How To Get Rich in 2020

When you have no money do this. That was the title of a video I made about four days ago. That almost has about a hundred thousand views. I wanted to talk about that title a bit more and a shocking truth that will allow money to flow to you faster! here is how to get rich in 2020 -

 If you want money to start to come faster, if you want to make more money now, not hopefully in 10 years, but you want to see the commas and zeros go in your bank account now this is for you.

When we're so used to not having money come, what happens is that our actual mind and emotions and energy gets stuck on needing money. And so we become super desperate in our own mind for it and we work ourselves up into all of this anxiety and fear. But everything is really two things.

how to get rich in 2020

Money included, it's money or the absence of it. You can work really, really, really hard. But if you're always focused on the fact that you don't have any money and that you wish money wasn't that important and you don't really think that you're a good person If you have a lot of it and you wish you just lived in a world where you didn't have to deal with it, you are blocking money from coming because your perception of money is that it's not that important.

Your reticular activating system, which is the part of your brain that focuses on what's most relevant to you, starts to focus your brain entirely on that thing. You start to see what you're thinking of everywhere. It's like when you want a blue honda, you feel like you randomly start seeing a blue Honda everywhere! It isn't that the cars weren't there before. It's just now, your brain is pointing it out to you. Your brain is so smart that it's zeroing out everything else to essentially produce a reality that it thinks that you want. But the problem is most people are telling themselves over and over that they are broke.

Use the Second Mind for FREE

The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

In the bible It says to those that have, more will be given. To those that do not have, even that which they have is going be taken away. What that means is when you have what you want in consciousness, you get it. To those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away. You have to start in your own mind already having and owning it. The trouble why people continue year after year to not have it is they've created a self image of themselves being broke. If your self image is someone who doesn't have money, your brain will continue to project that reality.

Consciousness is the only reality. You create your reality from your own consciousness. If your consciousness is, I don't have any money, then you continue to need it and want it and send off an emotional signal of lacking vibration. You're in need. You're in lack. You're in want. You're in an image of, I do not have.

But! When you change your self image and your self image becomes, "I am attracting fantastic wealth in my life. I am thankful that I have attracted fantastic wealth" and then your mind will go, "but you haven't". Your mind will fight back until it becomes like a pendulum conversation. Going back and forth, yes i am to no your not. It becomes more of a pattern to start focusing on your new self image of abundance over time. You hit the other side of the pendulum and all of a sudden it becomes easier to start to feel grateful for your financial goal coming.

how to get rich in 2020

Now, this translates into unconscious confidence in everything. It even translates into your job, your interviews, and even your personal relationships!

There's an intangible thing on a sales call, an interview, a promotion when someone's deciding whether to do business with you or not. Unconsciously you are transmitting this energy of having or not having and unconsciously, when you start transmitting the energy of having abundance and money, all of a sudden your brain starts to think you already have what you have. What you want is here, even though it's not.

You've conditioned your habits of thought. You already have it in your mind and then there's a timeLapse where then your outer world of your bank account and reality starts to shift to your desires. A lot of people say it's luck if someone is rich. "They're just lucky". No, they had the unconscious shift where they started to express the gratitude for the money in their life before it was there!

Use the Second Mind for FREE

The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

Can you start to be grateful for the things that you already have but can not yet see? I created a hypnosis that will help rewire your mind to start focusing on your new reality of bigger income and abundance. It's free to use! Check it out below 🙂

You will move to a place of being thankful that God's wealth flows to you in avalanches of abundance. You are thankful that you had the opportunity to sleep somewhere, that you have an internet connection right now and you have a bank account. Even if there's no money in it, you might have a bank account. What is something that you bought recently whether it was food or water or whether it was a new car or anything in between? Money bought that! How amazing is it that money exists for us to provide our basic necessities and beyond!? We are so lucky for money!

how to get rich in 2020

When your mind goes there, all of a sudden you move out of need and into being and having it in a state of pure abundance. Then your self image starts to change and you start to see yourself as someone who can accumulate money and you start to see yourself as a person worthy of prosperity and abundance and the things money can buy.

So if you dig this " how to get rich in 2020 " post, and want to start rewiring your mind, make sure to use my free demo of the 2nd Mind and program yourself for financial prosperity! Thanks so much for being here, friend. Have an amazing week and I will see you very soon.

Aloha and much abundance.


Miracles are . normal.


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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