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  • 3 Signs That You Will Manifest Money Fast Using The Law of Attraction

3 Signs That You Will Manifest Money Fast Using The Law of Attraction

These are three signs that you will make a lot of money using the law of attraction. You can manifest money fast using the law of attraction. These three signs will show you that you are ready to manifest money fast using the law of attraction.

#1 of 3 Signs That You Will Manifest Money Fast 

You realize that every single thing is energy.

When you realize that every single thing is energy, whether it's money, your body,  your desk that you're sitting on or the chair you're sitting on, when you realize that every single thing is energy and that the only reason that it appears solid is because it's vibrating at such a high frequency. 

When you realize that, you realize that the energy of money comes from there, just like the energy of love and the energy of happiness and the energy of plants.

Everything comes from there and when you realize that, then the question is just a simple question. How do I get on the frequency of that which I want? Which in this instance is money. When you realize that money is simply energy, the question to ask is just how do I get in harmony with that? Well, a few things.

Manifest Money Fast

You HAVE to be able to fill a need. You have to be able to provide a service. You've got to be able to make it difficult to replace you. You've got to operate on the frequency of wealth and abundance and service. The first step to manifesting money fast using the law of attraction is recognizing money is just energy.

It's a medium of exchange that we've used for eons. In fact, money used to be cattle, but it became very difficult to be able to take a bunch of cattle, like imagine if you're buying shoes and you went into payless shoe store and you try to give them seven cows for the shoes. First of all, where were they going to put those cows? So that became difficult. Then we shifted and we started using coins, right? We started using silver. We started using gold. But that's difficult. You could get robbed. You could actually have difficulty transporting it, right? It's hard to do that. So then we shifted to paper and from paper we moved to little plastic chips. Now it's just like you press a couple buttons and money ships all around the world.

Money isn't anything other than an idea. Who created that idea? You did. I did. Consciousness created that idea. Energy consciousness created that idea. People who create money using the law of attraction recognize and realize that money is energy. You are pure energy, you can get in harmony with the energy of wealth and you can provide a valuable service, something you love to the world, and by default you would make money at it.

#2 of 3 Signs That You Will Manifest Money Fast

You recognize you have a right to be rich.

You have a right to live a beautiful, blessed, awesome life and provide a lot of service along the way. You don't have a right to cheat people, steal from people, but you do have a right to be rich. You have a right to enjoy all the abundance of life. And really the desire for more money is really a desire to experience more life. Why? Because it's not money in and of itself. People don't want just bags of money sitting around. You want what money will do. You want the plane trip. You want to put your children through school. You want a car that's nice. You want a car that's fun. Maybe you want a nice house. Maybe you want a secure house. Maybe you want to help your mom or your daddy or your grandma or your grandpa. Maybe you want to help your friend with his business idea.

Manifest Money Fast

You want what money will do. Therefore, you have a right to be rich. Money is a medium.

You have a right to be rich and the more that you attract money in your life by providing valuable service to the world, the more you can do good with money for your friends, for your family, for strangers, for that kid in Africa to fill schools. To start this, you have a right to money.

#3 of 3 Signs That You Will Manifest Money Fast

You're actually reprogramming your subconscious relationship with money. You're looking at your relationship to money. Because you can't have more of something if you have a bad relationship with it because your subconscious mind takes everything as literal. 

If you have any type of negative beliefs around money, your subconscious mind will block money from you. Why? Because your subconscious wants to protect you. It's primal, so if it thinks money is bad, it will block money from coming into your life. The people that manifest more wealth and abundance and success for themselves, for their clients, for their employers, for their friends, for their family, for strangers, for charities are the people that have positive belief systems around money, and that's why I talk about my success hypnosis.

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​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

I've told my story of how my life changed. I wanted to do this on a huge scale and influence positively tens of thousands of people, but I didn't believe I was good enough. I didn't believe I was smart enough. I didn't believe it was possible and I recorded a success hypnosis and I started listening to that. It started t0o change my relationship with money.  

Look at your relationship around money. Ask Yourself, what do you think about money? What do you believe about money? What good could you do with money? When you start to reframe those things, you create space within yourself for abundance to flow. Think about all the good things you could do for yourself or your loved ones and for the world.

These are 3 signs that you will manifest money fast. You can manifest money fast using the Law of Attraction, and these 3 signs will show you that you are ready to manifest money fast.

Go out there and make the world a bigger, brighter, and beautiful place.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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