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Visualization Techniques To Feel It Before You Have It

We are going to teach you three visualization secrets to attract what you want by seeing it in your mind. We will give you three techniques so you can feel it before you have it. When you learn these things, you can form the images, the dreams of what you want in your mind, and you will soon see them in your life.

Visualization Techniques to Feel It Before You Have It:

1.) You don't see with your eyes.

The objects or the things that you are seeing are emitting a certain light energy that sends a signal to the optical receptors in your retina. They send an electrical impulse through nerve cells into your brain. They are analyzed and are moving at the speed of light. This process happens in milliseconds.

Let's say there was an elephant in front of you. This huge pink elephant comes through your door right now. The light energy of the elephant radiates in a way that triggers the optical receptors in your retina which then sends an electrical impulse to your brain.

This whole process happens unconsciously in milliseconds, an instant.

You've memorized things in your brain and then, unconsciously, habitually, in less than milliseconds, you respond to that. This is important because when you visualize, when you hold the images of what you want in your mind, when you get deeply entrenched in the seeing the images and getting involved in the feeling of doubling your income, attracting your soulmate, living in your dream home or anything in between, what happens is you stimulate nerve cells in your brain and what happens is it starts to hardwire the images into your nerve cells, into your brain.

You don't see with your eyes.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is one of the highest paid actors in the world. It wasn't that long ago that he was totally broke. He had been evicted from his home. He reached into his pocket and he had $7 in his pocket. He said, "I knew two things. One, I was broke and two, I wouldn't be broke ever again." He looked at the $7, but he didn't allow the programming to dictate his beliefs

He made a perception shift. He used his visual images to say, "I'm not going to have this again." Most people have the $7 in their pocket and say, "I'm going to be broke forever. It's the government's fault. In my parents' fault, I don't have the right resources. I didn't come from money. I don't have the right mentors."

You don't see with your eyes.

Feel It Before You Have It

Your brain doesn't know the difference between what you do and don't want. Your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. It just accepts whatever images are dominantly held that sparked nerve cells in your brain that allowed the brain cells, the nerve cells to wire in certain ways. You can wire your brain to a reality that does not exist.

Do this with me.

Remember every single day that you don't see with your eyes.

You see with the way your brain is programmed. You have the choice to decide what any circumstance outside in the world, even if it's not what you want. You have the option to see it the way Dwayne Johnson did. He looked at $7 and he said, "man, I'm going to be rich."

You don't see with your eyes. You see with the way your programmed.

2.) Everything that now exists was once imagined.

Everything that exists in the world was once imagined.

This is the exact recording I used to create everything that I've created in my life, the hypnosis that I used to reprogram my mind to manifest my reality. This hypnosis has helped hundreds of thousands to manifest their imaginations. Click here to get my hypnosis for free. 

That's how anything in the world will ever exist. When you have something in your mind, don't let fear or outside opinions of people tell you that it's not real. It's the future before it happens. If you can keep believing in that and hold faith in that image and take confident, bold, actionable steps, you will create it even though it's just a little idea in your head right now. 

3.) Your brain and body don't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined.

They do not know the difference. They respond to what's felt. You can live out a reality that is absolutely false. Some people live out the reality that money is greed and there's not enough money. Some people live out the reality that there's no good men or women. Others believe love is hard. They never have a relationship, they never have money, they never have any of these things because of what they believe about them.

Their brain and nervous system has responded to that reality and created it for them even though it's no true. You feel what it feels like to have that car, to have that house, to have that job, to have that money, to have that body that you want.

Feel It Before You Have It

Feel it before you have it. 

That's what triggers your nerve cells to fire in your brain and form new neural connections. That's how you hard wire your brain to a reality that doesn't exist yet. Your nervous system responds to it. It starts to become a habitual thought pattern even though it hasn't manifested in physical form yet. 

Feel it before you have it. 

Imagine how it would feel to have what you want. Feel it as though it is already present. 

Download my free success hypnosis to train your subconscious mind for success, for abundance, to take visualization to the next level. It's a software designed to do the rewiring of your brain for you.

Have a beautiful day. Hashtag best day ever down below. Best state ever down below. Visualize your best day ever and move confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Don't let your fear or the outside world tell you that it's not possible. 

What is real used to be imagined.

Feel it before you have it and you will manifest your imagination. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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