August 2

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Secret Bible Verse (The most IMPORTANT video)

Using the power of a mirror, I'm going to show you a hidden secret bible verse and techniques and teachings of the bible that you can use to manifest your goals more quickly and faster, and I'm going to give you a three-step Neville Goddard process to implement it into your life. Before I dive into this video, just a quick note: this is part two of an ongoing series on hidden teachings of the Bible and how to use them to create what you want in your life using techniques. Learn more here Rewriting Memories By Rebooting Your Brain.

Secret Bible Verse - Seeing What Our Senses Permit Renders Us Totally Blind

Secret Bible Verse - Seeing What Our Senses Permit Renders Us Totally Blind

From Neville Goddard: To do so, if you want to check out part one, I'll link it right down there. I gave it away for free because it changed my life; I posted it online, and a million people downloaded it, which is kind of crazy in and of itself; and every day, I get these amazing stories about people who made more money, got a new job, or attracted a boyfriend.

If you enjoy this video, make sure you hit the like button. Give me a comment. down below that says "I create my reality" and let's dive right in. So, Neville Goddard says, the habit of seeing only that which our senses permit renders us totally blind to what we otherwise could see.

Hell, what does that mean in the hidden secret bible verse, Gospel of Thomas, verse 21? It's best summarized. Jesus says this is what I say: if the Master of the House knows that a thief is coming, he will be vigilant and not allow the thief to break into the house of his kingdom or carry off with his goods. He's saying that you have to be vigilant, otherwise the robber, which is your old habitual paradigm of thinking, will carry off with your goods. We'll carry off with your future, your destiny.

Secret Bible Verse - Start Seeing And Hearing The Invisible 

Secret Bible Verse - Start Seeing And Hearing The Invisible

The things that you can really create, so instead of just talking abstractly, let me tell you why this is so important to me. I was doing all the research. I knew I wanted to be really successful. I was doing the law of attraction. I was also working really hard, like 10 hours a day, but every time I checked my results, things weren't manifesting for me. My videos weren't getting any views. I was getting like three and two of them were by me and one was not.

I was with my mom when I would sneak into her iPhone to try to get me some extra minutes watched on YouTube. I didn't know what to do, and then I stumbled on that Neville Goddard quote. He said, “The habit of seeing only that which our senses permit renders us totally blind to what we otherwise could see to cultivate." The faculty of seeing the invisible means that we should often deliberately disentangle our mind from the evidence of the senses and focus our attention on.

I'm sitting there wondering why I'm not getting what I want, and you might be too, so I stopped looking at my physical senses to see if it was working. I stopped using my eyes and ears to see the visible, and instead started seeing and hearing the invisible. Can you hear it? Can you see it?

The World Is A Mirror, Reflecting What You’re Doing Within Yourself.

The World Is A Mirror, Reflecting What You’re Doing Within Yourself

You have to disentangle your mind from the evidence of the senses. Then I thought, okay, the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen from the invisible. That's what creates the visible, and Neville says the world is a mirror reflecting whatever you are doing within yourself. Notice the comma after doing so within yourself. The world is a mirror, reflecting what you're doing within yourself.

Well, how the heck do I do this? I was 20 years old, I dropped out of college, put all my eggs in one basket, and backpacked around the world. I wanted to be an author. The first step is to know what you want. Right. I knew what I wanted, but every single publishing company said "no, you're too young." This sucks, and then my dream company said, "Yes, you're doing everything." that all of this crap says to do." I'm doing my affirmations. I took 8 by 11 pieces of paper and printed them.

I wrote over and over that I'm published by Hay House, the top metaphysical publishing company in the world, and they published one of my heroes, Wayne Dyer, and I thought, if all this is true, then yeah, I'm just going to make it happen, but then the CEO read Tracy. He said no. He said to sell 10,000 copies and then come back and talk to us.

Secret Bible Verse - How Do You Reflect Back To Yourself If Life Is A Mirror?

Secret Bible Verse - How Do You Reflect Back To Yourself If Life Is A Mirror?

He wanted me to sell 2500 in a lifetime. He wanted me to sell 10,000 copies. All of a sudden, all the evidence of the census is controlling me. Okay, here are the circumstances in my life that I don't want; if life is a mirror, how am I reflecting back to myself? 

I realized I had internalized everything from the secret bible verse I read. I started to say, "I'm too young." I started to say maybe this won't work out. You have to set lower expectations because people don't make a lot of money with books. And to top it off, this was 11 years ago when no one was self-publishing. I did something pretty crazy once I self-published that book. I made copies, like three to five, and I brought them to every single Barnes & Noble bookstore.

I could, and because the books are sorted alphabetically, my book would be right next to Wayne Dyer and Ducey Dyer, so I would leave five books at each bookstore I visited for people to pick up and then maybe the bookstores would order them, but before I left, I sat in that leather chair, you know, those nice leather chairs at the bookstore, and I imagined my books there. I saw them because I put them there and then I imagined them there.

Things Which Are Seen Were Not Made Of Things Which Do Appear

Hear the invisible. Okay, then crazy stuff started to happen. I didn't sell 10,000 for a self-published book, I sold over 40.000 and then, at 22 years old, I got a book deal with Penguin Random House, the number one English publishing company in the world. My book has started getting translated into other languages. Here's my book in South Korean, but the point isn't about me, the point is this proves the Neville Goddard teaching that the world is a mirror forever reflecting back to you, whatever you are doing within yourself, but here's where it gets crazy. 

This is a picture you're seeing right here, Big Arrow. That's my book next to Wayne Dyers in Barnes & Noble in Honolulu that a reader sent to me, not the ones that I sneakily put there. That's my actual book published next to Wayne Dyers'. So Hebrews 11:3 explains it another way, things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 

The visible is actually made from the invisible. That's what I found out on the secret bible verse. and I realized my book sales, my bank account, my romantic future, my YouTube subscribers, and everything in my life, cme from the invisible, but the trouble is you get so focused on the visible that the evidence of your five senses starts to control how you think and feel. It's not a new age. You have to think and feel greater than the visible world in order to alter it. MIT scientists discovered that there's a new mechanism that contributes to this.

Define your Objective: know exactly what you want.

So Troy Littleton is a professor of biology, brain, and cognitive sciences at MIT, which means he's really smart, and he discovered that when your brain forms memories, it encodes new information in your neurons. Here's the crazy part: the key word is "memories." They equal emotions and feelings. Those emotions and feelings are what rewrite your brain, but here's a crazy thing: your brain doesn't know the difference between a real memory and an imagined memory. Either way, it just reflects it back like a mirror. Now it's Romans 4: 17. So desire is the first step in changing the future, according to Neville. Define your Objective: know exactly what you want.

Create An Event That You Believe Would Occur In The Future

Second, if your desire were to be fulfilled; an event that implies the fulfillment of your desire in the same way that in my book next to Wayne Dyer, I would imagine it as if it had already occurred. Neville advises immobilizing the physical body and bringing on a state akin to sleep. He said to lie on a bed or relax in a chair.

And imagine that you're sleepy then, with your eyelids closed and your attention on the action you intend to experience in imagination. Mentally feel yourself right in the proposed action, imagining all the while that you are actually performing the action here and now. This is very important, so just a warning.

When New Memories Form, Synaptic Connections In Sensory Neurons Double.

When New Memories Form, Synaptic Connections In Sensory Neurons Double

The Nobel Prize Laureate Eric Kandell showed that when new memories are formed in your brain, the number of synaptic connections in the sensory neurons that are stimulated actually doubles, but unless that original learning experience or memory is repeated, the number of those connections immediately decreases. The point is that unless you go through this three-step process and practice that imagined event, the future memory, there will be past memories, but if you want to go from being a reactor to a  creator, you must go through this three-step process.

So when you call upon those future memories day after day, your brain rewires the mystical and the miracles of the Bible unfold in your life and you can say mountains move and they shall, so God bless you. I hope you enjoyed today's video. Make sure you do this every day for 21 days. Watch us again through and if you haven't yet, check out part one of this hidden secret bible verse teaching series on how to use hypnosis effectively.

To manifest using the teachings of Neville Goddard, I'll link it down below with my free success hypnosis. Jake's comment down below with all I want comes to me now. Have a great day. Thanks for reading. See you next time.


secret bible verse, teachings of the bible

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