EFT tapping affirmations can help you clear financial money blocks. I have this $20 bill, and it looks like a solid object, but it's just energy. It's literally just energy. That's all there is in the physical universe: just energy. Money and success are just vibrational frequencies. So if money is just energy, the way that you attract more of it into your life is to clear the financial money blocks that you have in your electromagnetic field and in your subconscious mind. When you clear those financial energy blocks, you create a higher vibratory rate for big money. I'm going to give you a quick and powerful technique to do exactly that.
I just want to do a quick breakdown of our understanding of vibration. This includes your physical body, plants, rocks, dollar bills, cars, animals, and your thoughts and emotions. Check out this blog to discuss more about Powerful Affirmations to Manifest Anything You Want. So even if you don't see anything other than physical matter, there's a sea of infinite invisible frequencies that are carrying encoded information all around us and inside of us at all times. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening. Radio waves vibrate at a frequency that is beyond the spectrum of light that your eyes can see; that's the exact same thing happening with all of the energy in the universe.
Your Body Is Made Up Of Light And Information

Dr. Joe Dispenza states in his well-known book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, that your body is made up of light and information from energy and consciousness. He also means that you, as a conscious being with a body, are made of gravitationally organized light full of information that is constantly sending and receiving different frequencies, all carrying different signals, like a radio or a cell phone. EFT tapping affirmations can help you clear financial money blocks.
So imagine it just like this: your bank account is just like a cell phone. If you had my number and you called and I answered, you wouldn't be surprised because you had the phone number. In other words, you had the specific vibration or signal, and your bank account works the same way with the cell phone. The number is a specific rate of vibration that produces the desired result, just like how you dial certain frequencies or phone numbers that are actually your financial numbers that control your bank account both consciously and subconsciously.
That's You Beginning To Dial A New Signal
Your bank account is a vibrational signal that shows how your consciousness is operating. So if you're wondering what type of channel you're calling financially with your mind, just look at your bank account, but don't worry because you can actually change the vibratory signal of your consciousness and thus change the financial bank account numbers that you're dialing. I'm going to give you this technique in a minute, but keep repeating this: "I am prosperity; I feel prosperity; I am prosperity." Start to notice that each time you feel the energy of that mantra, it lifts your energy. That's you beginning to dial a new signal.
But how do we take this energy and start to change reality? Well, there was an article published in neuroscience news that said, "Imagination is a neurological reality that can impact our brains and bodies in ways that matter for our well being." In other words, they're saying our imagination alters our physical reality. Your imagination is the actual dialing frequency that allows you to change the vibrational signal that you're sending financially or in other areas of your life based on what is real or not real. You build electromagnetic waves in your brain due to the dominant pictures and ideas that you hold. EFT tapping affirmations can help you clear financial money blocks.
EFT Tapping - The Brain Had To Unlearn

There was a new study published in Neuron magazine, and they took 68 healthy participants and trained them to associate a sound with an uncomfortable but not painful electric shock, then divided them into three groups. They were either exposed to that same threatening sound and asked to play it over and over in their heads, or they were asked to imagine a pleasant bird or the sound of rain, all without experiencing any further shocks. The researchers measured the brain activity of the 68 participants using FMRI machines, and they were able to look at the electromagnetic waves of the brain.
They also had sensors on people's skin so they could pick up the electrical frequencies of the cells in their bodies using the same method. In the groups that imagined and heard that threatening sound, brain activity was way higher after repeated exposure without hearing the sound. They were still receiving electromagnetic shocks as if they were real, as if the threat were real. Crazy stuff. EFT tapping affirmations can help you clear financial money blocks. Essentially, the brain had to unlearn that fear, even though they were just imagining it.
EFT Tapping - Emotions Are Energy In Motion
So if you have the power to unlearn to be afraid or learn to be afraid, then you also have the power to unlearn self-limiting money views and money consciousness that are controlling your financial destiny. Sometimes those limiting beliefs, those limiting emotions, or trauma when you're younger or when you grew up during a bad economic period create unconscious emotions. Emotions are energy in motion, so that energy gets trapped in your electromagnetic field, which ultimately controls your financial outcomes, but you can change it.
So I'm going to be guiding you through an EFT tapping exercise for money. I want you to really imagine and feel the energy behind these words. Feel as if you are already living an abundant life. Imagine you're already in the house while you're doing this technique. You already have the money in the bank. You're already on your dream vacation with your soul mate, living in your dream home, and driving your dream car, and we'll be EFT tapping on you as you tap into this energy and hit the various energy points.
Why Not Just Do It Positively?
Remember that your body cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined; it can only be proven scientifically. If you could do that negatively, why not just do it positively? So when you tap into the frequency of abundance, you're going to start to have your brain relearn and re-memorize a new vibration about money. So we're going to start at our third eye point, and while we do this, imagine seeing yourself in your dream car or your dream house. You close your eyes and tap.
Try EFT tapping affirmations to help you clear financial money blocks. I attract money with ease and grace. I am completely worthy of abundance. I attract avalanches of abundance on a continuous basis through multiple sources. I am letting myself know that it is okay for more and more money to show up in my life. I welcome money with open arms. I choose to increase my financial prosperity. I'm a magnet to money. I'm letting go of all beliefs that prevent me from attracting money. I feel so happy that I can use money to serve myself and my family. I allow my subconscious money blocks to clear, and I am ready to receive prosperity.
EFT Tapping - I Am Ready To Receive Prosperity
Thank you. I attract money with ease and grace. I am completely worthy of abundance. I attract avalanches of abundance on a continuous basis through multiple sources. I am letting myself know that it is okay for more and more money to show up in my life. I welcome money with open arms. I'm opening and seeing thousands of new dollars in my bank account. I'm letting go of all beliefs that prevent me from attracting money. I feel so happy that I can use money to serve myself and my family. I am ready to receive prosperity. Try EFT tapping affirmations to help you clear financial money blocks. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Now we'll move to the point by the temples. You can do it with two hands or with one hand. You can tap, you can press lightly, and we'll begin. I attract money with ease and grace. I'm completely worthy of abundance. I attract avalanches of money on a continuous basis through multiple sources. Maybe it makes you smile. I'm letting myself know that it is okay for more money to come into my life. I choose to welcome money with open arms. I choose to uplevel my financial prosperity. I'm a magnet for money.
EFT Tapping - I Am Completely Worthy Of Abundance
Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, while smiling to yourself. I attract money with ease and grace. I'm completely worthy of abundance. I attract avalanches of money on a continuous basis through multiple sources. I'm letting myself know that it is okay for more and more money to show up in my life. I choose to welcome money with open arms. I choose to up level my financial prosperity.
I am attracted to money. I am open to seeing thousands of new dollars in my bank account every day. I clear all money blocks that prevent me from flowing into prosperity. I am so happy and grateful that money flows to me effortlessly. I am so happy and grateful that I use money to uplift others. I allow myself to make larger and larger sums of money. It feels good to be rich. It feels good to be happy. It feels good to be successful. Try EFT tapping affirmations to help you clear financial money blocks. It feels good to be financially free. I allow my subconscious mind to release all money blocks. It feels amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You Are Changing The Knob Of The Vibration

Now, I invite you to take a deep breath and then another one where you feel your body relax with a deep exhale. When you get to the bottom of that deep exhale, just know that what's so powerful about this exercise is that you're clearing blocks in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. You're changing the knob of the vibration in the same way that you would tune into a new radio station. You can just bask in that energy. It feels good, right? So I recommend doing this exercise every day for the next 30 days.
You can do this in bed; just listen to it and do this over and over again. I strongly recommend that you download my free success hypnosis. It's jakeshypnosis.com. It's my free “success hypnosis” to reprogram your subconscious mind. You should listen to it silently while you do this exercise so that you can tap into the subconscious and shift the vibration quicker and easier. Try EFT tapping affirmations to help you clear financial money blocks. We only did three tapping points in this one; if you want to see more of these, tune in for more.