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The Shocking Secret Behind Attracting Money Into Your Life (Law of Attraction)

The Shocking Secret Behind Attracting Money Into Your Life (Law of Attraction)​

I was talking to a hotel clerk the other day who said he was struggling with money and was beholden to a job that he was no longer passionate about. He was working so many hours. The reason we started talking is I had seen him time after time after time, like from early in the afternoon, working until 11:00 at night. He looked exhausted. He said one sentence in there after telling me about his situation and his problems. He said one sentence about money that made me immediately think, "that is the reason that he's struggling financially." This is the shocking secret behind attracting money into your life. It's very important that you learned and applied this one phrase because it might be the very thing that's stopping you from having a financial breakthrough. It might be what is stopping you from attracting money into your life. Removing this ONE phrase is the secret to attracting money into your life.​

What's Stopping You From Attracting Money Into Your Life? 

He was a super cool dude about my age. In every exchange that I had, he was positive and good. As kept walking by the clerk office because I was staying in this hotel for quite a bit of time, I'd see him constantly and I walked by and I thought to myself, he worked so many hours, I cannot believe how many hours he's been working and, and I said something to my wife about that. I said to him, "you work a lot of hours" and I went over to the front desk and I started chatting with him for awhile. He just looked exhausted. He was such an awesome person and employee, so respectful, positive energy.

He looked exhausted. He was hunched over and he wasn't supposed to be working and  someone else left their shift and he had to cover their shift and he was working from the morning until 11 at night. It was the same thing the day before. I said, well, are you going to get tomorrow off? And he said, man, I hope so because today and tomorrow are supposed to be my days off and I had to come in today and if I work tomorrow will be 14 straight days. He just looked exhausted and then he started talking about how he needs the money. I noticed a couple of words out of there that I felt like are inherently limiting because I noticed that I used to communicate my financial reality in my self talk in a similar manner, such as I need the money.

attracting money into your life

 Our entire reality, your entire reality is based out of a self image. It's based out of the assumptions that you have about who you are. When you start to view yourself as someone who needs money, what you're developing is a self image where you see yourself as somebody who struggles financially. We all view ourselves in certain ways. Some people view themselves as someone who is a confident and relaxed public speaker. Some people view themselves as bad readers. Some people view themselves as they always get nervous talking to other people and they stumble on their words. Some people view themselves as having fantastic memories. Some people view themselves as lucky. Some people view themselves as unlucky. Some people think that they have the worst memory in the world and they can't believe it. Some people view themselves as a forgetful person. They always forget things are always late or other people view themselves as somebody that's early.

We have a self image about who we are that we believe so strongly because it's based off of our past which gives us the psychological proof to ourselves to say 100 percent with absolute certainty. This is who I am and it controls our whole life. All of our unconscious actions and results and the reality that we experience because it's an assumption that we hold about ourselves. The way that we process and experience reality. What happens if your self image is one in which you do not believe yourself? As a person who has financial stability, financial freedom, financial certainty has the opportunity to earn the money the way that you want to earn the money. As he was continuing to communicate his problems, it was so evident to me that this was a person who did not see themselves as somebody who could create a new and  more free and fluid and abundant financial life for themselves.

Notice if you use that phrase, I need it because what it's really saying is I am a person who does not have money. I'm a person who literally doesn't have it because then you subconsciously based off of your self image that controls how you show up in reality, you see yourself as somebody who can't make money. You have to start to see yourself as somebody who can not and does have money, even if the only place that you do see yourself as somebody with money is in your own imagination. Because your imagination is literally what shapes your self image.

Before you can ever change your financial situation, you have to be able to see yourself as a person who has money, just like you might see yourself as a forgetful person. You might see yourself as an A student. You might see yourself as a C student. You might see yourself as someone who always has financial problems or someone who always has relationship problems or someone who's super lucky. Amazing things happen to you every single day, right? We all live into a persona. There's the persona of a blonde. Well, what about creating the persona of yourself, as someone who has a fluidity in their life financially, who has financial opportunities all around them, every single day. Starting to see this as a prosperous world and that you have opportunities imagining yourself making the money the way that you want to, making working hours that you want to work, influencing people in a positive way with your product or your service or your passion or your work and in return being wonderfully blessed financially.

Attracting More Money Into Your Life: Change Your Self-Image 

I invite you to ask yourself, how have you been seeing yourself in relation to money in the past? I was at a cafe recently and there was a person that's a part of this youtube community that watches these videos here and they came up to me and they said that one thing that had really impacted them about the one of the concepts that I discussed was that they talked about money. I said, talk to money the way that you would talk to a person that you wanted to be around in your life. They noticed they talked to money in a way that, that if money was a person and it was like you're not that important, and all of these types of phrases like that that person would have left and they changed their conversation with it.

I'm inviting you to change the way you view yourself in relation to money. How can you view yourself in a more positive manner? How can you view yourself as a prosperous person? Now, that question depends on your desired life, your perfect day, your values, but imagine yourself if it's you know, easily being able to pay for your kids to go to college or having the house you want or the two houses you want. Seeing yourself doing the work that you want to do or the dreams that you want to do and living the way that you want to live. What you would do and how you would be if you were a person who had an abundance of money rather than an absence of money? Start to change the way that you view yourself, which in turn will change the way that you talk about yourself and talk about your financial situation. Your reality is a product of your unconscious mind and your unconscious self image that you hold about yourself.

attracting money into your life

It's a self image. When you change your self image as someone who's walking through a financial reality that's pleasant, that's abundant or that feels good, that's free, that has a reality that is pleasant, that's a fulfilling and passionate and financially rewarding.and you're buying the things that you want to buy and you living there in your mind. Once you develop that reality, and that instills into the subconscious mind by diligently practicing, visualizing, and seeing that reality, mentally rehearsing it, then you embody that as a self image and you see reality change in effect. You have to reprogram your mind for this new reality.

Attracting More Money into Your Life: How to Reprogram Your  Mind​

You have to reprogram your mind. You have to get rid of all that negative programming and replace it with positive programming. You can reprogram your mind for attracting more money into your life. You can reprogram your mind for abundance, for prosperity, for wealth, and happiness. 

Be sure that you download my free success hypnosis. It's a financial success hypnosis that will play, and then you can use that prompt to actually mentally rehearse your new reality and recreate your self image in relation to your finances and your overall lifestyle. 

I write my money future, I write my money future. You get to rewrite your self image and your unconscious assumptions about reality in relation to career,  work, money, finances, and you can make it the most beautiful reality yourself. It starts with changing your self-image.

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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