How To Open Your Chakras

Can you open up all of your chakras, all of your energy points, so that you can raise your vibration to make it easier to attract what you want, doing it instantly?

When I was meditating, this came to me the quickest way to open up all of your chakras. You can raise your energy so that what you want will come to you not only quicker and faster, but instantly and your energy will become so powerful that just like a planet that just started pulling things into its orbit. The same is going to happen for you, but instead of planets, you're going to pull into your orbit. You're going to pull all the people, the circumstances, situations, the money, the opportunities that you want, into your orbit. 


Here's how to instantly open up your chakras. Chakras are the energy points of the body, right? Everything is energy. The computer that you're watching this on or the phone you're watching on, the chair or bed you're sitting on right now, it's all energy. In fact, it's more than just energy. When they look at atoms, the atoms are the building blocks of the physical matter of this reality.

What they find is 95 percent of an atom is empty space. Huh? How can 95 percent of an atom be empty space? Because 95 percent of an atom is nonphysical energy.

It's energy outside of the spectrum of visible light that our eyes can pick up. It's still there. It's still substance. It's just not in physical form. It's nonphysical energy. It's spirit energy. Because guess what? You exist on three planes of existence. The physical, the spiritual, and the mental.

The spiritual dimension is nonphysical. You're an energy beam. That's all you are. You are an energy field. You're an energy being, and your thoughts is how you control your energy field. Now, you have energy points in your body. They're called chakras.


People always talk about how to open them and what happens is - and comment down below, "I am pure energy." Comment down below "I am pure energy." Comment down below "I am pure energy." Comment down below "I am pure energy." People are always talking about "Oh, how do you open up your chakras?" They put all this focus into all these physical things.

All you've got to do is realize that you're an individualization of God. See, I was sitting in my meditation and I was thinking about how everyone's so focused on these physical things. "Here's the process to open up my chakras, and here's how I increase my energy." Those things are great, but if you take a step larger than that, then you remove the entire process.

Right now, imagine an energy field, an energy sphere, an energy orb around your body because this body right here, the energy that you are, is bigger than your body.

Just like when you're sitting in a room and someone walks into a room with really good vibes and you can pick it up from all the way over there. It's because their energy is so strong that you can feel it from 10 feet away. Similarly, someone comes into the room with bad vibes and you can feel it right away.


They haven't even said anything yet. You're just like "Ugh, bad vibes." You can feel it. Why? Because people's energy is bigger than their body. You have an energy field and that energy field, much like the planet earth, has a magnetic field and it has an orbital pole. It pulls the moon into its orbit. It has an orbital pull. You have an orbital pole.

You have a gravitational pull. You, instead of pulling moons into your orbital pull, are pulling people, circumstances and situations that match your energy field back into it. If you want to open up your energy to a whole new level, you can open up all of your chakras instantly. The way you do it is you got to imagine you got an energy field around you, and that you're an individualization of God.

See, most people are looking at opening up their energy field and raising their energy from a purely physical perspective. They think, "I'm Jake. I'm this little body. Let me see how I can raise my energy." They don't realize that this is just a vehicle that's housing your soul.

If you pulled up in my driveway in a Toyota Prius and you said "Hey, this is who I am. I'm Billy." I'd be like, "Isn't that your car? Isn't that your vehicle? It's not you. It's your vehicle, right? This isn't you. It's just your vehicle."

You are a spiritual being. You're nonphysical energy. 95 percent of anatomy is empty space, right? We call that spirit. Nonphysical intelligence, divine intelligence, consciousness. If 95 percent of an atom is that the 95 percent of who you are is nonphysical energy, too. 95 percent of you is nonphysical energy.

All your energy points in your body are physical energy points, but 95 percent of who you are is nonphysical. If you can go within yourself and realize as it says in the Bible "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." Then what happens? What is he saying? The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

The energy point within yourself has that connection to the individual individualization of God to the universe that the universe that the Kingdom of Heaven is within.


When you go within yourself and you realize that 95 percent of you is nonphysical, that what you see with your eyes and you say "Well, I have too many rolls on my stomach. Well, my hair is this, my teeth are kinda crooked. That's my problem. I'm too old. I'm too young. I didn't get enough good enough grades. I don't have the right resources. Look at my bank account."

All these things are just physical, but that's only five percent of who you are because 95 percent of an atom is empty space, and you're made up of a bunch of atoms. All you are is 95 percent empty space. 95 percent of who you are is nonphysical, meaning that you're not bound to the physical world.

Scientists tell us that energy is never created or destroyed, and all the energy, all the potential energy, that ever was and ever will be is 100 percent evenly present in all places at all time. It's an energy field right around us.

You're already tapped into it. Affirm right now, "God's energy flows through me." Affirm right now that "My energy is raising to all new levels." Affirm and comment right now: "The floodgates of universal intelligence are moving through me."

You can feel it when you get in tune, when you slow down enough. When you take a deep enough breath, when you remember that you're not just this little physical body that's only five percent of who you are, all of your chakras open instantly because you tap into a higher energy system.

Some people call that universal mind. Some people call it the universal subconscious. Some people call it God. Alan Watts says "You can't get wet by the word water", but the fact is that you tap into an energy field that is larger than this body, and then you start getting great new ideas.

You feel happier. You're smiling for no reason. All of your energy systems are aligned and you become basically a powerful energy transmitter to a point you never been at because you're aware of the other 95 percent of who you are.

What happens is, your energy field starts pulling into things that match that. You start pulling in higher, more prosperous business and career opportunities. You start pulling to yourself people that have a similar wavelength of consciousness, and then you start meeting more like minds.

You start attracting great dates, new relationships. It starts coming to you as an effect of that. 


Remember, you're not your body. That's only five percent of who you are. Guess what? There is 95 percent of you that you can't see, that's on your side at all times. You're so much bigger than you think. You're so much more powerful than you think. There is so much more energy available than you could possibly imagine.

Comment down below: "The miracle working presence of the universe flows through me in avalanches." You feel that. It's coming through you right now. It's opened up all of your chakras. It's given you a higher level of awareness.

You're thinking more clearly than ever. You're attracting more amazing things than ever because you're living from the spiritual planes. You're seeing reality for what it is. You know you're already one with the money you want. You know you're already one with the people you want.

You know you're already one with all the circumstances that you want. That time doesn't even exist anyways. Albert Einstein's even told us at that time is an illusion.


What you want already exists now, and as you're affirming it right now, it's coming to you quickly and fast because your energy is speeding up to a whole new level. It seems like time is slowing down because everything you want is just coming to you fluidly and easily.

That's what's in store for you today. That's what's in store for you over the next seven days - the speeding up process, where what you want is going to come to you quicker and faster.

Take a deep breath in and comment down below: "Thank you God. Thank you universe." Your energy has raised. You are a nonphysical being in a physical body.

Ninety five percent of you, you can't see, and it's pure divine intelligence. It's cosmic potential. It's right there for you to utilize, and now it's starting to flow through you.

Great things are coming to you. The doubt is falling away, the fear is falling away and it's replaced with love, excitement, happiness, a warm feeling of bliss and joy. It's right here within you.

Take a deep breath in. Take a deep breath out. Today is going to be fantastic. 


If you haven't yet, download my free success hypnosis. It's right there down below. 95 percent of you is nonphysical intelligence. It's pure potential, and if you program that correctly, then what you want will come to you very easily.

I created a success hypnosis designed to do that brain in mind, rewiring for you. It's Over a quarter million people from all over the world have used it., and you can use it to start raising your energy even higher so that success comes to you easily. It's free. Go ahead and download that right now. Comment down below that "God's abundance flows through me." If you don't like the word God, use the word universe - "The universe's abundance flows through me." Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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