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What Is The Nikola Tesla Code?

What Is The Nikola Tesla Code? Very deep in top-secret documents were inventions and patents from one of the most famous inventors ever, Nikola Tesla, that broke down the secrets to the universe. I'm going to explain his patents, his research, and how you can use his discoveries in your own life to harness the keys of the universe. In another video, I made one on Tesla's 369 method, and we go even deeper into things you've never heard about in top-secret patents, which of course Tesla has forgotten and dismissed, but since they estimate that about 80 percent of today's technology comes from research and inventions by Tesla, perhaps we should take a closer look, and I'm going to show you how to use his universal secrets for manifesting what you want, and it actually starts in 1905. 

Nikola Tesla, a very smart man, sent the U.S. government a patent application called "The Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through a Natural Medium" (787-412). It had plans for a set of worldwide generators that would basically give everyone in the world free energy. Tesla realized that the ionosphere was sparkling with electrical energy, which could actually be easily tapped into, and he believed Earth was a gigantic electrical generator spinning around two magnetic poles from which limitless energy could be harnessed using the right medium or shape, and this is what big idea number one is all about. If this sounds interesting, read more here - 369 Nikola Tesla Method To Attract Money.

The Invisible Energy Of The Universe

The Invisible Energy Of The Universe

There's an invisible energy of the universe that I will show you how to tap into to become superhuman, but I think Tesla summed it up best when he said, "And I quote here, all matter comes from a primary substance, the luminiferous ether." Now this leads us into a big idea. Number two: This invisible energy is what some people call God, but it's also proveable with physics. And Tesla said, "What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics.” Now, Tesla thought that this invisible kinetic energy was everywhere, powerful, and ready to be used at any time. During a speech to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1901, he said in a quote that there is energy all over space. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain if kinetic, and this we know for certain. Then it is a mere question of time before men succeed in attaching their machinery to the very real work of nature. 

So Tesla was harnessing this energy with plans to power the universe. Well, here's the crazy thing: you can actually tap into this same energy as well, and you can use it as probably the most powerful manifestation tool in the world. The key is for your consciousness to harness this energy so you can alter the physical world. The way to do that is to understand that physical matter is subject to this invisible energy, and Tesla said, "I'm trying to awaken the energy contained in the air." There are two main sources of energy. What is considered empty space is just the manifestation of matter that has not yet awakened. Okay, I absolutely love that quote, and it sums up a big idea.

The Manifestation Of Unawakening Matter

Number three: if he's correct, then you can awaken the kinetic energy contained in the air. This is because he also said what is considered empty space is just the manifestation of matter that has not yet awakened. You can wake up the kinetic energy in the air and cause a manifestation of matter that is not yet awakened, but first you have to realize that what you want but don't yet have is just a manifestation of matter that is not yet awakened. A thing is a form of matter that hasn't yet come to life and become visible to your five senses. It's just a manifestation of matter that's not yet awakened, and all he was doing was harnessing this energy. 

Now, for you, your romantic partner might not be here yet. You could look around and say, "Well, my true love is not out there." "I'll always be alone." Or, you could see that the reality of your dreams, which have already come true, is just matter that hasn't yet woken up in the third dimension. This doesn't mean your dream teams don't exist; it just means you have to awaken that kinetic energy. Now the question is, what is the medium to actually do this? Tesla did this with Tesla generators. Tesla coils, and he's powering the universe, but there's another medium through which you can harness this energy as well, and instead of powering the universe, you can use it to power your own world. Now this leads us to a big idea.

The Invisible Field Of Energy

Tesla's fourth idea is that you should think about whether or not there is new matter in the invisible field of energy. Tesla said this in an unpublished interview about what he thought was man's greatest achievement. He was talking about his dynamic theory of gravity, and he said that the creative force acts on the invisible ether energy. When the ether energy is thrown into tiny whirls at close to the speed of light, it becomes matter that can be thought about. Then the force goes away, and the motion stops. Matter reverts to ether. What Tesla's saying here is what quantum physics proves with wave-particle duality and the observer effect. 

Tesla said that at the speed of light, energy moves from being ponderable matter, meaning it's invisible, into tangible matter, then moves back from tangible matter into ponderable matter, which is just potential energy that has not yet been called into form from your consciousness. So, ponderable matter is just observable kinetic energy in the quantum field. It is a wave, not a particle, but by thinking about the possibility of this new matter, you activate the wave-particle duality, where your consciousness actually causes atoms to move from invisible energy into measurable atoms, which brings us to the big idea.

The Five Senses

The Five Senses

Number five: You must think beyond your five senses. Tesla says, and I'm paraphrasing, that our senses only let us see a small part of the outside world. Our hearing only goes a short distance, and bodies and shadows get in the way of our sight. To know each other, we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions. We have to send our knowledge, travel, move the things we need, and send the energies we need to live. We must reach beyond our senses. Now, to do this, Tesla actually proved this universal kinetic energy could be tapped into; that's what his patent was all about: harnessing energy through a natural medium. His instrument to do this, as we said, was his Tesla generators and his Tesla coils, where he could pull this invisible energy from the ether and then power normal electricity.

Well, your brain is a mini Tesla coil; your brain is a mini Tesla generator that can harness this same direct universal kinetic energy almost like little antennas, and this is where Tesla points out, and I quote, that your brain is only a receiver in the universe. There is a core from which we get knowledge, strength, and inspiration, but your brain is only a receiver of electrical information that shoots through your nervous system at the speed of light through your brain cells. If you can do what Tesla says and go beyond what your senses tell you, then you have the key to the universe.

Create A Vision For The Life You Want

So to apply these five big ideas into your life, I invite you to practice this technique for five minutes, where you imagine your brain as an electrical receiver of universal energy and use this flow of energy to build the vision of what you desire in life. Remember that anything that you don't have is just ponderable matter that has not yet been awakened. As Tesla said, step into the reality of it and try to wake up the energy in the air. These are the main sources of energy. What is considered empty space is just the manifestation of matter that has not yet awakened. What if you could actually bend reality? What if you could harness this kinetic energy?

Now, the way that I invite you to do this is that I have a free success hypnosis right there, down below jakeshypnosis.com. It's jakeshypnosis.com It's my free success hypnosis that you can use, so turn this on; it's pinned to the comments and in the description, and when you turn it on, imagine that you're receiving new kinetic energy, and as this energy moves through your brain, instead of it being a Tesla coil or a Tesla generator that's powering the world, imagine that it's powering every cell of your body, and you can direct this energy.  Tesla could direct this energy from generators into power or light. He wanted to power a city.

You can direct this energy in order to repower your life, remembering that every single thing that you want is just energy, and this energy exists in this quantum field and, through natural law, moves into form, like Tesla said, so beautifully. What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics. Now if this kinetic energy is out there in the universe waiting to be harnessed, why not you, and why not now? So check out my free success hypnosis right there, down below. You may also enjoy my Nikola Tesla 369 video, where I break down one of his methods for harnessing the secrets of the universe. I'll link it here so you can watch that one as well. 


369 nikola tesla method, What Is The Nikola Tesla Code?

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