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Why The Secret Isn’t Manifesting What You Want

Here's why your manifestation techniques will not work and the secret will not work until you learn this law of attraction technique. If you've been working on manifesting what you want - more money, love happiness -, and it hasn't happened yet, here's why. 

Here's how most people manifest. I really want that money. Has It happened yet? Wait, it's been two days. Does the law of attraction even work? I really want to attract my soulmate then two hours later while talking to your friends, you say, "I mean, there's no good guys out there.They're  all jerks."

That's someone's people manifest with an idea that if it doesn't happen in a certain amount of preconceived time that you've decided, then it must not be working.

Most people come from a place of creativity to imagine and dream of what they want, but then they spend the rest of the time in a place of desperation about getting it and wondering if it's even going to happen.

There's a power much greater than your mind at work. The mind says it needs to happen in this timeframe. That expectation creates a scarcity consciousness. In the Bible it says, "to those who have, more will be given and to those that have not even that which they have will be taken away."

You create an energy of scarcity.

Every thought that you have is just like a radio dial that you turn a little knob on on the radio station that switches a channel. What is the channel? It's an energy frequency.

Do not dwell in the energy of impossibility because those who have not, even that which they have is going to be taken away from them. As soon as you move into an energy of accepting a reality of limitations, you continue to heighten that energy.

Let go of it. You don't need it.

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You want it, but you don't need it.

Here's an example. 

I had a business meeting for a move that would have been very valuable to my career. I went into the meeting and this is what I said. Things are going great in my life. I'd really like to explore this thing, but I don't need it at all and I can keep doing what I'm doing and everything's going to be great. I'm going to reach more and more and more people and my business will continue to grow. I don't need it at all. But I'd really like to explore it."

I wanted it, but I was totally detached from it happening. Guess what? I was in an energy of abundance. The Bible says to seek the kingdom of Heaven within. What does that even mean? It's not like it's going into heaven and saying, "Hey God, can you let me through the gates?" and God's like, "Oh, okay, I'll let you in." No, that's not how it is. The Kingdom of heaven is a place within yourself where you feel total abundance in this third dimensional reality, where you experience a sense of opulence, joy, freedom, contentment.

You've connected to that who you are and finding peace here in this moment. Everything else is a cherry on top. You imagine it, you visualize it, you work for it. You have desires. You embrace those desires, but you are patient.

If it doesn't happen in two weeks or two months or two years because you know that you already feel a deep sense of peace and you know, if not this, then something greater.

I walked into that meeting and in my head I'm like, "if not this, something greater... what's up man?" I knew it would be fantastic, that I'd love it, but I didn't really care if it doesn't happen. There's no skin off my nose.

Everything I'm doing is going to keep getting bigger and better and I know that, but I'd like to explore this. Guess what? They ate that up.

They were like, Oh? Yeah, yeah! Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's work together!" I got all the terms, everything that I wanted out of it. It wasn't a gimmick. It was the truth. Part of me really needed it or really wanted it to happen. But I knew in my heart of hearts, I knew I didn't need it

I knew if I came from that place of abundance more will be given to me because to those that have, more is given. Know what you want, work for it, take action towards it.

Imagine it every single solitary day.

Step into the reality of it already happening, but then forget about it.

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Don't let your eyes deceive you.
Don't let your eyes try to tell you it's not going to happen.
Don't let your eyes tell you it hasn't happened yet.

We react to the world outside of us. If you want to move mountains, like when Jesus was like yo mountains, just part a little bit just to get out of the way a little bit. He wasn't doing it from a place of, I don't think this can happen. He was in his mind and it already happened and he was speaking with a state of certainty into existence, and that's what allowed him to alter reality, and it's a metaphor for your own life. Whatever mountains you want to move, you can move them

Know what you want, but let go of it. You don't need it. When you come from that place of not needing it, you have a dangerous level of freedom.  

Know that you can have it and know that if not this, then something better.

If not this, then something better.
If not this, then something better.
If not this, then something better.

Remember, download my free success hypnosis. Train your subconscious mind for success and abundance. While you're waiting for what you want to manifest, get of your negative limiting beliefs. Click below to download your free success hypnosis. 

Thank you for reading. I genuinely, truly appreciate you and have a great day.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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