Nikola Tesla 369 method is well-known for its powerful manifestation tools which holds the keys to the Universe. This is the ultimate guide to Nikola Tesla's divine code 369 method. This is one of the most powerful manifestation tools in the entire universe, and Nikola Tesla says it holds the keys to the universe. So, if you have time, take a look at my free success hypnosis. It's So Galileo once said that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics. So what if Tesla was actually right and the divine code of the universe is hidden in the mathematical sequence of numbers 3, 6, and 9? Tesla even stated that if you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
Tesla was so obsessed with this secret to the universe that he would walk around the block three times before entering the building; he would wash his dishes with 18 napkins because 18 is divisible by 9, 6, and 3; and he would only stay in hotel rooms that had a room number that's divisible by 3. To top it all off, when Tesla's life ended, he bounced around cheap hotels and died in room 3327. But here's the truth: Tesla wasn't some crazy guy who randomly became obsessed with numbers. Just remember what Galileo said: "The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics." Okay, so first, Tesla was on the cover of Time magazine as the man who lit the world. So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation. If you're excited about this, check my other blog Energy Frequency: The Truth Nikola Tesla Discovered
Harnessing The Invisible Energy That's All Around Us
He invented alternating current (AC), the induction motor, and the Tesla coil, and he laid the groundwork for many other ideas, such as x-rays, neon lights, remote controls, and radio-hydroelectric power plants, all of which use AC current. In my opinion, his most epic invention was with electricity and free energy systems, harnessing the invisible energy that's all around us to create electrical power for free. This is unlike anything you've ever seen on Tesla's 369 manifestation technique because I literally spent hours researching the historical and scientific methods behind it.
So before I give you the technique, let's summarize the hours of my research into six big ideas throughout science and human history that explain why Tesla believed the 369 technique that I'm about to share with you was the most powerful secret in the universe. So number one, the first reason that I believe Tesla felt that the key to the universe was in 3, 6, and 9 was vortex math, and we're not going to go into an hour-long presentation on vortex math. So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation.
Vibrational Frequencies In The Subatomic Field
Marco Rodin, a scientist, thinks that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 represent a flux field or a vector from the third dimension to the fourth. A vector is simply the shape of energy that an object, such as water, takes when poured. Basically, it's an energy spiral in the third dimension, and 3, 6, and 9 are the vibrational frequencies in the subatomic field known as the fourth dimension that hold that vector of energy back together in the third dimension. So this image represents a mathematical vortex. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are all connected by green lines.
This represents the form of the object in the physical world, but then the numbers 3, 6, and 9 hold the vibrational equivalence and bring it back into reality in the third dimension. They're located in the fourth dimension, or the quantum field, so I believe that Tesla loved numbers 3, 6, and 9 because they clearly represent the non-physical frequency vibration and energy of physical objects back in the third dimension. So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation. The second reason that Tesla may think that 369 are the divine codes of the universe is that atoms follow the 369 divine code formula.
Nikola Tesla 369 Method - Think In Terms Of Energy Frequency And Vibration
So, for example, an atom is 99.99% empty space, so notice the nine, not to mention that an atom is 99.99% non-physical but it's manifested as physical. So if we use that vector math example, 99.9 percent of an atom is simply invisible energy; like scientist Marco Rhoden said, 369 represents an energy field from the third to the fourth dimension. Outside of the third dimension, 99.9% of the atoms that make up physical matter are in this field of energy. So clearly, the nine in 99 percent represents the quantum field, which is why Tesla said to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.
If you want to understand the universe, the third reason is that time itself follows 369 codes. So first off, there are three scientific terms for time: past, present, and future. Furthermore, there are 24 hours in a day. So two plus four is six, then there are 60 minutes in an hour, six plus zero is six, then there are 60 seconds in a minute, six plus zero is six, and if you look around a clock, you have a constant oscillation between 3, 6, and 9. Three o'clock, six o'clock, nine o'clock, and then you have twelve o'clock. One plus two equals three. So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation.
Nikola Tesla Was Obsessed With Trinities
The fourth reason is that circles are 360 degrees in 369, the basis for geometry. That's three and six; add them together, and you get nine. If we talk about other symmetrical shapes, such as a triangle, the sum of all the angles is 180. So 1 plus 8 plus 0 equals 9, and if we talk about a square of 360 degrees, three plus six plus zero equals nine. The fifth reason is that DNA in the body is composed of three chemical subunits. Biological genes are sequenced three at a time, and each time you add three chemical parts of DNA, you get between 6 and 9. So, this is written into your DNA, and the numbers six and three show up all over the history of people.
So, think about it: we have the trinity all over the place, right? We have the father, son, and Holy Spirit. As I mentioned earlier, Tesla was obsessed with trinities. He often pointed to energy, frequency, and vibration, which he thought were the three most important things in the universe. His exact quote on this with the trifecta was that if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration. So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation. Energy, frequency, and vibration are the holy trifecta. So how do you do it? Step number one is to pick three affirmations that you want to manifest in your life.
Nikola Tesla 369 Method - Affirmations Are Literally The Keys To The Universe
So it could be, "I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm making ten thousand dollars a month." "I'm so happy and grateful now that I met my soulmate and we have a beautiful family," "I'm so happy and grateful now that I've healed my health and I'm in perfect fitness," or "I'm so happy and grateful now that I got a promotion and a raise and I'm the top salesperson in my company." Whatever it is, clearly pick three exact things and write them down. Now step number two is to review it six times per day. Yes, I said it, six times per day. Your three affirmations are literally the keys to the universe. Although you can't see the materialization of them yet, they're in the quantum field. Vortex math proves that, and then you speak them into existence by reviewing them six times a day. You will do this for nine seconds.
Now that I know there are a lot of different ways to do the 369 technique, and some of them are different, if you want to see other versions of it, I can share the actual methodology and different approaches as well. I like to do it six times per day for nine seconds each. nine seconds each, so you'll take your "I'm so happy and grateful I'm making ten thousand dollars a month," and then you'll review that for nine seconds. Don't just review the words; remember that the trifecta is energy, frequency, and vibration. So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation. So you want to enter the vibration of making ten thousand dollars a month, and the way you would do this is with excitement.
Nikola Tesla 369 Method - Enter The Energy Frequency And Vibration
So you want to say it out loud as if you've actually made $10,000 per month. So you do that six times a day with each one of them, and you do it for nine seconds at a time to enter the energy frequency and vibration of each one of those. Now, I highly recommend that you do this in sets of nine days, with three affirmations six times a day. You could tape them to your mirror so you know where they are, put them on your wall and just quickly review them, put them on index cards so they're in your pocket, or do them when you're at work. nine seconds each for nine days, and then watch what happens.
This is scientifically proven. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. The money you want already exists; the job you want, the promotion, or your soulmate—they're all already here. The only thing that stops us is that we haven't accessed this energy that's in the quantum field or the fourth dimension. This is the quickest and easiest technique to start using to do that. You will see results in nine days or less. So I'm wishing you a beautiful day. I know great things are going to come your way. Check out my free success hypnosis; it's at So discover the Nikola Tesla 369 method and watch how powerful it is for manifestation. Remember, everything is energy, and you've just found the key to the universe.