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How to Stop Caring What Other People Think

Have you ever wished that you knew how to stop caring what other people think? Let me show you how to do that quick, fast and easy. 

Anytime anyone says anything, whether it's positive or negative, it is a direct reflection of their inner world, how they feel and how they've been conditioned. 

Society, culture - our family and friends - all program our subconcious mind. When someone says or does something, it is a reflection and expression of their subconscious programming.

What did they hear from their parents?  

This happens with our money stories. Someone’s parents might have said to them, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” so when they see you being successful, practicing and living in abundance, they get jealous. They might insult you or call you greedy. They’re trying to drag you into their drama. 

You don't know that they are $40,000 in debt and have a poor relationship with money. They wish their relationship was better, more like yours. 

They see you being successful; they get jealous and insult you.  

Somebody else might see you kissing in public with your romantic partner and say to you, "What are you going to do now? Are you're going to have sex in public? This is ridiculous. Why are you guys making out in public?" Really, they’re jealous and hurt - they want a relationship and in their last one, they got cheated on and haven't gotten over it yet. It doesn't matter what somebody says. They're coming from how they feel. 

When people say things, it is a representation of their beliefs, conditioning, and programming.

How to Stop Caring What Other People Think

It is important to understand that because when you do, we can comprehend why somebody says what they say. When somebody says something that you don't like, the immediate response may be confusion or anger. You may want to retaliate or you may take what they say personally.  

Take a step back.

They're saying it because that's how they feel.

When we understand that, we can begin to approach the situation with more compassion and empathy.

Maybe they had a past trauma.

Maybe their parents yelled at them.

Maybe they're struggling with that thing in their life that you have an abundance of - love, energy, money - so they're mad at themselves, but they project it onto you.

When I first started pursuing my dreams, I would have people attack me in the comment section on YouTube. When when I was younger, I would allow that to bother me. I would think about it later and let it effect my mood. I would spend all this time wondering about why that person said what they did.

When I first started making videos and pursuing my dreams, I let other people's emotions impact me. I needed to know how to stop caring what other people think. 

I  began working with my hypnosis program to reprogram my mind and my belief patterns. 

Jake Ducey 2nd Mind

Now, instead of returning the anger or taking in their poison - allowing what they say to hurt or bother me - I send them love and blessings.

People express things that are in alignment with their internal world. When people attack me, I think about where they must be in life, how they must feel deep down. You wouldn’t attack someone unless you were experiencing pain.

People meet you at the level of consciousness that they are at. 

How to Stop Caring What Other People Think

Remember that.

If you’re having a tough time with your parents, with your friends, with your family, with your coworkers - whoever it is - you've got to understand people can only come from where they come from. They can only express externally what is a reflection of their experience internally.  When you grasp that, if somebody comes at you with anger, with negativity, with fear, with doubt, with worry, you know they're spewing how they feel and when you grasp that, then you can like silently say a prayer to them. 

Have you ever had an amazing week that you spent being mean to other people? You don't do that. You're too happy to spend time on things that aren't relevant or negative.

Only hurt people hurt people.

How to Stop Caring What Other People Think

When you notice a hurt person projecting on you, practice sending them love.

Recognize that what they're saying is a reflection of who they are. It has nothing to do with you and you don't need to take what they say personally. Recognize people only say where they come from.

There's no reason for you to ever take it personally because anything anyone says has more to do with them than it does with you. If someone has a challenging life, one that they find unfulfilling or one that doesn’t make them happy and they don’t feel they have the power to change it, they’re going to try and drag you into their drama, to bring you down to their level.

How do we cope with that? How do we avoid sinking to that level?

First, don’t believe anything they say. They're just coming from that place in life.

Second, be there for them. Create and hold space. They need you.

They need you to not take it personally because if you take it personally, it’ll compound their suffering and create suffering for you. They need you to recognize that they're coming from a hurt place and they need help. Every cry of frustration, of negativity, anger that somebody else spews onto you is a cry for help.

It is about them.

When we begin practicing empathy and compassion, we can understand how to stop caring what other people think.  

Recognize people are just coming from where they come from. Rather than reacting, pause and practice love and compassion.  it makes life easier to move through because you don’t spend time or energy caring so much about what other people think. You know it's just where they're coming from and really what they need is your love and forgiveness.

Use my free success hypnosis to begin to reprogram your own mind - to change how you experience and deal with these things.

Have a beautiful day.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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