Unblocking energy meridians should be done the right way. I'm going to give you a very simple technique where all you have to do is press the center of your forehead for 60 seconds, and you can use this as the key to creating whatever you want in life. So we all know acupuncture has been around for thousands of years with Chinese medicine practice, and it's based on 14 energy meridians or feel energy centers in the body, and of course acupuncture is when they use a needle to do it. But acupressure is when you use your finger and tap into this blocked energy, but we're going to be using a combo of acupressure and tapping.
Now it's very important to know that all you are is just energy. In fact, this thing looks a little familiar. These are the EKGs and ECGs, measuring the electrical brain activity and electrical heart activity. All we are is just a bunch of energy, and one of the best ways to look at your energy is just like this. You look like a human body and I look like an end right here, but I'm really more of a field of energy. If you look closely, you can see how the arrows of this energy move. But what happens is due to old emotions, due to trauma, due to negative thinking.
Unblocking Energy Meridians Means If You Can See It In Your Mind, You Can Hold It In Your Hand

All of this energy starts to block, and what happens in life is we start to have trapped energy that stops you from attracting what you want in your life. So this is a really simple technique that I'm going to break down into a couple easy steps, and then once you learn it, it's only going to take you about 60 seconds. This is specifically going to help you open your third eye, become better at visualizing, and start to attract what you want quicker and faster into your life. So step one is inspired by one of my favorite Bob Proctor quotes. He says, "If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand."
If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. So step number one is to build such a clear picture that a stranger would know what you want. A picture that's so clear, a stranger would know what you want. When I first started doing visualization, I had a picture so clear, and I want you to get a clear picture of exactly what you want. We just need a very clear picture before we can start to make this exercise work. Step number two is to take your index or middle finger and just rhythmically tap at the point between your eyebrows, your third eye, also known as your pineal gland.
The Focal Point Of Starting To Manifest
This is the spiritual eye, the focal point of starting to manifest here in the third dimension. So you'll just close your eyes and you'll tap about 20 times rhythmically as you breathe in and out. And as you do this, you just quite simply relax your eyebrows and your facial muscles, and as you relax them, you breathe in and out. When you start unblocking energy meridi8ans, you're probably going to notice some lights. They might be white, they might be blue, they might be yellow, but don't think that much of it. Just start to notice that light that you're seeing as you're tapping here.
Now do that just like a nice warm up, the same way you'd warm up when you're going on a run. This is just to start to engage yourself, as energy brings your attention to your energy as opposed to your physical body. Now, after you practice tapping right here, breathing rhythmically and relaxing your eyebrows. Once you start to notice that energy, then stop tapping and just lightly press. This is where acupressure comes in. As you lightly press, you're going to really see that light.
That Picture That You Want Is Already Real

You're going to really see that energy and then transfer that energy into your picture, because energy is never created or destroyed, it's only transferred into different states. This is almost like a kick starter that helps you get a very clear picture. When you finish tapping, you will now see the picture. Once you feel like you can clearly see the picture with your third eye, then just repeat these simple words: "isn't it wonderful?" What unblocking energy meridians is doing is taking advantage of your own brain to affirm that it's already wonderful. This is an auto-suggestion.
This is you using a hypnotic suggestion instead of seeing the picture and going, "Well, how do I make it a reality?" You're affirming it just like Neville Goddard says: "Isn't it wonderful?" You start to feel the energy a little bit, and when you feel the energy a little bit, you're reminded of that chart of the EKGs of your heart rate, you're reminded of yourself as an energy field just breathing in and out and feeling that energy. When you feel that energy, it's a reminder that energy is never created or destroyed, it's only transferred into different states.
I Am Ready To Tap And Breathe Rhythmically
When you realize that energy is never created or destroyed, it's only transferred in different states. Guess what? That picture that you want is already real. That picture that you want is already real. That picture is coming, and this is a simple 60-second technique that, when you're in the office, when you're in the bathroom, when you wake up in the morning, when you're having a negative thought, all you do is stop, call upon that picture. Seeing my youtube channel going viral, seeing myself getting the sale, seeing myself with my soulmate, seeing myself happy, seeing myself in my dream house, then once I get the picture, I'm ready to tap and breathe rhythmically.
Okay, I see the white lights. I see the blue lights. Now, I'm going to press right under that blue light, bringing all of my attention to focus on that blue light and transferring it. Now I see that image, and my dream is becoming a reality. You see, whatever it is that you want, once you see it, you affirm, "isn't it wonderful?" And once you feel that energy shift, you feel the feeling of excitement that it is wonderful, that it is real, that you do know what you want, and it is coming. This is a simple 60-second exercise you can use every day.
Isn’t It Wonderful?
There are a couple quick things to know: One is that in 2015, UCLA in their Neuroscience Division did a really interesting study, and they showed that self-affirmation tasks build new neural pathways in the brain when they're repeated. Similarly, Eric Kandel was a Nobel Prize laureate scientist who demonstrated some incredible feats. He showed that when you learn something new or your brain performs a new activity, you double the neural connections in your brain, but in just three weeks, you lose all those connections, cut in half if they're not repeated or practiced. Therefore, I encourage you to do this every day for 21 days.
Remember the simple technique: see the picture while tapping till you see the colors. Relaxing your brows, breathing deeply, moving to acupressure, transferring that blue or white energy into the picture that you want, and then ending with "Isn't it wonderful?" If you really want to make this work a lot more powerfully, it's important to engage your senses. All of these wonderful things happen in their lives, and if you play it softly while doing this exercise, you'll engage your brain more, build new neural pathways more, and that desired image will begin to hardwire itself into your brain. Now here's a crazy thing: once it gets hardwired into your brain, your brain is a reward seeking mechanism, and it will make it show up. It will create it for you in expected and unexpected ways.