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Learning How To Let Go Of Things is Essential

Learning how to let go of things is indeed essential for your life transformation. Now, learning to let go is probably one of the hardest things for us in the western world. We're taught to fight or to hold on, but what if holding on is actually blocking you from getting what you want in your life? I'm going to break down the process of how to actually let go and how to surrender. Not only will you feel better and happier, but you will also get what you want faster and easier because you are aligning with the power of intention and the universe itself. Now before we get started, if you haven't yet, make sure you get my free success hypnosis at jakeshypnosis.com.

Let's get right into how to actually let go and surrender so that you can get things that are so incredible you didn't even realize they were possible while you were holding on. So there's a story of this guru, and he gets a knock at his door, and he opens the door, and this guy goes, "Mr. Guru, you have to help me." My in-laws are staying in my house, and we don't have enough space. "This is driving me absolutely crazy." The guru says, "Do you have any sheep?" and he says, "Well, yeah, I have two." He says, "Let them in the house." So the man lets the sheep into the house. He comes back and he says, "Mr. Guru, everything is worse now that my sheep are in the house and they're making a mess." Learning how to let go of things is crucial when you want to manifest and attract what you want in life.

Intention Is A Physical Force In The Universe

Intention Is A Physical Force In The Universe

He says, "Well, do you have any chickens?" He says, "Yeah, I have a whole bunch of chickens." He told you to let them in when you got home. So he lets the chickens into the house. Now all the animals are starting to get into the house, and it’s turning into a mess. So he goes back to the guru, and he says, "It's worse than before." "What do I do now?" He says, "Do you have any llamas?" "I have a couple llamas," he says. He says, "Let the llamas into the house." So he lets the llamas into the house, and he comes back and says, "Mr. Guru, what do I do now?" and he says, "Well, now you could let them all go." So he lets everything back in; everything is back to normal, and he hardly notices his in-laws are still there. What's the moral of the story?

It's similar to when we let go and realize that intention is a physical force in the universe. Intention is the force of the universe that is always not only supplying your life but giving you everything you need, and it works everything out absolutely perfectly, but we don't really realize it because we're sitting there holding on and trying to figure everything out. If we can just let go, we let God in, and do you know how good God is? It created the cosmos; it created the galaxy; it created the universe, and this same power becomes available to you in your life. Learning how to let go of things is important when you want to manifest and attract what you want in life. So just kind of think about this: There is the seed of fulfillment already within every single one of your desires.

Learning How To Let Go Of Things - Your Desires Actually Come From God

Your desires come from God

It comes from God; the word "desire" means "from the father," meaning that your desires actually come from God; they come from the universe, and whether you call it God or a higher power, it's all coming from one originating source. Now, when you put a seed in the ground, you would never go up the next day and look around and say, "Why hasn't it turned into a tomato yet?" There's a natural gestation and incubation process for these seeds to materialize in our lives, but what we do is hold on so tight that it becomes almost like constantly planting a seed, and then if it doesn't sprout the next day, we pick it back up.

So the first step in letting go is to recognize that there is a power greater than your own mind, and when you can surrender to this power, you're actually getting yourself out of the way, and you're surrendering to the same power that created the universe and is constantly creating new galaxies. It's the same exact process that we're starting to follow because you understand that there's something larger than your mind that is guiding and directing your life. The next thing is to understand that God is love, and when you understand that God is love, start learning how to let go of things if you want to manifest fast. You understand that the universe is not here to punish you, which means you don't need to fret about everything because you know that it's actually going to work out for your highest and best good even though it may not look like it because God is love.

Just Because You Can't See It Doesn't Mean It's Not Going To Happen

So what's actually happening is that when you let go, you're moving into those arms of the universe. I always say that lack of evidence is not evidence of lack; just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not going to happen, so letting go involves detaching yourself from the present outcomes of your life. Most people arrive at that point, trust it for a while, and then dip their toes in. Letting go is moving to the seed of the soul, where you observe those thoughts that are happening and want you to control them. And you just watch them; you don't attach yourself to them because it's not you.

Recognize that every voice in your head is not you; it's like every time we finally get to that place, something good happens. It's not that hard to let go; it's just that we never get to the last step. We repeat this cycle our whole lives, and letting go is just getting to the edge and saying, "I don't know how," and when you do this, you surrender your mind, and when you surrender your mind, something good happens. If you have a desire for something, whatever it is, whatever you want out of your life, that is God speaking to you and through you. If you are liking this, find out more by reading my previous blog Law of Attraction: How to LET GO, Surrender, And TRUST THE UNIVERSE | Letting Go, Explained!.

Learning How To Let Go Of Things - Life Is Really The Universe Expressing Itself

Remember that the word desire means “of the Father,"  so the process of letting go is realizing you're not doing it alone anyway because God put the desire in you to begin with because life is really the universe expressing itself. That's all it is, but then we, at our individual point of awareness, start to think like, "I am my body, and this is who I am," and then with that comes a bunch of limitations where we go, "My story about why I can't have what I want, and all these things, none of them are true." You should start learning how to let go of things if you want to manifest quickly. 

Your desire was actually God speaking to you about wanting to experience its own creation, and if you just trust that and say, "I'm going to believe in that," and don't let your mind dissuade you, crazy things will happen eventually. So in conclusion, I invite you to practice this little breathing technique: every time you inhale, say "letting," and every time you exhale, say "go," and just draw it out so you breathe in.

Learning How To Let Go Of Things - Set The Intention To Find A Sign

Letting go and just making that your mantra You already know what to do. You already know who you are. You already know why you're here. You already know the answer, but your mind keeps getting in the way. Start learning how to let go of things, if you want to manifest fast. So take a breath and go "letting go," and every time you're doing that, what are you letting go of? You're letting go of the infinite storehouse of everything.

You're letting go of an infinite spirit that's constantly expanding for fuller expression all the time, and when you do really good things, they just happen and show up. You just ask for an omen; you say, "Look, I'm going to let go of God, but give me a sign," and then something happens. So, practice your breathing technique and set the intention to find an omen or a sign in your life. Then, last but not least, my success hypnosis is at jakeshypnosis.com to reprogram your subconscious mind, so be sure to check that out.


" learning how to let go of things ", letting go

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