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  • 7 Law Of Attraction Affirmations To Manifest What You Want

7 Law Of Attraction Affirmations To Manifest What You Want

In today's blog I'm going to talk about 7 law of attraction affirmations to manifest what you want! I'm so happy you're here. let's dive right in. 

Today is an absolutely fantastic day to be alive. In these seven affirmations that I'm about to share with you, you absolutely must use these things if you want to have unexpected miracles come into your life and if you want to attract what you want without working extremely hard because when you say these things, you start to activate the creative forces of the universe.

There is an intelligent force of the universe that is constantly expanding the cosmos. It created the solar systems and you can harness it using these seven affirmations so that what you want comes into your life so quickly and fast that you open your eyes and you say "Oh my God, I can't believe this is my life. This is so amazing."

7 Law Of Attraction Affirmations To Manifest What You Want

Number one, everything works out for me in my highest good today, absolutely perfectly. You got to wake up in the morning and affirm that. Right now while you're listening to this, don't just passively hear what I'm saying. Say this in your head. If you can say it out loud, say it out loud.

Comment down below: "Everything works out perfectly for me today."

Most people wake up and they say "Oh my God, why do I have to deal with this today?" They immediately make themselves a victim to the circumstances. As soon as you do that, you take the creative force of the universe and you set yourself up for misery. Why would you do that? Most people do that. Why? Because it's a habit in their brain at this point.

The way to change that is to say in your head "Everything works out for me in my highest good today, absolutely perfectly." I absolutely expect perfect things to happen today. I'm inviting you to have the same philosophy. Why would you have another philosophy?

You might say "Well Jake, don't you realize we got all these problems? I have this problem and I have that problem. These people have this problem.." It doesn't do any good. You don't help anyone else out by feeling bad. You help nobody by feeling bad.

You say "Well, there's people starving and there's people in poverty." You're going to help people by having enthusiasm for life and becoming rich. That's how you'll help people without money. You might say "Well, there's a lot of things to be sad about.."

7 Law Of Attraction Affirmations To Manifest What You Want

You're not going to help anyone by being sad. You're going to help people by affirming and directing the creative force of the universe for things to work out perfectly because you set up a powerful magnetic field and other people start picking that energy up.

If someone walks into a restaurant and if someone doesn't really smell bad, but their energy is so bad that you can feel it? It's like "Oh my God, stay away from me." You can feel their energy. It's like you do not want to be around that person.

The same thing happens in reverse. When your energy is so powerful and you have the loving, creative force of the universe circulating through your energy field, other people pick it up unconsciously and it helps make the world a better place. Comment down below "Everything works out perfectly for me today."

Today, affirm something fantastic will happen. Be realistic. Expect God's perfection, the universe's perfection, to show up in your life and you will start to see it in little ways and in big ways. Affirm "Everything works out perfectly for me and my highest good today."

Number two, you know why I'm happy? I'm a walking, talking miracle magnet. Hey, who are you? Well, technically my name is Jake Ducey, but what I really am is a walking, talking miracle magnet. That's what I am. I'm a walking, talking miracle magnet. That's what you are. That's the essence of what you are.


A lot of people say "Well, I'm not that. I have too many rolls on my stomach. My boobs aren't nice enough, my butt is too flat. I didn't go to the right school. I'm too old. I'm too young. My teeth are crooked. I'm ugly. I have this problem."

No! This is your garage, housing your soul. Your soul is divine perfection. Guess what? Your soul, your consciousness, your true self, is a walking, talking miracle magnet. Comment down below "I am a walking, talking miracle magnet."

If you have a problem with that, you got to reprogram your subconscious mind.

It's free. Over a quarter million people from all over the world have used it. Every single day, I get so many messages. I literally can't even read all of the messages of people saying that this has changed their life. "Oh my God, I didn't know where I attracted a thousand dollars. Oh my God. I know where I got a new job opportunity."

​If you haven't yet,

It's totally free. Start using that today and affirm "I am a walking, talking miracle magnet." Guess what? I expect today to be absolutely fantastic. I had a great day yesterday. I'm expecting today to be even better. Why?

Because my consciousness creates reality and I expect great things. Expect great things today. Guess what? The essence of who you are is pure, divine perfection. You're not your body. You're not your mistakes. You're not your failures. You're not your past. You're not what people say about you. You are a pure soul consciousness. You are the infinite potential of the universe. You are a divine being.

Therefore, you can get anything you want. You attract all the beautiful things in your life because you don't even get what you want. You get what you are. Who are you?

Comment down below "I am a divine being."

That's who you are. You're not what people say about you. You're not your past. You're not what the voices in your head say about you. That's called a subconscious programming that repeats certain thought patterns and beliefs in your head, but it's not who you are. Who you are is a divine being. You're a divine being. You're an infinite being.

Comment down below "I am a walking, talking miracle magnet."

You're a walking, talking, miracle magnet. A miracle is going to happen this week. Just like this, your financial life can change. Just like this, your soulmate can walk into your life, but you got to stop focusing on the fact that these things haven't happened yet.

Everything is two things; what you want, or the absence of it. Most people start the day immediately focusing on the absence of it. They want more money. They want love, they want health, they want happiness, they want a great opportunity. They want their dream house. They want their dream car. They want certain things out of life, but they focus on the fact that they haven't come yet. "See, this stuff doesn't work. I don't have any money. It's hard. I don't want to part with it."

No, no, no, no, no, no. I am a walking, talking miracle magnet. I'm a walking, talking miracle magnet. Therefore, great things unfold in my life. Therefore, the universe conspires for my highest and best good.

Comment down below "I'm a walking, talking miracle magnet."

​Be sure to

to train your subconscious mind to make your mind a magnet, so what you want comes to you easily.

Number three, unexpected success comes to me now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Not "I hope not." Not "I wish." Not "It'd be great if." Not "Once I get enough qualifications." Not "Once I get skinnier." Not "Once I get more muscles." Not "Once my teeth get fixed." Not "Once I'm a little bit younger." Not "Once I'm a little bit older." Not "Once I go to the right school, have the right resources, have the right friends and I love myself more." No, right now. Unexpected success comes to me now.

Why wouldn't it? If everything I want already exists - everything is energy, right?

Imagine you and I are just hanging out right now and I'm like "Yo, what's up man? Everything's energy." You're like "Yeah, you're right." Science tells us energy is never created or destroyed. What does that mean? You're not creating new energy. Energy is infinite and it just manifests itself in different forms.

Therefore, everything you want already exists because energy is never created or destroyed. It's just not in your experience right now, but it exists. Therefore, you can have unexpected success come to you today. Not tomorrow, not next week. Not "I hope." Not "I wish." Not "In 10 years." Today. Why?

Because it already exists, but your consciousness has to be present on the possibilities. That's what allows them to show up in your life.

Comment down below "Unexpected success comes to me now." 

Now, unexpected success is coming to me today. I can feel it in my core. I can feel new, great, prosperous opportunities come to me. I can feel it. I can feel new successful relationships, friendships, new business opportunities, new career opportunities, new successful plans to travel and experience life.

They're coming to you now. Now, now, now, now, now. Unexpected success comes to you now. Keep saying that to yourself. 'Unexpected success comes to me now."

Comment below "Unexpected success comes to me now."

Number four, "Everything I desire, I'm worthy of." I'm worthy of everything I desire. 

Comment down below "I'm worthy of everything that I desire."

You're worthy of everything you desire. It's not contingent on where you went to school. It's not contingent on how old you are. It's not contingent on your past. It's not contingent on what your mom or your dad did or did not say to you or what your fourth grade teacher said about you or what other people think about you.

You're not what other people think about you. You're worthy of everything you desire, or you wouldn't be here in the first place. You wouldn't have woke up this morning if you weren't worthy. Why? Because you wouldn't be a part of creation if you weren't worthy of experiencing it.

It's very irrational and it's very logical. You would not be alive. You would not be a part of creation if you weren't worthy of experiencing it. If you're a part of creation, therefore you must be worthy of experiencing it. You're worthy of the money you want.


You're worthy of the love you want. You're worthy of the relationship you want. You're worthy of the health you want. You're worthy of the life that you want. You're worthy of all of these things, or you wouldn't be alive to experience them. There's no other reason you're alive other than the fact that you are worthy of experiencing them.

When you start affirming that, things start showing up because the only thing that blocks them is our belief about ourselves. Our belief about ourselves as generally that we're worthy, contingent on other things. 'Once I have the right resources, once I get my yoga certification, once I go back to school, once I lose some more weight, once I can run a faster mile, once I start going to the gym regularly, once I get out of debt.."

We should improve ourselves. You should improve yourself. If you have the opportunity to go back to school and it feels right to you, do it. If you have the opportunity to get into the gym everyday, do it. Do these things. Improve yourself but remember, do them from a place of already being worthy because that's what's going to allow great things to come into your life.

Comment down below "I'm worthy of everything that I desire."

Number five, I am a happy, healthy millionaire. I'm a happy, healthy millionaire. You're a happy, healthy millionaire. Most people don't look at themselves like that. They look at themselves like an unhappy, sometimes healthy and I have these problems with money. No, no, no, no, no, no. I am a happy, healthy millionaire.

Guess what? In the Bible it says that "I am that I am." In psychology, it says "Your perception of creates your reality." It doesn't matter whether you go to religion or you go to psychology or you go to science. Science now tells us that your brain wires based off of your certain thought patterns and emotional responses to life.

It's called Hebb's Law, which says that brain cells that fire together wire together. Your brain synapses in your neural networks wire base off of the ways you habitually view yourself.

Ultimately, that creates your reality. Most people's brains are not wired to help them very much. They're wired for them to believe they're not good enough, smart enough to have constant emotional problems with finances and with love, etc. It goes on and on and on and on and on.

 Now, we delete that. Press the delete button just like you're on your computer and you're deleting software.

Press the delete button and start saying "I am a happy, healthy millionaire." That's why I created my software, The second mind.

Tap here to demo The Second Mind

I invented a software, to literally rewire the brain for you because that's why people can't attract what they want. Their brain is wired to their past, but until your brain is wired to the reality that you want, it won't come into your life.

If you haven't yet, be sure to

Tap here to demo The Second Mind

Guess what? You are a happy, healthy millionaire. You're a happy, healthy millionaire. Why not? Why not you? Why not now? Why next week? Why not you? Why them? You're worthy of everything that you desire. If you're worthy of everything you desire and you're a divine being, then start affirming "I am happy. I am healthy. I'm a millionaire."

Number six, the universe conspires to help me achieve everything I desire. That's how I look at reality. I look at reality like this entire universe is here for me to experience my best life and for me to practice creating the life that I desire.

Therefore, the universe conspires to help me. It conspires to help me achieve everything that I want. Financial, love, health, happiness, career, spirituality, family. It helps me with everything. That's how I look at reality

Most people look at the other way. They're like "Why does God hate me? God, I just don't understand why this keeps happening to me."

All they're doing is firing certain brain cells like that. They're wiring their neural networks like that and then they start to perceive themselves as a victim to their circumstances. As soon as you do that, you continue to do that because you get addicted to doing that because the way that we work is we're habitual beings.


According to psychologists, ninety five percent of your life is controlled by your subconscious mind, which is your habitual mind. As soon as you start doing something, it slowly starts to form into a habit.

The way to break that habit is to start affirming right this very moment right now - not tomorrow, not next week - that the universe conspires to help me achieve everything that I desire.

Start seeing yourself as this powerful being and things come to you. You have a powerful magnetic field, and things start pulling into your experience.

Whether people need to come from China or Canada or they need to come from Ireland, or they need to come from Iceland or San Diego or Portland, Oregon, or they need to come from Mexico City or Argentina or Brazil. It doesn't matter. They will come into your experience. You know it. You believe it from the depths of your soul.


Whether they need to come from Canada, whether they need to come from Africa, the perfect love, the perfect business opportunities, the perfect work opportunities, all the money you need, the love you want, the happiness you desire, the experiences you crave. They're on the way because the universe conspires to help you achieve everything you want.

The universe created infinite space. We're on a little rock in the middle of infinite space. You know that, right? "I never really thought about that." You're on a little rock in the infinite space. The universe created just the perfect ability for there to be oxygen in the middle of this rock and infinite space.

We're orbiting this giant fireball and we're just far enough where it's not too hot and its not too cold.

You don't think that the universe can help you attract more money? You don't think that the universe can conspire on your behalf to attract the perfect home, career, life that you want?

Anything else you want, you don't think the universe can conspire to help you achieve your goals? It created the universe. It created a little ball in the middle of space and we're flying through it. It'll be very easy for the universe to help you attract the money, love, happiness, career, success, opportunities, new adventures that you want. That's easy.

The only way it's going to happen is when you start affirming it because life is a result of consciousness. Your consciousness must be fixated on the fact that the universe conspires to help you achieve everything you desire.

Comment down below "The universe conspires to help me achieve everything I desire."

Today, the universe is going to conspire for you to help you achieve everything you desire.

Comment down below "The universe conspires to help me achieve everything I desire."

My brain is just wired that way now because I created a hypnosis to do that for me. Be sure to

It's free. Start using it to train your subconscious mind to attract what you want into your life.

Number seven "Today is fantastic. I am blessed with constant success." "How's today going?" "Oh, it's fantastic. We're blessed with constant success." "Somebody is a little positive today.." It's better than not being. Today's fantastic. I am blessed with constant success.

Comment below "Today is fantastic. I am blessed with constant success."

Try to use the word fantastic when people ask about today. "How's today?" "I'm fantastic." "How are you?"

"Could you be just be a little less happy today?" "No, I can't because guess what? I'm blessed with constant success." Great things are coming your way. I can feel it. Can you feel it? "I don't know. All I can really feel right now is the fact that I don't want to do what I'm about to do." Guess what? I think something good's about to happen to you.

"That'd be nice." "Oh, it is. It is. I know it." Start affirming that, right? Start having conversations with yourself like that. Start having conversations with your friends and loved ones like that. Start affirming.

Comment down below "Today is fantastic."

Today is fantastic. Get that drilled in your mind. "Today is fantastic. Today's fantastic. Today's fantastic. Today's fantastic. Today's fantastic. Today's fantastic."

Thank you for reading this blog. 

Comment down below "Today is fantastic."

If you have not yet, make sure that you tap here to use my software, The Second Mind to rewire your brain so everyday is fantastic and success comes to you quickly and easily.

It's free to demo. Tap here to demo The Second Mind.

Go ahead and demo that to wire your mind for success. 

Today is fantastic. There are great things in store for you. Why? Because you are a divine being worthy of everything you desire, and the universe created this little rock in the middle of space so it can certainly help you achieve everything that you want. I know it and you know it.

Have a beautiful day.


Miracles are normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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