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Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals?

“Why can’t I achieve my goals?” is the question most frustrated people ask. You might be at a point in your life right now where you just can't achieve your goals; they aren't materializing. What you intend to manifest and attract into your life just doesn't seem to be working, and when things like that happen, all you need to do is start saying a few quick and easy mantras to start to reframe your mind, and then what happens is your outer life shifts.

When you start to attract things that you want into your life, you kind of get that momentum out of nowhere. I'm going to share with you three quick and easy things to say when you aren't or can't manifest what you want. My name is Jake Ducey with, and these are very powerful, very simple, and very easy to use. There are just three of them.

I Am Realistic And Expect Miracles

I Am Realistic And Expect Miracles

Number one: I'm realistic and expect miracles. The biggest problem that we face when we aren't getting what we want isn't that we aren't getting what we want. The biggest problem is that our thoughts start to get controlled by what we don't want because we're so used to having it. We're so used to not getting what we want that we start to think at the level of our own environment and circumstances, and then the cycle perpetuates itself over and over again.

The truth is, most people spend their whole lives being unrealistic, like almost everybody else. If you say your big financial goal, your big relationship goal, your big career goal, or your big life goal, people will say that's not very realistic. Most people have such a low bar for their lives, but the funny thing is that I look at it inversely. I go for the people who don't think they can achieve much. So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques.

Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals - You Are A Child Of God

Those people are unrealistic, like they're really unrealistic; they really think that they're made in the image of God, yet they're a worthless little person that can't create awesome things. The fact that people think they're this limited is amazing to me. We're so used to these crappy lives that we don't even understand that there's more available to us, and one of the easiest ways to break out of that mold is to just start saying, "I'm realistic; I expect miracles." Because if energy is never created or destroyed and everything is energy, where is the house, car, and bank account you desire? It's all potential, all possibilities in a higher field of consciousness, but we're so attached to being there. 

Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals - What I Want Already Exists

What I Want Already Exists

So I invite you to start saying, "I'm realistic; I expect miracles." Number two: What I want already exists. What does that mean? So what you want already exists. What does that mean? Well, first of all, we're coming from the fact that science shows us everything is energy; that's number one. So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques.So if everything in the known universe and the unknown universe is just energy, then that leads us to point number two: that science tells us energy is never created or destroyed.

So if everything is energy and energy is never created or destroyed, then the next question is, "Where is it if everything's energy?" If it's never created or destroyed, then where's all the other energy? If everything is energy, that means the house you want, the car you want, the life you want, the career you want, the relationship you want, and the health you want—it's all just energy.

You Are A Spiritual Being In A Physical Body

If all the energy that ever was and ever will be already exists, then where is it? Because you are a spiritual being in a physical body, this is where spiritual awakening comes in handy. You aren't a physical body; you're using a physical body, but your spiritual being is your soul, and so everything that we want is just higher planes of consciousness or, um, higher frequency patterns of energy, and it gets very weird.

That's where Hollywood and Inception try to make movies about these things. There are different planes of consciousness that are all existing simultaneously, but they all already exist. You can't create what you want because it's already been created. So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques. That's why it says in the Bible that creation is finished and you can't create anything that already exists.

Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals - Changing States Of Consciousness

Changing States Of Consciousness

Manifesting is as simple as that. It's changing states of consciousness, just like changing the states of energy from steam to solid or from gas to liquid in science projects; these are different states of energy. Your thoughts are energy, and consciousness is the expression of that energy. So all you're doing is following those same principles.

You're either taking something from a vision realm, a thought realm, or a fantasy realm and materializing it into life, or you're using your consciousness to imagine the same crappy scenarios over and over again. The same principles apply in both cases as they do in gas, steam, water, and solids, but you're moving from a higher dimension of everything.

You Are Using Your Consciousness To Create Reality

You are using your consciousness to create reality, for better or for worse; you're always doing it, and so it becomes a lot more empowering once you think of it this way: you aren't creating it. It already exists, and if it already exists, it means that it's out there for you; it has your name on it, or, in other words, what you want is seeking you; what you want wants you as well.

What I want already exists; that's the second affirmation. What I want already exists. Finally, if you're still reading, I have a free success hypnosis available at So when I started realizing I had all these brainwashed belief systems from society, So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques. I created a success hypnosis for myself because I was like, "Wow, the brainwashing is so strong; I really need to erase it and reprogram my mind."

Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals -  I Am Worthy Of What I Want

So I created a “success hypnosis” for myself because psychologists tell us that 95% of our lives are governed by our subconscious, and the subconscious can be reprogrammed. And so I made this and started implanting these types of affirmations or mantras into my subconscious. It changed my life forever. About a million people from all over the world have now used this.

Every day I get these amazing, incredible stories of people attracting more money, getting a new job, or even finding their soulmate, because when you reprogram the subconscious, you essentially change the things that you attract into your life in a very short period of time. So the third and final one is that I am worthy of what I want. What does it mean? It sounds like a cute saying. I'm worthy of what I want.

Our Goal As Souls Is To Awaken The Positive

We live in a mostly negative dimension, and our goal as souls is to awaken the positive, awaken the light, and help shift human consciousness. The problem is that we are sponges from the time we are babies. Scientific fact: You're in a brainwave state similar to hypnosis when you're an infant or a child. In your first few years of development, what happens is that you're in a brain wave similar to hypnosis, and we're just inheriting everything around us. So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques. We're six, we're seven, we're eight years old, and then we're taught to listen to adults and authority figures.

Then there's always the news, and there's another bombing, another bankruptcy, another depression, and another thing. And it's just this constant stream of negative energy. It's no surprise that by the age of 18, people are barely functioning at all, and by the age of 18, psychologists and neuroscientists alike tell us that the majority of our neural networks are pretty much set, and then we play those patterns out for the rest of our lives, which is why they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals -  You Can Reprogram The Subconscious

The truth is, you can because there's something called neuroplasticity, and the brain can change and remodel itself. Psychologists tell us that you can reprogram the subconscious, so the cool thing is that we aren't stuck in that reality, like it's not so negative that it can keep you down, because you have free will, your soul, and I believe that we incarnated into a predominantly stressful, negative environment where a lot of people are just, quite frankly, addicted to negativity.

In the world, the human consciousness is addicted to drama, and once we become aware of it, we can separate ourselves from it. We can start to create our own reality, So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques. which starts with creating our own energy, which starts with understanding our true nature, which is that everything is energy in your soul.

Why Can’t I Achieve My Goals - Experience The Fullness Of Life

You're divine, one with God, and an extension of divine energy. When you realize you're an extension of divine energy and divine energy is in everything else, you realize you deserve everything you want because you're a divine being, some higher power, god, universe, spirit, consciousness, or whatever created this living universe, consciousness. I think that this divine energy, this divine energy that is everywhere, wants us to have a full life.

I believe that if there is a higher power, it would surely want you to do things like drive your dream car and have fun. It would certainly want you to live in your dream house, have the financial success you want, and attract your soulmate. Don't you think it wants you to create heaven on earth? I believe that, and the thing is, we have to screw this mindset on because a lot of the world is living contrary to it.

We Need To Realize How Powerful We Are

When you start to realize your past doesn't matter, your old ideas about yourself don't matter, either. You're good enough, you're smart enough, you're worthy of what you want, and you're not condemned to hell forever or to negative things forever because you sinned or made a mistake. Because you messed up because somebody said you couldn't do it, none of that matters. You're worthy of everything that you want.

You're a divine being. We need to realize how powerful we are; we have to wake up from this mass hypnosis that says we're just these little physical beings limited by the world, and nobody can do it. So if ever you ask yourself “Why can’t I achieve my goals?” just pray and focus on your manifestation techniques. It's just that we've got to erase that stuff from our minds and realize how powerful we really are—we are powerful creators. You can check out my free success hypnosis at; that's my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind to take control of your mind in your life.


how to attract wealth and prosperity, why can't i achieve my goals

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