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How To Attract All The Money You Need

How To Attract All The Money You Need: If you want 100 percent proof that you will receive the exact amount of money that you desire, you're in for a big surprise because I have the proof. When you do this simple process, you will attract the money you expect, and here's 100 percent proof. Now for the proof, I don't have any. No, I'm just joking. Here's the proof. It's on the screen right now. This is a screenshot. I blocked her name out for privacy, but she was able to attract twenty-five hundred dollars in a matter of days using this very simple technique. The first step is to run a virus scan on your mental money operating system. Sounds interesting? Find out more here - How To Attract Wealth And Prosperity.

Neuroscientist Tells Us That Human Brain Is Not Fully Developed

Neuroscientists tell us that the human brain isn't fully developed until about 18 years old, and studies show that up until the time you're about six years old, you're pretty much in a constant state of hypnosis. Now, essentially, your brain waves are moving so slowly that your mind is like a sponge that's absorbing and accepting whatever's impressed upon it, and this is very dangerous for your financial life. The reason it is dangerous is because, when you're a kid, your mind is kind of like this empty cup right here. You can put anything that you want into this cup. You could put in some good water. You could put in some gasoline. You could spit into this cup. You can give yourself powerful life force energy with very high-quality water. You can put anything you want inside this cup. Dirty water. A bunch of fluoride. Put it in the water. Windex. You can put something totally toxic and destructive in it.

Just a public disclaimer I do not advise you to fill your cup with Windex or fluoride and drink it, and we have to make that statement for YouTube, but in all seriousness and in like manner, your young mind is just like this cup; it's filled with all sorts of negative and terribly destructive beliefs and habits about money and financial success. In your formative years, your mind accepted whatever beliefs were poured into it by your parents, by the news, by churches, and by the entire world around you. But let's think about what that actually means, because it's not good. 75 percent of people are living paycheck to paycheck, which means they filled your cup with their ideas, which means there's a 75 percent chance that the money beliefs and financial habits that were poured into your mind by others have been training you to tread water financially. 

The Richest Country In The World

In the richest country in the world, they say they're losing sleep over finances. This means that two-thirds of the people who pour their energy into your subconscious are habitually worried about money, and it's destroying their lives. The average American said that they cannot come up with $500 for an emergency within 24 hours. The data is very bleak and it's very sad, but it's just the reality, and the point is that the average financial influence that you and I got from the world around us has programmed you to be broke and struggle financially. Sounds interesting? Find out more here - Easily Attract Money Using The Law Of Attraction.

Now, enough with that sad story because it's making me feel negative, dude, and here's where the good part comes: you can run a virus scan for the financial viruses that have been installed into the mental operating system, i.e., your subconscious mind. If you ask yourself, "Where did this belief come from? Is it really true? Do these habits help me, or does this habit hurt me financially?" and this is what leads us into big idea number two.

Brainwash Yourself For Wealth

Brainwash Yourself For Wealth

Brainwash yourself for wealth before the world brainwashes you to stay broke, and they are brainwashing you to stay broke. Instead of just talking in theory, why don't I tell you a story about how I was able to build a million-dollar business and retire my wife in our 20s? So I was 21 years old, and I realized I had all these very crappy negative mental viruses and negative belief systems about money and success that I'd inherited from the world. I knew what my dreams were, and you might know what your goals are. I wanted to be this big, publishing books, making millions of dollars, and inspiring millions of people.

Maybe you're like me. You're excited about that big goal, but then there's this little sinister voice in your head that tells you all this garbage about how it's not possible. You might not be good enough, you might not be smart enough, you might not be capable enough, and your teeth are crooked. Well, I decided I was just going to delete those mental viruses from my mind entirely.  

Brainwash Yourself To Become Rich And Successful

So I decided I was just going to brainwash myself to become rich and really successful. Why not? Why not? By the time I was 27 years old, I had made my first few million dollars, published three books with Penguin Random House, the number one English publishing company in the world, had books translated into other languages, done all kinds of amazing things that I never would have thought were possible, and nobody told me they were possible, and all I did was brainwash myself for wealth before the world brainwashed me to stay broke. If you're familiar with the channel, one thing that I did was create a success hypnosis for myself, and then Bob Proctor, my mentor, told me I needed to start creating sleep audio programs for myself, so I built subliminal sleep audio programs to program myself for wealth. 

The Story Behind Why Sleep Is Powerful

The Story Behind Why Sleep Is Powerful

Now there's a big, long story behind why sleep is so powerful, but essentially all you need to know is your brainwave state slow down, you move into a state similar to hypnosis, and when that happens, you have direct access to erase the mental viruses for money, and yours might be that money's evil, you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're not good at numbers, whatever the other crap is before sleep, you can delete those, and I created a sleep system for myself that I used for years, and then everyone started asking if I could put it out, and I actually now turned it into a subliminal audio wealth program that you can use to sleep better and program your mind; it's called sleep and get rich. Sounds interesting? Find out more here - Learn This Meditation To Attract Money.

Sleep and get rich, because why not? If you want, you could check out the audio subliminal sleep program right there down below. It's pinned to the comments, and in the description, it's jakeducey.com sleep. You can check out Sleep and Get Rich, the audio program I use to start brainwashing myself for money before going to sleep. Now that you have started to pour out all the crap in your cup and actually rebuild your mind, this leads us into big idea number three.

Michelangelo Said, “Setting Our Aim Too Low And Achieving Our Mark”

The famous Michelangelo said that the greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. Now, I invite you to imagine that the financial and money beliefs that you inherited from the world around you are kind of like an invisible financial prison. Inside this invisible financial prison is how much money you believe that you can ever make year after year. You stay stuck within those limitations, never realizing that you can escape because it's just an invisible prison, and it reminds me of when I was a kid and my neighbor had an invisible electric fence for their Black Labrador retriever. The fence was invisible, but the collar on the dog would shock it if it tried to escape. 

One day, I remember feeling really bad for the dog, and I actually took the electrical fence posts out of the ground and moved them so the dog could step outside of the invisible prison. Give me a donkey; come here. I removed the electrical fence. The dog had been programmed not to go any further because it got used to those invisible walls and believed that they were real. And similarly, you and I have been programmed by invisible walls that have led you to believe you can only earn so much money, so your habits, your beliefs, your actions, and your ideas have all been designed to keep you inside the invisible financial prison of your own making. This is why Michelangelo said that the greatest tragedy in life is not that you aim too high and then you miss it; it's that you aim too low and you reach it. 

Practice Mentally Rehearsing What Exactly You Want

Here's the million-dollar question: what do you really want, not what do you think you can get based on your past experiences? What do you really want? How much money do you actually want to earn? What kind of lifestyle do you really want to live? Not how much money you think you can earn based on what's happened in the last five years, what you were told, or what you think, but what do you really want? Do you want to earn an extra thousand dollars a month? Do you want to have a beautiful home in the mountains? Do you want to be the top salesperson at your company? Do you want to be a successful YouTuber or a social media influencer? Do you want to be a successful online tutor, an entrepreneur, a photographer, or whatever it is that you truly desire financially? 

What I invite you to do is practice mentally rehearsing it every night before you go to sleep while your mind is shutting down while you're lying there in bed falling to sleep, mentally rehearsing exactly what it is that you want, feeling the prosperous life that you want, turning on my subliminal audio sleep system, sleeping and getting rich, and allowing your mind to be reprogrammed for the life that you actually want to live.

Americans Are Losing Sleep Over Money

Here's what's crazy: They said that two-thirds of Americans are losing sleep over money. This is what's crazy about it: when your conscious mind shuts off, that's the time to reprogram your subconscious, but if you're worrying about money before bed, you are mentally rehearsing more financial limitations and further building more invisible bricks in your own financial prison. This is why I created "Sleep and Get Rich," so you can check that out at jakeducey.com. Sleep is pinned to the comments and in the description right there down below. 

Here's what I want you to do: Stick your index finger right into your left nostril. I'm just joking. What I want you to do is challenge yourself and ask yourself, "Are these ideas real?" "Can I actually only make $15 an hour, forty thousand dollars a year, and seventy-five thousand?" "Can I actually only do that?" And what you'll find is that it's just an invisible prison. I want you to share your success story, and I would love to feature it like the woman at the start of this video, who attracted an extra $2500. Be sure to check out Sleep and Get Rich, my subliminal audio sleep system to reprogram your mind for wealth. It's pinned to the comments and in the description right there. Down below, have a beautiful day, and thank you for watching.


how to attract all the money you need, how to attract wealth and prosperity, Law Of Attraction, meditation to attract money

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