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ATTRACT MONEY NOW ✅ What They DON’T Tell You About How To Manifest Money Fast (The Secret)

What They DON'T Tell You About How To Manifest Money Fast

Would you like to manifest money fast into your life using the law of attraction? This is  I will share with you a few techniques that business schools and schools in general don't teach us. This changed my life and I'm really excited to share it with you. 

#1 Thing They DON'T Tell You About How To Manifest Money Fast

Start carrying around a high dollar amount in your wallet with you wherever you're going. If you can get your hands on like a $100 bill, that'd be fantastic. This is something you're not going to be spending. Whenever we're spending money and we're wanting to create more, no matter how much money we have, we generally have the tendency to say to ourselves something that's negative like, "this cost too much." We don't want to part with the money.

Manifest Money Fast

We have our wallets with us, we're buying things. You're out doing your grocery shopping or getting a cup of tea and you have a hundred dollar bill in there all the time. What you're going to start doing is affirming that you have money every time you're spending. Now, this doesn't mean you go out and you spend more money than you have in your account. This is allowing you to have the subconscious impression of money. Generally, the only thing in our wallets is a bunch of receipts. You know, in today's world, we're generally using the plastic cards instead of paper, most of us. And so what you can start doing is literally reconditioning yourself and giving subconscious and subliminal impressions of money coming into your life.

You'll be amazed at what type of results you get. This is something that I heard Tony Robbins practiced when he was in his late twenties and starting his career. He learned it from Jim Rome. I thought it was so fascinating because if you really look at the science behind it, every time you are picking things up, subconsciously, what eventually happens when you see the same subconscious impressions over and over. Brain cells that fire together, wire together.

Your brain is starting to wire to something. It's habitual and you're becoming accustomed to seeing that way. You start training your brain for more abundance in your life on a subconscious level, and that opens up the doorways for new opportunities and to change your financial position in life.

#2 Thing They DON'T Tell You About How To Manifest Money Fast

Get a three by five card or an eight by 11 piece of paper and fold it up and write this phrase.

Large sums of money come to me quickly and easily.
Large sums of money come to me quickly and easily.

Comment that down below.  

It will change your life.

As you put that on a three by five card, you're starting to impress that upon your subconscious and your brain in a similar way that I mentioned about the other technique to do with the higher dollar bill. You have approximately 65,000 thoughts in a day, so their pattern into your brain as well as you have a three by five cards in your wallet.

You start to give your subconscious prompts to start to ingrain that phrase into your habitual mind. It will replace a previous thought pattern and perception about reality in respect to money. Many people have the opposite belief - the money is hard to come by. First of all, large sums of money don't come to me. Second of all, they don't come quickly and third of all, it's not easy. You don't understand, the rich people have all the money. I don't have the resources.

That's a very deep pattern that's offering resistance to that, and we can use the three by five card to infiltrate the subconscious mind with a new phrase to rewire the belief system.

Large sums of money come to me quickly and easily.

When I was trying to change my life, I took this phrase and a bunch of other phrases and I put them into a subconscious recording for hypnosis to rewire my subconscious mind and to change like my entire thought process and brainwash myself for success and abundance rather than the opposite. It's free and you can use it.

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

#3 Thing They DON'T Tell You About How To Manifest Money Fast

Write your financial goal five times a day on a piece of paper. If you don't have a goal, that'd be a good place to start. What's your financial goal for the next 12 months? What do you want to be making a month?

When you put a goal, it's this or something better, so you don't need to worry about limiting yourself, but you need a goal. Then once you have your goal, you're going to write that five times a day on a piece of paper, so it might be, I am so grateful now that I'm making $2,000 a month.

Manifest Money Fast

I'm so grateful now that I'm financially free and able to retire. I'm so grateful now that I paid for my dream house in full. Whatever the goal is, you're writing it down in the present tense five times a day. This is going to impact the subconscious and what will happen by the fifth day, by the sixth day is you may have originally set a goal that you don't really believe, like let's say that right now you're unemployed and you want to make $2,000 a month and so it seems like that's never gonna happen, but you want to start practicing in the same way that there's muscle memory.

You have the time to take a couple of deep breaths to do writing down your goals, doing these, these techniques, and taking a shower, eating a healthy breakfast. Just all in a quick period of time, but what's one thing, right? So in order for the universe to show up, we have to level up in our lives and one of the easiest ways to do that is to let go of things that might not be serving us. I'm inviting you to do an experiment and pick one thing for seven days that you're going to let go of and replace with a new habit.

#4 Thing They DON'T Tell You About How To Manifest Money Fast

Affirm I am worthy of financial abundance.

I'm worthy of financial abundance and continue to say that. Feel it and feel the truth of that. That's an absolute truth. You wouldn't be alive if you weren't worthy of experiencing creation. You wouldn't be awake, alive with a conscious mind here in creation, if you weren't worthy of experiencing creation. You're worthy of it, or you wouldn't be here. Therefore you are worthy and and have a right to partake in the abundance that this life has to offer. If you're here, you're worthy. Therefore you are also worthy to experience the abundance of it.

It all begins by reprogramming your subconscious, your belief systems, and beginning to have a creation consciousness where you feel abundant even though your mind wants to convince you of old patterns and limitations.

Comment down below.

I am worth of financial abundance.  I'm worthy of financial abundance.

Make sure you demo my free success hypnosis. It's the software that I created. I'm so passionate about it, given that your brain wires to a certain reality, most of our brains are wired to limitation and to scarcity and to a fear base reality, especially in respect to money and abundance.

​Free Success Hypnosis mp3

​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

I created a software that's designed to rewire the brain. You can rewire it towards what you consciously want. A more abundant life, so you can demo it for free.

Have a beautiful, beautiful day and I will talk to you soon.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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