can do the same thing by harnessing equals mc squared to use The Power Of Consciousness to create matter out of nothing.  You may want to check this out also – Matter Is Energy: How This Affects The Law Of Attraction.

So check out my free success hypnosis; it’s right there down below, pinned to the comments, and in the description, it’s jakeshypnosis.com. Now I know that was a lot to take in, so I hope you enjoy the movie. If you do, leave a note below. I love this video, and I think you’ll like my Tesla video, where I break down Tesla’s secrets for the world. You can click here to watch that right now.



Albert Einstein Law of Attraction, Albert Einstein’s Law Of Attraction Secret, matter is energy, the energy of money

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