September 14

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Manifestation Tips To Improve Your Life

In this video, I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to do to get what you want with these manifestation tips to improve your life. Tips For Manifestation When You Feel Trapped are available and proven to be effective.

So maybe there's something that you want. I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to do to get what you want, but it's not what you think. I tried every technique of time management like shamans. What else did I try? I tried every money hack you could imagine and every dating hack you could imagine. I don't know what I did. I did everything under the sun. So buckle your seat belt, take a deep breath in and out, put a smile on your face, so essentially, whatever it is that you want that hasn't happened yet, us as humans have a tendency to then try to get more control. Every time you seek control, you actually lose more power. You should learn to manifest anything you want.

Manifestation Tips Don't Look Back On Your Past Trauma

Manifestation Tips Dont Look Back On Your Past Trauma

In the physical and mechanical world that we all live in, the tendency is to try to do something to make it happen faster. Work harder. Send another email. Worry about it. Every time you do that, you force yourself to negate it. You know, you're going to your friend and saying, "Hey, tell them good things about me," right? Like we do in all these weird ways where we try to force things in our lives, and that's what my tendency was to do with this YouTube channel in my career specifically, and then I asked myself a question and I said, "Why do I want this so badly?" I was seeking validation because I dropped out of school and everyone thought it was crazy.

I needed a new time management productivity hack, but it wasn't that I needed a new time management productivity hack, it was that deep within myself I didn't feel good enough; my desire was up here, but my self-image was down here, and chances are if your manifestation hasn't come it's because of something internal like that, and it generally stems back to childhood, childhood trauma, and childhood programming. And then I had to heal the parts of myself that didn't feel good enough to receive because I didn't feel smart. It didn't surprise me when no one would publish my books. It didn't surprise me when I didn't have views on YouTube.

Learn A New Productivity Hack For Money

The craziest thing that happened was that when I had that type of energy, I became magnetic to things because I didn't care about them. I didn't need them. I didn't seek validation. I attracted my soulmate. All these epic things started happening in my life, and I don't say this in a braggadocious way. It came easily, but the reason it came easily wasn't because I'm so cool. The reason it came easily was because I was complete and my outside world was a mirror reflecting back to me. The depths of my self-image that I had about myself, so if what you want hasn't come into your life yet, instead of trying to figure it out, instead of trying to control it, instead of trying to make them like you, send another text instead of trying to work harder and learn a new productivity hack for money.

Then ask yourself a couple of questions: one, why do you want it? two, what are you seeking from it? Are you trying to get validation from it? And then ask yourself what old childhood trauma you are carrying around that's muddying your own self-image and emotionally blocking you from receiving, and when you do that, things start to show up very quickly in your life. I'm 21 years old and speaking at Fortune 500 companies, getting paid tens of thousands of dollars. My YouTube channel started blowing up and just started happening in awesome ways because I shifted from thinking that there was a mechanical process I needed to do to realizing that there were parts of myself that needed to heal.

You Live In A Friendly Universe

You Live In A Friendly Universe

When I did that healing, my outside world would mirror that exactly back to me, so it's important to recognize that you do live in a friendly universe. Albert Einstein used to say that the biggest decision you make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe. You live in a friendly universe. You realize that you're here in order to develop. You're here for self-realization to develop spiritually, and part of that is to heal old childhood trauma, old negative emotions that are trapped in our subconscious, to forgive ourselves, to heal ourselves, and to go to the core of the way that we've been programmed and sit with that and release that.

When we do that, we release karma. We release old energy blockages. And what happens when you decide that you live in a friendly universe and realize you are good enough, smart enough, it's just that when we hit the gas in the car, not being able to hit it full throttle because we've got all this extra weight and all this extra emotional baggage or trauma that we don't really realize we're carrying, you take a deep breath in and out and realize you're on the right track. Everything is okay. Be more confident, attract your soulmate, and bring great things into your life.


manifest anything you want, manifestation tips

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