How to attract money instantly can be thoroughly researched to determine its effectiveness. When you have no money, say this. Here are 10 money affirmations to attract large sums of money into your life, quick and easy. Let's dive right into these money affirmations for you to say when you have no money or you just want to attract more of it. Number one: money comes to me easily and gracefully. I always used to say things like "Money doesn't come to me, does money not like me?" Money's hard, but you know, we have a conscious mind and we have the ability to put any affirmations or thought patterns we want into our mind. Read my other blog How To Attract Wealth And Prosperity so you can learn more.
So I invite you to repeat this one: money comes to me with ease and grace. Money comes to me with ease and grace. Number two: I give my talents with love. I am wonderfully blessed financially. That's one of my favorite affirmations ever, and I started saying that because I used to be afraid to give my talents, my passions, my dreams and whether they were I was afraid that if I put a lot of energy into something, maybe it wouldn't work out.
Everything I Do Succeeds And Prospers
So I was almost like living with a locked heart or a locked mind, but you've got to refrain from that and start saying this: I give my talents with love and I'm wonderfully blessed financially. I give my talents with love, and I'm wonderfully blessed financially. Number three, everything I do succeeds and prospers. Everything I do succeeds and prospers. I always like to say that, with an emphasis on this, if not this, then something better. You can do a complete analysis of how to attract money instantly to determine its efficacy.
So you may not get that person, that job, that specific thing, but it's always this or something better, because everything works out for your highest and best good. Number four: I am realistic. I expect miracles. This one's a Wayne Dyer quote. I'm realistic. I expect miracles. Learn how to attract money instantly whenever you need it. Normally, we think we can't change our financial life because it's realistic and we look at it with our physical senses.
How To Attract Money Instantly - I Am Realistic, I Expect Miracles
We look out at the future based on the past, and we think the future will be like the past. What happens is we develop what we think is a realistic idea of what we're capable of. That's why most people make the same amount of money year after year because it's realistic. But think about this-I am realistic, I expect miracles. Why is that not realistic? Everything in this universe is a miracle.
The fact that you don't have to check in on your heart just works out on its own. Most of nature, most of the universe, is a miracle and is perfection. It's just that our mind gets in the way of it and our old conditioned belief systems about ourselves, about money, and about what we're capable of. So repeat this statement: I am realistic. I expect miracles. When you need cash, learn how to attract money instantly. Why can't I have a miracle? Why can't I have a viral YouTube video? Why can't my house sell? Why can't my income double? Why can't I be blessed with some great ideas? I am realistic. I expect miracles.
How To Attract Money Instantly - My Life Overflows With Great Financial Abundance
Number five: My life overflows with great financial abundance. How about you? This one's important, especially when you're buying stuff, because a lot of times when people are buying stuff, that's when the old patterns come in. They're starting to change your financial life. Maybe you're starting to do positive affirmations. You started to get really clear about your goals, but then every time you go buy something at the grocery store, you're going to notice things are more expensive than you think.
There's a tendency sometimes to go, "Maybe I should put that back." What are you doing at that moment? You're creating a negative association with the things that you want or need. You're creating a negative association with buying things, which programs your subconscious for more trauma, more fear, and more scarcity. So repeat this mantra asap: my life overflows with great financial abundance. Repeat it, feel it, breathe it in. My life overflows with great financial abundance. When you need cash, learn how to attract money instantly.
My Sales And Income Grow And Grow
Sixth, my sales and income grow and grow. I used to say things like, "My sales can't grow. My income can't grow. That's what most people do; they think that they're stuck the way that they are. So they go into meetings, they go into sales calls, they go into their work with an energy of "this isn't going to change," but all of that energy is transmitted subconsciously. So repeat this statement: My sales and income grow and grow. My sales and income grow and grow.
Number seven: Every day I attract the perfect people and circumstances to improve my financial life. I used to put this one on my mirror and my wife and I would repeat it every morning. I'd wake up in the morning. I brushed my teeth, I ran over to the refrigerator, and I would repeat over and over how the perfect people in the perfect circumstances always came into my life, that I was in tune with the infinite source of wealth and the perfect people always flowed into my experience. I could improve the lives of others and myself. So repeat this: every day I attract the perfect people in the perfect circumstances to improve my financial life.
How To Attract Money Instantly - Money Comes To Me In Increasing Quantities
Number eight is one of Bob Proctor’s: Money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis." I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. When you need to fix your financial status, learn how to attract money instantly. That one is literally drilled into the cells in my brain because I would repeat it in the voice of Bob Proctor over and over all day long because I noticed I had so many crappy belief systems about money.
I understood that affirmations through repetition can rewrite the actual subconscious script. The operating system that controls your financial life. So repeat this one: I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis. Number nine: large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. I wanted a quick and simple one, so this was one that I would write on my index card every day. I write on an index card and I write my financial goals or whatever I want to manifest in the present tense.
How To Attract Money Instantly - I Am Worthy Of Financial Prosperity
I wanted a simple and rhythmic money affirmation. So I would repeat: large sums of money come to me quickly and easily. After saying that a hundred times a day, day after day, money started coming to me quickly and easily. A lot of the time, it was through sources that already existed. Learn to attract money instantly. Number ten: I am worthy of financial prosperity. What do you feel when you repeat that? I want you to repeat that one in your head right now. I am worthy of financial prosperity. What comes up for a lot of people there is that there's an association between old trauma and old childhood experiences. Maybe your parents got divorced over money; maybe your dad went bankrupt and got depressed; maybe you grew up during a bad economic time; maybe you're listening to someone that's telling you a lot of bad news, so you're unsure that there's any opportunity left for you.
The way our world has been set up, whether it's religions, whether it's society, it convinces us that somehow, either money's bad or we just can't get it because we're not part of the lucky breed of individuals. Therefore, we have to be content with the little allotment that we have in life. I personally believe that we are all divine beings. I personally believe that it is my right to be rich, and it is your right to be rich, and guess what else? My being rich doesn't take away from your being rich. It's actually the opposite, because money enables the good.
God Wants Us To Experience The Fullness Of Life
You can do far beyond your own physical presence when you keep it circulating. You're actually moving in harmony with the universe. I believe all the great things in life are created by God and come through other people. God wants us to experience all these great things, whether it's your dream house, whether it's your dream car, taking your kids on a great vacation, putting your kids in high school. Whatever it is, I believe God wants us to experience the fullness of life.
Our desires for things are really our desires to experience more life or more of God's creation. So repeat this mantra: I am worthy of financial prosperity. I am worthy of financial prosperity. I am worthy of financial prosperity. When you need cash, learn how to attract money instantly. So those were 10 money affirmations to attract financial success into your life, and if you enjoyed this, I highly recommend that you repeat these affirmations on a daily basis, write down the affirmations, and allow them to go into your subconscious.
You Are Worthy Of What You Want
There are so many studies from Stanford, Harvard, and all these major universities that have shown that the things that you write down are what you retain. There are a lot of things in the YouTube world; tons of videos, but what happens is we watch so many of them that get "educational," which is a combination of entertainment and education. What happens is that we hear something novel, something new, something that might be of value to us, but we listen to a lot of it.
We get the dopamine and serotonin hits, but we don't apply them to our lives. I encourage you to write down the big ideas that speak to you the most, maybe even put them on an index card, and definitely download my free financial success hypnosis. Remember, you are worthy of what you want. You are good enough for what you want, and primarily, the only thing stopping you is old subconscious belief systems about yourself, about money, and about what you're capable of that you might not know are there.